Point de Suture

Point de Suture

Infobox Album | Name = Point de Suture
Type = Album
Artist = Mylène Farmer

Released = August 25, 2008
Recorded = Brussels, Belgium
Paris, France
Genre = Electronica, Electronic rock, Pop, Pop-rock
Length = 53:00
Label =
Producer = Laurent Boutonnat
Reviews = * "Le Metro" rating|4|5 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/08/26-08-2008-metro.fr1.jpglink]
* "Télé Star" rating|2|3 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/09/01-09-2008-telestar.jpglink]
* "Ciné Télé Revue" rating|2|3 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/09/04-09-2008-cinetelerevue.jpglink]
* "Voici" rating|3|4 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/voici_08092008_01.jpglink]
* "Le Télégramme" rating|2|3 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/09/11-09-2008-letelegramme.jpglink]
* "Métro Canada" rating|2|4 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/metrocanada_19092008_01.jpglink]
* "Star Système" rating|7.5|10 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/starsystemequebec_26092008_01.jpglink]
* "Le Soleil" rating|3|5 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/lesoleil_27092008.jpglink]
* "Airports of South" rating|3|5 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/airportsofsouth_02.jpglink]
Last album = "Avant que l'ombre... à Bercy"
This album = "Point de Suture"
Next album = Extra album cover 2
Upper caption = Alternate cover
Type = Studio album

Lower caption = Collector edition
Name = Point de Suture
Type = Studio album
single 1 = Dégénération
single 1 date = June 19 & August 18, 2008
single 2 = Appelle mon numéro
single 2 date = 2008

"Point de Suture" is the seventh studio album by French singer-songwriter Mylène Farmer, and her 14th album overall. Precedeed by the lead single "Dégénération", it was released digitally on August 20, 2008, then on CD five days later. This album, which contains especially songs with electro sonorities, marked an important musical change in the singer's career. Variously received in the media which, mainly, criticized it for a lack of innovation, the album had however success on the French, Swiss, Belgian and Russian charts.


Pascal Nègre, Universal Music's president, officially announced on January 28, 2008, in the French newspaper "Le Figaro" that Farmer will release a new album in 2008. ["Regards croisés de deux frères ennemis de l'industrie musicale", "Le Figaro", January 28, 2008 [http://mylene.net/img_data/lefigaro28012008%2802%29.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Un nouvel opus pour Mylène Farmer", "Midi Libre", February 4, 2008 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/04-02-2008-midilibre.jpgDevant-soi.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] The following days, this information was covered by many media that also said that it would have been entitled "Onirisme". ["Mylène Farmer - Bientôt un nouvel album ? Onirique ?", January 29, 2008 [http://www.cinestarsnews.com/article-16121202.html Cinestarnews.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Mylène Farmer sortira un nouvel album pour 2008", January 30, 2008 [http://www.parisianboys.com/article-16136801.html Parisianboys.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Mylène Farmer... Retour en douce", January 30, 2008 [http://www.mosaiquefm.net/index/a/ActuDetail/Element/3646-Myl%C3%A8ne-Farmer-Retour-en-douce.html Mosaiquefm.net] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Mylène Farmer, dans les bacs cette année", Ludmilla Intravaia, January 29, 2008 [http://tf1.lci.fr/infos/people/0,,3697389,00-mylene-farmer-dans-bacs-cette-annee-.html TF1.LCI.fr] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Une Mylène Farmer "onirique" cet automne", [http://www.musicactu.com/actualite-musique/85015/une-mylene-farmer-onirique-cet-automne/ Musicactu.com] , [http://www.mcm.net/musique/filinfo/11444/ MCM.net] , [http://www.virgin17.fr/Musique/News/Une-Mylene-Farmer-onirique-cet-automne Virgin17.fr] , [http://www.lemaroc.org/musique/article_9820.html Lemaroc.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] At the time, it was announced that it would be composed of 11 tracks, ["Mylène Farmer continue à rêver", January 30, 2008 [http://www.nrj.fr/music/news/0/mylene-farmer-continue-rever-57187.html Nrj.fr] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] and it would be released for the last quarter of 2008. ["Le retour de Mylène Farmer", January 30, 2008 [http://www.actualite-de-stars.com/people/01305006-le-retour-de-mylene-farmer.html Actualité-de-star.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] Several song titles were relayed in the media, such as "Onirisme", "Faire... et défaire", "Dans ton antre", "Ma nature est...", "Excaliburia", "Who's Mylène ?", "Aux points cardinaux", "Je m'expose et m'impose", "Poésie visuelle", "The Witch of Dreams", "Voyage au bout de tes sens ", and it would also contain an acoustic version of Farmer's 1996 hit, "Rêver". ["Mylène Farmer sort de lombre : bientôt lalbum", January 30, 2008 [http://www.news-de-stars.com/actualite/mylene-farmer-sort-de-l-ombre-bientot-l-album_art1489.html News-de-stars.com] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Mylène Farmer est de retour", January 30, 2008 [http://www.lessentiel.lu/rechercher/story/13310873 Lessentiel.lu] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Un disque, une tournée : les fans peuvent se réjouir!", January 30, 2008 [http://www.gala.fr/l_actu/c_est_officiel/mylene_farmer_prepare_un_album_pour_cette_annee_100833 Gala.fr] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] A rumor went around on the Internet that the first single would be "À propos de nous". But finally, Thierry Suc, one of Farmer's producers, announced on May 21 that it would be "Dégénération". It was scheduled to be released on radio on June 19. At the time, he also said that the album is not yet finished. ["Mylène Farmer revient le 19 juin avec "Dégénération"", "Ouest France", May 21, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/modules/index.php?r=4#1282 Mylene.net] (Retrieved May 21, 2008)]

