- École des hautes études en sciences sociales
The École des hautes études en sciences sociales (French for "School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences"; EHESS) is a French institution for research and higher education, a "Grand Établissement". Its mission is research and research training in the
social sciences , including the relationship these latter maintain with the natural andlife sciences . The EHESS is located in centralParis (6th arrondissement ), although some of its research centers and teams are based inMarseille ,Lyon andToulouse .The École des hautes études en sciences sociales is a founding member of the
Paris Universitas , a union of 6 Parisian universities.Overview
Originally part of the
École pratique des hautes études (EPHE) as its "VI Section: Sciences Économiques et Sociales", the EHESS gained autonomy as an independent higher education institution onJanuary 23 ,1975 . The creation of a dedicated branch for social science research within the EPHE was supported by several initiatives of theRockefeller Foundation dating back to the 1920s. After WWII, the Rockefeller Foundation invested more funds, in the aims of favorizing non-Marxism sociological studies. Thus, the VIth section was created in 1947, andLucien Febvre , affected byGeorges Gurvitch , took its head. Soon after its creation (1947), the "VI Section", later EHESS, became one of the most influential shapers of contemporaryhistoriography ,area studies andsocial sciences methodology, thanks to the contribution of eminent scholars such asFernand Braudel ,Jacques Le Goff orFrançois Furet . F. Braudel succeeded in 1962 to L. Febvre and concentrated the various study groups at its present emplacement on boulevard Raspail, in part by a financing from theFord Foundation .Today, the EHESS is one of
France 's prestigious "Grands Établissements ". It functions as aresearch , teaching, and degree-granting institution. It offers advanced students high-level programs intended to lead to research careers. Students are admitted by "dossier" and undertake at the EHESS master programs and doctoral studies. The main areas of specialization include:history ,linguistics ,philosophy ,philology ,sociology ,anthropology ,economics ,cognitive science ,demographics ,geography ,archaeology ,psychology ,law , andmathematics , although the institution's focus is oninterdisciplinary research within these fields. The EHESS currently hosts more than 80 research centers (among which several joint research units with theCNRS ) and 22 doctoral programs, 13 of which in partnership with other French Universities and "Grandes Écoles ".Faculty
Past and present faculty (including
EPHE 's VI Section):
*Sylviane Agacinski
*Roland Barthes
*Claude Berge
*Augustin Berque
*François Bourguignon
*Pierre Bourdieu
*Fernand Braudel
*Fernando Henrique Cardoso
*Manuel Castells
*Cornelius Castoriadis
*Roger Chartier
*Annie Cohen-Solal
*Jacques Derrida
* Louis Dumont
*David Feuerwerker
*Marc Ferro
*Lucien Febvre
*François Furet
*Marcel Gauchet
*Maurice Godelier
*Nilüfer Göle
*Pierre Hadot (1964-86)
*Stanley Hoffmann
*Jacques Le Goff
*Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie
*Milan Kundera
*Pierre Manent
*Jacques Mehler
*Ignacio Ramonet
*Pierre Rosenstiehl
* Emma Rothschild
*Olivier Roy
*Jean-Claude Schmitt
*Alain Touraine
*Moisés Espírito Santo Research centers
Among the research institutes and teams hosted at EHESS:
* [http://www.koyre.cnrs.fr/ Centre Alexandre-KOYRE/Centre de recherche en histoire des sciences et des techniques] (CAK-CRHST)
* [http://www.ehess.fr/cadis/ Centre d'Analyse et d'Intervention sociologique] (CADIS)
* [http://www.ehess.fr/centres/cams/ Centre d'Analyse et de Mathématique Sociales] (CAMS)
* [http://cecmc.ehess.fr/ Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine] (CECMC)
* [http://cenj.ehess.fr/ Centre d'études des normes juridiques] (CENJ)
* [http://cems.ehess.fr/ Centre d'étude des mouvements sociaux] (CEMS)
* [http://cse.ehess.fr/ Centre de sociologie européenne] (CSE)
* [http://gahom.ehess.fr/ Groupe d'Anthropologie Historique de l'Occident Médiéval] (GAHOM)
*Institut Jean Nicod [http://www.institutnicod.org] (IJN)
*Laboratoire de sciences cognitives et psycholinguistique [http://www.lscp.net] (LSCP)
*Centre de recherches politiques Raymond Aron [http://www.crpra.ehess.fr/]See also
The New School for Social Research
*Paris Universitas External links
* [http://www.ehess.fr/ École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales - official site]
* [http://www.ehess.fr/fr/ecole/historique/ EHESS's history] (in French)
* [http://www.ehess.fr/fr/recherche/centres/ List of EHESS research centers] (in French)
* [http://www.voltairenet.org/article14465.html Bertrand Chavaux - EHESS : les sciences sociales françaises sous perfusion de la CIA]
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