Social practice

Social practice

= Art and Social practice =

Through the use of various strategies including "urban interventions, utopian proposals, guerrilla architecture, "new genre" public art, social sculpture, project-based community practice, interactive media, service dispersals, and street performance." [ [ Social Practices - Fine Arts - California College of the Arts ] ] the primary material of social practice is person-to-person exchange, interaction, or participation. These situations, organizations and events can involve various media including photography, video, drawing, text, sound, sculpture, and performance art.

Within the art making process, the practice emphasizes people in relationships to each other and their surroundings, "focusing on engagement and accountability between the audience and the artist" [Harrell Fletcher,] . Distinct from modern art of the 20th century, social practice builds on a variety of contemporary art movements, including public art, Institutional Critique, interactive art, performance art, and environmental art [ [ Social Practice ] ] . It is distinct from academic art or the high arts movements in that it does not require any association with formal art theory or training. Breaking away from the conventions of any particular structured aesthetic theory, social practice maintains the intention of creativity while incorporating elements of sociology, anthropology, social work, environmentalism, journalism and community outreach.

Art and Social Practice Strategies

Through diverse art strategies, the field focuses on topics such as aesthetics, ethics, collaboration, persona, media strategies, and social activism; art strategies may include urban interventions, utopian proposals, guerrilla architecture, "new genre" public art, social sculpture, project-based community practice, interactive media, service dispersals, and street performance. []


See also

*Relational Aesthetics
*Conceptual Art

*Post-autonomous art



*Harrell Fletcher []
*Ted Purves
*Amy Franceschini []
*Josh Greene []
*Temporary Services
*Lee Walton []
*Red 76 []
*Allison Smith []
*Sal Randolph
*Jon Rubin []
*Marc Horowitz []
*The M.O.S.T.
*Helena Keeffe []
*The E-team
*Art for a Democratic Society []


*Darren O'Donnell []


*Cesare Pietroiusti
*Parfyme []
*Gelitin []
*Superflex []
*Lu Cafausu [] []
*Jeremy Deller
*A Constructed World []
*Gianni Motti
*Giancarlo Norese []
*Jan Family []
*New Beginnings []


Tsuyoshi Ozawa

External links

*Social Practice Weblog []
*Art Threat Net []
*Portland State University Social Practice Program Blog []
*Authentic Enthusiasm []
*CCA Social Practice Program []
*In the Conversation []

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