On June 19, French radio RTL stated that the album would be released on August 25. Finally, on June 30, French internet store "Virginmega" revealed the name of the album, "Point de suture", its cover and the track listing, and announced its release for August 20. ["Point de suture", album en précommande, "Virginmega.fr", June 30, 2008 [http://www.virginmega.fr/musique/album/mylene-farmer-point-de-suture-album-en-precommande-livret-digital-interactif-inclus-3-photos-exclusives-dispo-le-20-aout-104027255,page1.htm?zanpid=1124625587919391744#0 Virginmega.fr] (Retrieved June 30, 2008)] On July 31, the newspaper "Le Parisien" stated that the album would be released in two formats : digitally and as a mobil phone in a limited edition. According to its edition of August 30, 2008, a duet with David Bowie was originally scheduled for this album, but was eventually cancelled because of health problems of the English singer. ["Mylène Farmer a raté Bowie", "Le Parisien", August 30, 2008]

Title and cover art

For the name of this album, Farmer drew her inspiration from Al Pacino's sentence in the 1993 film ")]

The photos illustrating this album were made by a Japanese photographer. The cover as well as the booklet show a doll covered with scars, with surgical instruments in the foreground. Inside, there is only a sole photo of Farmer, turn back.

Music and lyrics

This album was announced as being very different from the previous ones in musical and promotional terms. ["Mylène Farmer doit sortir un nouvel album en 2008", January 28, 2008 [http://www.ladepeche.fr/article/2008/01/28/429792-Mylene-Farmer-doit-sortir-un-nouvel-album-en-2008.html Ladepeche.fr] (Retrieved May 12, 2008)] ["Un nouvel album en 2008 pour Mylène Farmer", Samuel Golaz, January 25, 2008 [http://www.chartsinfrance.net/actualite/news-65885.html Chartsinfrance.net] (Retrieved May 12, )]

