- Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
name =Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology
native_name =
latin_name =
motto =رَبِّ زدْنيِ عِلْماً (Arabic)
O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge
established =June 1 ,1988
type =Private
endowment =
staff =
faculty =32 [http://www.giki.edu.pk/us/facts.htm Quick Facts - About GIKI - Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute ] ]
rector =Dr. Shaukat Hameed Khan [http://www.giki.edu.pk/controlpanel/viewnews.php?id=60 Dr. Shaukat Hameed Khan takes charge as the Sixth Rector of GIKI] ]
students =959
undergrad =866
postgrad =93
doctoral =
profess =
city =Topi
state =
country =Pakistan
campus =400 acres
free_label =
free =
affiliations =HEC, PEC
Collaborations =Intel
website = [http://www.giki.edu.pk/ www.giki.edu.pk]Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology - GIKI (pronounced
G - Kee ) is one of the premier institutes of higher learning inPakistan .History
The GIK Institute is a non-governmental, non-profit institute. Named after former President
Ghulam Ishaq Khan , it is one of the best engineering universities in Pakistan. Ghulam Ishaq Khan wanted to establish an institute which would reduce Pakistan's dependence on foreign expertise and imported technology. The genesis of the Institute can be traced back to the early 1950's. The Institute was registered in June, 1988 by its parent body, namely, Society for the Promotion of Engineering Sciences and Technology in Pakistan (SOPREST ). Ghulam Ishaq Khan, then the President of the country, was elected the president of the Society for life and Mr. H. U. Beg was appointed its honorary Executive Director. The ordinance of the Institute was promulgated by the Frontier Government in March 1993 and the first batch of students was inducted the same year in October. GIK Institute remained in Top Ten Technical Institutes in Asia by Asia-Week. It maintained its position as 4th and 9th best technical university in 1997 and 1998 respectively (Asia-Week).Major founding donors include Benevolent Community Care, Infaq Foundation, Chiniot Anjuman-e-Islamia, Dawood Group of Industries, and the Government of the
North-West Frontier Province which has donated land at Topi.Location
The university is situated beside the mighty riverIndus in the mountains of Tarbela and
Gadoon-Amazai , inNWFP near the town of Topi. It also lies in proximity to the lakes of Tarbela andGhazi .Its lush green campus, nested in the scenic mountains of Tarbela and Gadoon-Amazai, is a residential campus with adequate accommodation for all students. The campus is not far from the lakes of the Tarbela dam and Ghazi Barotha. Many world renowned historical and archaeological sites are within one hour drive from its campus. These includes
Lahor , wherePāṇini is believed to have composed theSanskrit grammar , and near whichAlexander the Great and his Greek army crossed the Indus on his way toIndia ,Shabaz Ghari famous for theAshoka inscriptions andTakht Bhai , the site of one of the best preservedBuddhist Monasteries.Some of the most important national industries are also located quite close to this Institute. These include the Telephone Industries of Pakistan, Heavy Mechanical Complex (Taxila), the Heavy Foundry and Forge Engineering of the Kamra Aeronautical Complex, the Heavy Rebuild Factory and the Locomotive Complex. Though away from the congestion, noise and pollution of big cities, the Institute has easy access to important urban centres; it is less than 2 hours drive from the national capital
Islamabad and the provincial capitalPeshawar .Faculties
GIK Institute offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees in six disciplines:
*Electronic Engineering
*Mechanical Engineering
* Metallurgical andMaterials Engineering
*Computer Systems Engineering
* Computer Software Engineering
*Engineering Science sAcademic Setup
An academic year comprises two regular semesters of sixteen weeks each, and an eight-week summer school. The timings of two semesters and summer school are as follows.
*Fall: August to December
*Spring: January to May
*Summer: June to JulyThe last week of a semester is allocated to the final examinations. There is normally a mid-semester break in a semester.
International Advisory Board
This board consists of scientists, engineers and academicians of international standing who are responsible for monitoring the Institutes's standards of education and research. It comprises faculty members from the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign , theUniversity of Florida ,Kyoto University ,McGill University ,Kansas State University and other prominent institutions.tudent Societies
There are two kinds of societies in GIKI:
# Professional Societies
#:Each faculty in the institute supports a professional organization, devoted to advancing theory and practice of their respective fields.
# Non-Professional Societies
#:These societies are created for non-technical purposes and do not represent any particular faculty."List of societies:"
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/acm/index.htm ACM - Association for Computing Machinery]
*Adventure Club
*AIAA – American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics
*ASM/TMS – The Mineral, Metal & Material Society/American Society for Materials
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/asme/ ASME – American Society of Mechanical Engineers]
*CDES – Cultural Dramatics & Entertainment Society
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/geas/index.htm GEAS - GIKI Environmental & Awareness Society]
*GSS - GIKI Sports Society
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/Horizon/Introduction.htm Horizon Publication Society]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/IEE/Society%20web%20pages/Introduction.htm IET Institution of Engineering and Technology - GIKI Chapter]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/ieee/index.htm IEEE - GIKI Chapter]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/lds/index.htm LDS - Literary & Debating Society]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/MC/index.htm Media Club]
*NAQSH Arts Society
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/Netronix/index.htm Netronix]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/go/projtopi Project Topi]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/ss/index.htm Science Society]
* [http://www.sophep.org - SOPHEP - Society for the Promotion of Higher Education Pakistan]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/SPIE/index.htm SPIE – Society for Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/go/wes/index.htm WES - Women Engineers Society]GIKI Web Development team
The [http://www.giki.edu.pk GIKI website] is designed, developed and maintained by a group of undergraduate students called [http://www.giki.edu.pk/Webteam/index.htm the webteam] .
ee also
List of universities in Pakistan
* GIKI Clock TowerReferences
External links
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/ Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology - Official Website]
* [http://www.gikialumni.org/ Official Alumni Website]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/Webteam/index.htm GIKI Student Webteam]
* [http://www.wikimapia.org/#y=34071147&x=72646322&z=16&l=0&m=a&v=2|Satellite Image on Wikimapia]
* [http://www.giki.edu.pk/campus/vgiki/VirtualGIKI.swf GIKI Virtual Tour]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.