
—  Commune  —
Location in Alba County
Blandiana is located in Romania
Location in Romania
Coordinates: 45°58′N 23°23′E / 45.967°N 23.383°E / 45.967; 23.383
Country  Romania
County Alba County
Population (2002)[1]
 – Total 1,187
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
 – Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)

Blandiana (German: Stumpach) is a commune located in Alba County, Romania. It has a population of 1,187 and is composed of five villages: Acmariu, Blandiana, Ibru, Poieni and Răcătău.


  • Wooden church (1768, reformed in the 19th century) in the amalgamated district of Acmariu
  • Piatra Tomii Nature Reserve
  • The Romanian Orthodox Church of the Holy Archangels, replacing a wooden church built in 1890. The new church is different from others because of the wooden bell tower. The relatively low nave with a semicircular wooden ceiling extends over the apse.[2]


Coordinates: 45°58′N 23°23′E / 45.967°N 23.383°E / 45.967; 23.383

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