- A. N. Narasimhia
A. N. Narasimhia (Agaram Narasimha Narasimhia) is an epigraphist and scholar of the
Kannada language , especially its historical aspects.Narasimhia received his Ph. D., under the supervision of Professor R. L. Turner, from the
School of Oriental and African Studies ,University of London in 1933. Upon his return to India, he became the librarian and part-time professor of philology at the Maharaja's College,Mysore . In 1941, the University of Mysore published his Ph. D. thesis, "A Grammar of the Oldest Kanarese inscriptions", as the first volume in its series "Studies in Dravidian Philology." The book was reviewed byThomas Burrow , in the "Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies", University of London, Vol. 11, No. 1 (1943), pp. 230-231, and along withG. S. Gai 's later published "A Historical Grammar of Old Kannada", is regarded as a pioneering study in the field.References
*Harvard reference | last = Narasimhia | first = A. N. | title = The History of 'p' in Kanarese | journal = Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London, (Indian and Iranian Studies: Presented to George Abraham Grierson on His Eighty-Fifth Birthday) | volume = 8 | issue = 2/3 | pages=673-680 | url =http://www.jstor.org/stable/608075
*Harvard reference| last = Narasimhia | first = A. N. | title = A Grammar of the Oldest Kanarese Inscriptions (including a study of the Sanskrit and Prakrit loan words | year = 1941 | publisher = Originally published: Mysore: University of Mysore. Pp. 375. Reprinted in 2007: Read Books. Pp. 416 |isbn = 1406765686 | url = http://books.google.com/books?id=LvkODkXF2-AC&dqee also
Kappe Arabhatta
*Halmidi inscription External links
* [http://lccn.loc.gov/44017857 Library of Congress Catalog]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.