The subjects in this album are "sexuality, uneasiness, mantras, coded plays on words","Mylène Farmer, un album massif et discret", "Le Figaro", Bertrand Dicale, August 21, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/lefigaro_21082008.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 21, 2008)] "melancholy","Point de Suture : un peu décousu", "La Dernière Heure", I.M., August 25, 2008 [http://www.dhnet.be/culture/musique/article/220239/point-de-suture-un-peu-decousu.html Dhnet.be] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] "extreme love, purity, loneliness","Le Point de suture de Mylène Farmer", "RFI Musique", August 25, 2008 [http://www.rfimusique.com/musiquefr/articles/104/article_17346.asp Rfimusique.com] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] "life, death, love tackled in turn with seriousness or humor". The album also evokes "the resilience and the indelible scars of the childhood" with numerous quotations and literary references (Süskind, Schubert, Baudelaire...). ["Mylène Farmer - "Point de Suture", "L'Express", Gilles Médioni, August 26, 2008 [http://www.lexpress.fr/culture/musique/chanson/mylene-farmer-point-de-suture_553995.html Lexpress.fr] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)]

Critical reception

The album received mixed reviews. ")]

Neutral reviews

According to "Le Parisien", "a gothico-melancholic muddle fills some vaporous songs of the album". The newspaper blamed it for the lack of novelty and the "disappointing duet" with Moby, but also said that this one "shows itself finally effective when it accelerates the rhythm, takes up the sound, let itself overcame by the electro heart-beat". ["Mylène Farmer veut frapper fort", "Le Parisien", Emmanuel Marolle, August 21, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/leparisien_21082008_03.jpgMylene.net (1)] , [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/leparisien_21082008_02.jpgMylene.net (2)] (Retrieved August 21, 2008)] "Ouest-France" said this album is "a true marketing blow", noting that "the electro turning point of the artist surprises, delights or disappoints..." ["Mylène Farmer soigne son Point de Suture", "Ouest-France", Jérémy Paradis, August 25, 2008 [http://www.ouest-france.fr/Mylene-Farmer-soigne-son-Point-de-suture-/re/actuDet/actu_3639-692031------_actu.html Ouest-france.fr] (Retrieved August 24, 2008)] According to "Metro", "Point de Suture" is "an electro-pop album without surprise". ["L'Ange rouge n'a pas changé", "Métro", J.V., August 26, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/metro_26082008_02.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] After underlining the lack of promotion, French newspaper "Le Figaro" qualified this album as "massive", "discreet" and "commercial". It also stated that with this new album, "Farmer does not envisage a revolution or even a revelation", and that it has "a methodical faithfulness" to her previous works. It also reproached the "naivety of certain texts" and their "tendency for abstraction". "Libération" said, throughout this album, "the music seems to be only a pretext in a whole declination of subsidiary yields" ; it contains "ten songs unwinding a ambient techno punctuated with ballads with voice of head without conviction". ["Mylène Farmer sort un septième album peu inspirée, sans (contre)façon", "Libération", Ludovic Perrin, August 26, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/liberation_26082008.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] For "RFI Musique", this "disc [is] not really daring", "rather usual, even routine", which seems especially made for the French tour of the next year. For ")]

Negative reviews

Very critical, "20 Minutes" stated the album "does not play either in the sobriety or in the sharpness. Abstruse lyrics, erotic allusions, vapid melodies or agreed electro: Mylène Farmer is not afraid of the ludicrous". ["Mystique Mylène", "20 Minutes", Benjamin Chapon, August 25, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/20minutes_25082008_01.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 25, 2008)] )]

Positive reviews

According to "Le Matin", this disc "tries to reconcile all the publics of [the singer] ". In it, "she combines all that which makes her strength: techno lightings, evident melodies, easy to remember, ballads touching straight to the heart, ambiguous texts". It also said that the last two songs are the best ones of the album. ["Des points de suture pour reconstruire Mylène Farmer", "Le Matin", August 24, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/lematin_24082008_01.jpgMylene.net (1)] , [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/lematin_24082008_02.jpgMylene.net (2)] , [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/lematin_24082008_03.jpgMylene.net (3)] (Retrieved August 24, 2008)] "Sud-Ouest" deemed that Farmer "remains faithful to the universe and the sound that ensure her success since 1985". "La Provence" underlined "the evident quality of the album, taking up again with the romantic and restless run-ups of the past, but with a beautiful tonic vigour". ["Regénérée, Mylène Farmer!", "La Provence", August 23, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/laprovence_23082008_01.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 23, 2008)] For the Swiss magazine "Télé Top Matin", certain songs from the album are musically similar to Depeche Mode's universe and concluded that nothing can be reproached to this album. ["Mylène Farmer, "Point de Suture", "Télé Top Matin", C.C., August 24, 2008 [http://www.mylene.net/img_data/teletopmatin_24082008.jpgMylene.net] (Retrieved August 24, )]

