Bjarni Herjólfsson

Bjarni Herjólfsson

Bjarni Herjólfsson (fl. 10th century) was a Norwegian explorer who is the first known European discoverer of the mainland of the Americas, which he sighted in 986.


Bjarni was born to Herjulf, whose father was Bard Herjólfsson, and Thorgerd in Iceland. Bjarni's home country was Norway, though he visited his father every summer in Iceland. [Sturlason, Snorre. (2004) "Heimskringla Or The Lives Of The Norse Kings", Kessinger Publishing. p. 188. ISBN 0-7661-8693-8.] Sullivan, Steve & Stephen Krensky. (1991) "Who Really Discovered America?", Hastingshouse/Daytrips Publ. p. 36. ISBN 0-8038-9306-X.]

Discovery of America

Bjarni is believed to be the first European to view the mainland of North America. The Grœnlendinga saga ('Greenlanders Saga') tells that he was sailing from Iceland to visit his parents as usual, except this year they had decided to journey to Greenland. But in that summer of 985 or 986, Bjarni was blown off course by a storm with no map or compass. Since no one in his crew had been to Greenland before, they had to search for it. Although he managed to regain his course, he reported seeing low-lying hills covered with forests some distance farther to the west. The land looked hospitable, but Bjarni was eager to reach Iceland to see his parents and did not land and explore the new lands. He reported his findings both in Greenland and in Norway, but no one at the time seems to have shown interest in them. [(1997) "The Encyclopedia of American Facts and Dates 10th Edition", Collins. ISBN 0062701924.]

Legacy for Leif

Ten years later, however, Leif Ericson (Leifr Eiríksson) took Bjarni's claims more seriously. He bought the ship that Bjarni had used for the voyage, hired a crew of 35 people and set out to find the land. The result is thought to be the Viking settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows in Newfoundland. This is the first known attempt at settlement by Europeans on the mainland of the Americas. (The North American island of Greenland was settled much earlier.)


Canadian Heathen Metal band Dark Forest released a song entitled "Bjarni Herjólfsson ca. 985CE" in 2007.

ee also

* Pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact
* Vinland


* [ The Canadian Encyclopedia] (accessed August 13, 2006)

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