Heliotropium curassavicum
- Heliotropium curassavicum
Monkey Tail plant"
redirects here.
For the tree sometimes called the "
Monkey Tail Tree",
see Araucaria araucana.
Heliotropium curassavicum is a species of heliotrope that is native to much of the Americas, from Canada to Argentina, and can be found on other continents as an introduced species. It is known by several common names, such as Seaside Heliotrope, Salt Heliotrope, Monkey Tail, Quail Plant and (misleadingly) "Chinese parsley"; in Latin American Spanish it is known as cola de mico or cola de gama, and it is called kīpūkai in Hawaii. It thrives in salty soils, such as beach sand and alkali flats. This is a perennial herb which can take the form of a prostrate creeper along the ground to a somewhat erect shrub approaching 0.5 m (1.6 ft) in height. The stem and foliage are fleshy, with the leaves thick and oval or spade-shaped. The plentiful inflorescences are curled, coiling double rows of small bell-shaped flowers. Each flower is white with five rounded lobes and a purple or yellow throat. The fruit is a smooth nutlet.
External links
Media related to Heliotropium curassavicum at Wikimedia Commons
Data related to Heliotropium curassavicum at Wikispecies
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