Winged helix turn helix

Winged helix turn helix

The winged helix turn helix (wHTH) (SCOP|46785) is a DNA-binding domain which binds to specific DNA sequences. It is formed by a 3-helical bundle and a 3- or 4-strand beta-sheet (wing). Topology of helices and strands in the wHTH families may vary. In the transcription factor ETScite journal |author=Sharrocks AD, Brown AL, Ling Y, Yates PR |title=The ETS-domain transcription factor family |journal=Int. J. Biochem. Cell Biol. |volume=29 |issue=12 |pages=1371–87 |year=1997 |pmid=9570133 |doi=] (InterPro|IPR000418) wHTH folds into a helix-turn-helix motif on a four-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet scaffold arranged in the order α1-β1-β2-α2-α3-β3-β4cite journal |author=Donaldson LW, Petersen JM, Graves BJ, McIntosh LP |title=Solution structure of the ETS domain from murine Ets-1: a winged helix-turn-helix DNA binding motif |journal=EMBO J. |volume=15 |issue=1 |pages=125–34 |year=1996 |pmid=8598195 |doi=] (PDB|1R36) where the third helix is the DNA recognition helix.

See also

*DNA binding domain


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