- List of children's rights topics
:"This is an incomplete list of articles that are relevant to
children's rights , which can or may never satisfy any objective standard for completeness. Revisions and additions are welcome."A
* Abandonment - The practice of abandoning offspring outside of legal adoption. Causes include many social, and cultural factors as well as mental illness.
*Adultcentrism - The exaggeratedegocentrism of adults. [Verhellen, E. (1994). Convention on the rights of the child: Background, motivation, strategies, main themes. Leuven/Apeldoorn: Garant.]
*Adultism - A predisposition towards adults, which some see as biased against children, youth, and all young people who aren't addressed or viewed as adults. [Fletcher, A. (2006) " [http://www.commonaction.org/WYVH.pdf Washington Youth Voice Handbook.] " Olympia, WA: CommonAction.]
*ADHD - A persistent pattern of inattention and/orhyperactivity , as well as forgetfulness, poor impulse control or impulsivity, and distractibility. [Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of [American Psychiatric Association, 2000.] [ [http://www.behavenet.com/capsules/disorders/adhd.n Psychiatric Association|the American Psychiatric Association] ] , Fourth Edition, htm Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).] Behavenet.com. Retrieved onDecember 11 ,2006 .]
*Age of consent - The minimum age at which a person is considered to be capable of legally givinginformed consent to any contract or behaviour regulated by law with another person.
*Age of criminal responsibility - The age after which thedefense of infancy is no longer an excuse.
*Age of majority - The threshold ofadulthood as it is conceptualized in law.
*Anorexia nervosa - A psychiatric diagnosis that describes an eating disorder characterized by low body weight and body image distortion with an obsessive fear of gaining weight.B
*Bullying C
Capital punishment
*Child abandonment
*Child identity rights
* Child refugees
*Child advocacy
*Child camel jockeys
*Child laundering
*Child labour
*Child pornography
* Child prostitution
*Children's rights in Islam
*Committee on the Rights of the Child
*Convention on the Rights of the Child
*Corporal punishment
*Cultural rights
*Child soldiers D
Decision making E
*Evolving capacities F
Family rights
*Fathers' rights movement
*Fear of childbirth
*Fear of children
*Fetal rights
*Freedom of expression
*Freedom of speech
*Freedom of thought G
Genital integrity
*Genital mutilation H
* Health care
*Healthy diet
* HomelessnessI
*Infanticide J
Juvenile court M
Maternity rights
*Military use of children P
Parental alienation
*Parents' rights movement
*Paternity fraud
*Paternity rights
*Paternity testing
* Play
*Pregnant patients' rights R
Relationship rights
*Reproductive rights
*Right to work *
Shaken baby syndrome
*Standard of living
*Student rights T
Teen courts
*Teenage pregnancy
*Trafficking of children U
* United States
Youth participation
*Youth rights
*Youth suicide
*Youth suffrage
*Youth voice
*Wage labour ee also
Children's rights movement
**Timeline of children's rights in the United States
**Timeline of children's rights in the United Kingdom
*Children's rights law
**Child labor laws in the United States References
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.