Kiesewetter Stradivarius

Kiesewetter Stradivarius

The "Kiesewetter Stradivarius" of "circa" 1723 is an antique violin fabricated by Italian luthier Antonio Stradivari of Cremona (1644-1737). The instrument derives its name from its previous owner, German composer and violinist Christophe Gottfried Kiesewetter (1777-1827). [cite web | author=Jose Sanchez-Penzo | title=The Way Famous String Instruments Went | url= | | date=16 May 2006 | accessdate=2008-04-26] [cite web | title=Violin by Antonio Stradivari, 1723c (Kiesewetter) | url= | | accessdate=2008-04-26]

In 2006, the Stradivari Society brokered an agreement between Clement and Karen Arrison, current owners of the "Kiesewetter", and a Grammy-nominated Russian violinist, Philippe Quint. Stipulated in the contract, Quint is to retain possession of the violin for one year in exchange for its US$6,000 insurance premium, the performance of three private recitals for the Arrisons, and regular inspections by The Society's curators. Its latest valuation was US$4 million. The contract was renewed for a second year in May 2007. [cite news | author=Eileen Daspin | title=Strings Attached | url= | work=Portfolio | publisher=Condé Nast | date=May 2007 | accessdate=2008-04-26]

On 20 April, 2008, Quint accidentally left the "Kiesewetter" in the back of a taxicab in New York City. After numerous phone calls, the violin was found and returned to Quint the next day. [cite news | author=The Associated Press | title=Star reunited with $4m violin | url= | work=News24 | date=23 April 2008 | accessdate=2008-04-26] The cabdriver, Mohamed Khalil, was presented with a medallion by the City of Newark, the highest honour awarded by the city. [cite news | author=Jeffrey Gold | title=Newark cabbie gets city medal for returning $4M violin | url=,0,5197097.story | work=Newsday | date=23 April 2008 | accessdate=2008-04-26]


* Francis Goldschmidt
* Charles Fletcher of Bournemouth ("ca." 1800)
* Gary Hart ("ca." 1902)
* Henry Osborne Havemeyer (1905)
* Horace Havemeyer (1907)
* Rembert Wurtlitzer Inc. (1953)
* Dr. Jerome Gross ("ca." 1960)
* Howard Gottieb (1972)
* J. & A. Beare (1986)
* Clement and Karen Arrison ("ca." 2000)

ee also



External links

* [ Image of the Kiesewetter, Antonio Stradivari, 1723]
* [ Stradivari Society patrons and recipients]


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