André Boucourechliev

André Boucourechliev

André Boucourechliev (July 28, 1925 – November 13, 1997) was a French composer of Bulgarian origin.

Born in Sofia, Boucourechliev studied piano at the Conservatory there. Subsequently he studied in Paris at the École Normale de Musique de Paris, where he later taught piano. His first attempts at composition date from 1954, when he was engaged in the famous contemporary music sessions at Darmstadt. He honed his compositional technique by seeking out Berio and Maderna in Milan. Following the success of works such as the Piano Sonata (1959), performed at the Domaine musical, and works involving choice and chance, he spent a period in America during which he encountered avant-garde figures such as Cage, Merce Cunningham, and Rauschenberg. The summit of his exploration of choice and freedom on the part of the performer was reached in "Archipels" (1967-1971). Many of his later works have gone on to refine or extend these principles. Boucourechliev died in Paris in 1997 at the age of 72.


* Grand Prix Musical de la Ville de Paris, 1976
* Grand Prix National de la Musique, 1984
* Commandeur des Arts et des Lettres
* Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur


* "Schumann", 1956 (French), 1959 (English)
* "Chopin: eine Bildbiographie", 1962 (German), 1963 (English)
* "Beethoven", 1963 (French)
* "Stravinsky", 1982 (French), 1987 (English)
* "Essai sur Beethoven", 1991
* "Le langage musical", 1993
* "Dire la musique", 1995
* "Regards sur Chopin", 1996

External links

* [] : Official site of the contemporary music composer, the André Boucourechliev Foundation, and the Association "Les Amis d'André Boucourechliev".

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