Chart performances

; FranceWith 5,121 downloads on four days, the album went straight to number-one on the French digital albums chart, on August 23, ["Disques : Mylène cartonne, Quentin démarre bien", "Ozap", Antoine Masson, August 26, 2008 [http://www.ozap.com/actu/charts-mylene-farmer-quentin-mosimann-duel/157938 Ozap.com] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] which is one of the records of the year. ["Record des ventes sur Internet pour Mylène Farmer", "Le Point", Raphaël Beaugrand, August 26, 2008 [http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-technologie-internet/record-des-ventes-sur-internet-pour-mylene-farmer/1387/0/269152 Lepoint.fr] (Retrieved August 26, 2008)] ["Un retour triomphal pour Mylène Farmer", "Charts in France", Nikolas Lenoir, August 29, 2008 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/08/29-08-2008-chartsinfrance.jpgDevant-soi.com] (Retrieved August 29, 2008)] Universal Music even declared it was the record for a francophone artist. ["La chanteuse française bat des records de ventes grâce à "Dégénération" et à son premier album studio", "AOL Musique", August 28, 2008 [http://www.devant-soi.com/Monde-de-Myl%E8ne/presse/articles-presse/2008/08/28-08-2008-musiqueaol.jpgDevant-soi.com] (Retrieved August 30, 2008)] The album stayed for another week at #1 with 1,510 downloads. ["Mylène Farmer démarre fort", "Le Parisien", Emmanuel Marolle, September 2, 2008 [http://www.leparisien.fr/loisirs-et-spectacles/mylene-farmer-demarre-tres-fort-02-09-2008-192063.php Leparisien.fr] "Téléchargements : Mylène et Madcon en tête", "Ozap", Antoine Masson, September 3, 2008 [http://www.ozap.com/actu/telechargements-mylene-madcon-tete/159562 Ozap.com] (Retrieved September 2, 2008)] , then dropped to #3 with 968 downloads, ["Disques : carton digital pour Madcon", "Ozap", Antoine Masson, September 10, 2008 [http://www.ozap.com/actu/telechargements-carton-digital-madcon-keziah-jones/161584 Ozap.com] (Retrieved September 10, 2008)] then continued to drop.

With 108,596 sales, the album was directly #1 on the SNEP Albums Chart on August 30,"Point de Suture", French Albums Chart [http://lescharts.com/showitem.asp?key=91582&cat=a Lescharts.com] (Retrieved September 3, 2008)] which was to date the third weekly best-selling debut for an album in 2008 in France. ["Disques : carton plein pour Mylène Farmer", "Ozap", Antoine Masson, September 2, 2008 [http://www.ozap.com/actu/disques-carton-plein-mylene-farmer/159308 Ozap.com] (Retrieved September 2, 2008)] It dropped to #2 the week after, with 48,144 sales (616 sales of difference with the number-one album), ["Disques : Mylène détrônée par Tryo !", "Ozap", Antoine Masson, September 9, 2008 [http://www.ozap.com/actu/disques-mylene-farmer-point-suture-detronee-tryo/161266 Ozap.com] (Retrieved September 9, 2008)] then to #3 and fell off the top ten after five weeks.

