The Prioritizing Resources and Organization for Intellectual Property Act of 2007 ("PRO-IP Act of 2007", USBill|110|H.R.|4279) [ [ OpenCongress - H.R.4279 PRO-IP Act of 2007] ] , is a proposed bill that would increase both civil and criminal penalties for trademark and copyright infringement. The purposed act would create a new executive branch office, the Office of the United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Representative (USIPER). [ [ Congress' copyright reform: seize computers, boost penalties, spend money ] ]

Legislative history

On 2008-05-08 the House of Representatives passed the bill 410 to 11. Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, is among those who voted against the bill. [cite web|accessdate=2008-05-12|url=|title=Ron Paul : Congress votes database :] The Senate has yet to introduce a companion bill. [ [ House Passes Controversial PRO IP Act | Electronic Frontier Foundation ] ]

Preliminary punishments involve seizing of pirated copies and the device on which the copies are stored. Hefty fines may also follow.


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