RNA polymerase II holoenzyme

RNA polymerase II holoenzyme

RNA polymerase II holoenzyme is a form of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II that is recruited to the promoters of protein-coding genes in living cells. It consists of RNA polymerase II (a subset of general transcription factors) and regulatory proteins known as SRB proteins.


* http://www.jbc.org/cgi/reprint/273/43/27757.pdf
* http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v374/n6518/abs/374193a0.html
* http://web.wi.mit.edu/young/pub/RNAPolymerase.html
* http://nar.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/26/3/847
* http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=41989

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