- Timeline of early prehistory
This page lists events in the early prehistory of the
universe and theEarth , up to approximately 10,000 BC. Note that many of these dates are speculative or very rough estimates. For events from 10,000 BC onwards, see10th millennium BC . For greater detail see the articles on the various geological periods.* 13.7 ± 0.2 billion years ago: beginning of the universe (the
Big Bang )
* 13.2 billion years ago: existence of the first known star-forming galaxies
* 4.6 billion years ago: thesolar system begins to form
* 4.5 billion years ago: formation of the Earth (seeAge of the Earth )
* 3.9 to 4.1 billion years ago:origin of life (cyanobacteria )
* 2.3 billion years ago: first knownSnowball Earth ice age
* 1.8 to 2.1 billion years ago: appearance of the earliestEukaryote s
* 750 million years ago: beginning of a possibleSnowball Earth ice age
* 600 million years ago: first complex multicelled lifeforms
* 580 million years ago: end of possibleSnowball Earth ice age
* 575 million years ago: origin of the oldestanimal fossils
* 540 million years ago: end of thePrecambrian period and beginning of theCambrian . Time of theCambrian explosion and appearance of the firstVertebrate s.
* 500 million years ago:Ordovician period begins
* 435 million years ago:Silurian period begins
* 420 million years ago: first creatures withlungs
* 400 million years ago:Devonian period begins
* 340 million years ago:Carboniferous period begins
* 280 million years ago:Permian period begins
* 251.4 million years ago: thePermian mass extinction ;Palaeozoic era ends. Beginning of theTriassic period, theMesozoic era and of the age of the dinosaurs.
* 195 million years ago:Jurassic period begins; appearance of the earliestmammal s
* 135 million years ago:Cretaceous period begins
* 65 million years ago:Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event at the end of theCretaceous period (end of theMesozoic era); start of theTertiary period (Cenozoic era). End of the age of thedinosaur s.
* 60 million years ago: the firstprimates begin to evolve
* 49 million years ago:whale s return to the water
* 40 million years ago: age of theCatarrhini parvorder; first canines evolve
* 36 million years ago: end ofEocene , start ofOligocene epoch
* 34 million years ago:cat s begin to evolve
* 26 million years ago: emergence of the first true elephants
* 24 million years ago:Miocene epoch begins
* 20 million years ago: first forms ofgrass appear
* 18-12 million years ago: emergence of the "Hominidae " family
* 5-7 million years ago: "Pan/Homo" split
* 5.5 million years ago: appearance of the genus "Ardipithecus "
* 5 million years ago:Pliocene epoch begins
* 4.5 million years ago: appearance of the genus "Australopithecus "
* 4 million years ago: start of lastice age
* 2.5 million years ago: emergence of the genus "Homo"
* 1.5 million years ago:Pleistocene epoch (Quaternary period) begins; earliest possible evidence of the controlled use offire by "Homo erectus "
* 790,000 years ago: earliest demonstrable evidence of the controlled use offire by "Homo erectus "
* 700,000 years ago: last reversal of theearth's magnetic field
* 500,000 years ago: colonisation of Eurasia by "Homo erectus "
* 300,000 years ago: "Homo sapiens " separated from "Homo erectus " (Middle Paleolithic )
* 250,000 years ago: appearance of "Homo neanderthalensis "
* 200,000 years ago: appearance of "Homo sapiens "
* 160,000 years ago: split between "Homo sapiens idaltu " and "Homo sapiens sapiens "
* 150,000 years ago: time ofmitochondrial Eve
* 125,000 years ago: peak of theEemian interglacial period
* 100,000 years ago: earliest estimate for the domestication ofdog s
* 90,000 years ago: time ofY-chromosomal Adam
* 75,000 years ago: ancestors of theIndigenous Australians reached Australia
* 70,000 years ago: possible Toba catastrophic event
* 60,000 years ago: out of Africa migration
* 40,000 years ago:Cro-Magnon colonisation ofEurope (Upper Paleolithic )
* 29,000 years ago (27,000 BC): extinction of "Homo neanderthalensis ".
* 23,000 BC: first colonisation of North America
* 19,000 BC:Last Glacial Maximum
* 18,000 BC: the oldest knowntally stick (theIshango Bone )
* 10,000 BC: land ice leavesDenmark and southernSweden ; start of theHolocene epoch andNeolithic Age and end of the last Ice Age.
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