Mirat ul Memalik

Mirat ul Memalik

Mirat ul Memalik is a historical book written by Ottoman Admiral Sidi Ali Reis (Seyit Ali Reis) about his travels in South Asia, Central Asia and Middle East. This book which is now considered as one of the earliest travel books of Turkish literature was written in Chagatai language which is an extinct Turkic language.



Sidi Ali Reis was an Ottoman Admiral sent by Suleiman the Magnificent to counter the Portuguese piracy and attacks on Muslim pilgrim ships in the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, Red Sea and Persian Gulf. He was shipwrecked in India and travelled to Muslim states in South Asia, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran and Middle East before returning to Ottoman Empire. He wrote his travels in his book Mirat ul Memalik (The Mirror of Countries), 1557 CE.

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