In addition, Claude Nègre, Universal Music's president, revealed on September 2 that about 175,000 Sony Ericsson mobile phones containing the album "Point Suture" were sold. ["Pascal Nègre : "Avec la Star Ac', on retourne à l'école"", " Le Point", Emmanuel Berretta, September 2, 2008 [http://www.lepoint.fr/actualites-medias/pascal-negre-avec-la-star-ac-on-retourne-a-l-ecole/1253/0/270657 Lepoint.fr] (Retrieved September 2, 2008)]

; Other countriesIn Russia, "Europa Plus" radio aired the album for the first time on August 23. Available from August 25, it met a great success : on a single day, it was certified Platinum for more than 20,000 sold copies."НОВЫЙ АЛЬБОМ МИЛЕН ФАРМЕР", "Universalmusic", August 26, 2008 [http://www.universalmusic.ru/ru/artists/213/news/918/ Universalmusic.ru] (Retrieved August 28, 2008)] In Switzerland, the album was certified Gold in one weekSwiss certifications [http://swisscharts.com/awards.asp?year=2004 Swisscharts.com] (Retrieved September 2, 2008)] and debuted at #2 on September 7, 2008, before dropping."Point de Suture", Swiss Albums Chart [http://hitparade.ch/showitem.asp?key=91582&cat=a Hitparade.ch] (Retrieved September 2, 2008)] In Belgium (Wallonia), the album reached #1 in its first week, on September 6, and stayed there for other two weeks."Point de Suture", Belgian (Wallonia) Albums Chart [http://www.ultratop.be/fr/showitem.asp?key=91582&cat=a Ultratop.be] (Retrieved September 5, 2008)] In Belgium (Flanders), the album entered at #32 on September 13, 2008, becoming Farmer's highest ranked album on this chart.Belgian (Flanders) Albums Chart [http://www.ultratop.be/nl/showitem.asp?key=91582&cat=a Ultratop.be] (Retrieved September 12, 2008)] The album reached #60 on the albums chart in Canada, on September 14, 2008 (it was #11 in Quebec City and #6 in Montreal). In the 37th week of 2008, the album entered the Greek International Albums Chart at #25, then peaked at #16.Greek International Albums Chart [http://www.ifpi.gr/chart01.htm Ifpi.gr] (Retrieved September 24, 2008)] The album was also released in Ukraine and Poland (since October 6), ["Point de Suture" [http://www.traffic-club.pl/sklep/muzyka_show/id_product/280160.html Traffic-club.pl] (Retrieved October 8, 2008)] but was not charted for the moment.


1 Duet with Moby
2 Hidden track

Credits and personnel

* Produced by Laurent Boutonnat
* Sound and mixing : Jérôme Devoise
* Management : Thierry Suc for TS3
* Executive production : Paul van Parys for Stuffed Monkey
* Arrangements, programmation and keyboards : Laurent Boutonnat
* Guitars : Sébastien Chouard
** Tristan Monrocq on "C'est dans l'air"
* Basses : Bernard Paganelli
* Drum kit : Matthieu Rabaté
* Mellotron, flute, percussion : Pol Ramirez del Piu
* Background vocals : Mylène Farmer, Alexia Waky, Desta Huilé, Mamido Bomboko, Aline Bosuma
** Esther Dobong' Na Essiene and Dominique Rosier on "C'est dans l'air"
* Recorded at Studio ICP (Brussels), assistant : Vincent van Driesten at Studio Calliphora
* Mixed at Studio Guillaume Tell (Paris), assistant : Tristan Monrocq
* Mastering : André Perriat at Top Master, assistant : Jérémy Henry
* Boutonnat's assistant : Emeline Chetaud
* Administration : Corinne Potier
* Photos : Atsushi Tani, assistant : Volvic Nakano
* Doll made by Etsuko Miura
* Made in the E.U.

Certifications and sales

* Worldwide sales : 242,000. [Worldwide sales [http://www.mediatraffic.de/albums.htm Mediatraffic.de] (Retrieved September 12, 2008)]



External links

* [http://www.mylene.net/mylene/d_pointdesuture.html "Point de Suture", on mylene.net]

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