- John Cronin (convict)
John Cronin (b.
July 18 ,1971 ) is a repeat-offence Scottishconvict who is considered by British law enforcement authorities to be the UK's first convicted felon to be tracked bysatellite . Most recently imprisoned for running up a 140,000 kronor ($20,500) bill in one of Sweden's top restaurants and then refusing to pay [http://www.thelocal.se/8427/20070907/] , he is infamous for a string of sex offences against women, most notably against "Judy X", a Tory Party worker in May 1992.Cronin is also the centre of current debate in Scotland over the reporting and handling of sex offenders and how they are dealt with once out of prison.
Cronin was born in
Edinburgh , the son of Michael Cronin (ofLimerick, Ireland ) and Jeanette Cronin (ofEast Lothian , Scotland). Cronin's early years were marked with frequent moves between East Lothian, Limerick, and the U.S. (where the elder Cronin was a member of the U.S. Army). In 1978, the Cronins moved back to East Lothian to care for Jeanette's father, who was ill. It was about this time they discovered that Cronin was in dire need of assistance.By the age of three, he was already difficult for his parents to control, smashing
lightbulbs and breaking various things in the home. At age five, he was enrolled in aprivate school , but was expelled shortly thereafter for disruptive behavior, including overturning desks, urinating on the floor and attacking teachers.The remainder of his school years were said by Cronin to be filled with repeated difficulties; the exception to this pattern was between the ages six to eight, where he was educated by
nun s at St. Margaret'sconvent in Edinburgh, where he developed a deep respect for the nuns. [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003] He went through several schools, where he built up a record for repeat offenses at the schools, from theft and assault to openly urinating and defacating on school property.Cronin finally obtained four
O-grade s at aboarding school inNewton Stewart in 1989. It was shortly after leaving the school that he committed his first criminal act, sexually assaulting a 14-year-old female classmate for which he would serve a three-month sentence.Criminal Record
It was also around this time that Cronin had discussed with a
social worker his plans to take his father's military records and alter them so that he could join the IRA; it was later revealed that he tried to join another Irish terrorist group around that time.There was a period between 1990 and 1992 that he served a number of short prison sentences in Ireland for various crimes.
Sometime in the early 1990s, he began to pass himself off as a visiting Irish
Catholic priest . His skill was competent enough that he was able to celebrate Mass with and to exploit genuine priests, often stealing from them after being given hospitality. In one case, he stole the purse of a janitor at St. Mary's Cathedral in Edinburgh after having fooled themonsignor present.It was this guise he used when entering the home of Judy X, an
activist for the Tories onMay 21 ,1992 . Posing as a priest who wished to donate money to the party, he came in and sexually assaulted her repeatedly as well as beating her with afireplace poker . Arrested shortly afterward, his trial was brief, and in August of that year, having been branded by the Scottish High Court as "Walter Mitty gone mad" [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=926232002] , Cronin was sentenced to life in prison for the crime. However, a December 1992 appeal resulted in a six-year prison sentence.Shortly after release from prison in 1997, he was jailed again, this time for making numerous harassing phone calls and threats to various female politicians. As of May 2005, he has been jailed repeatedly on various charges from petty
theft tofraud tobank robbery in 2001. Cronin was severely bullied by other prisoners whilst serving a two-year sentence in Ireland'sCork prison for the bank robbery, spending much of the time in voluntary solitary confinement. He was arrested for petty theft only hours after his release.In August 2007 he ran up a $20,500 bill at the exclusive Operakällaren restaurant in
Stockholm ,Sweden . He ordered a three course meal, with a different bottle of wine for each course. When presented with the bill, he told waiters that he could not pay it, and asked them to call the police. He was sentenced to four months jail to be served in Sweden, after which he will be deported, and banned from reentering Sweden for 5 years.He is considered enough of a threat that the East Lothian Police set up a special unit to deal exclusively with tracking Cronin.
From the earliest points of childhood, Cronin had been involved with mental health specialists.
Early years
At the age of three, he was sent to a child psychologist who later wrote that even from the beginning, "it was clear he was not one of us." [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003] . Two years later, at age five, he was referred to the family psychiatry department of the
Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Sick Children , where he was considered to be highly aggressive and mercurial.Cronin's school years expanded his psychiatric profile, with numerous instances of disruptive behaviour, most notably a 1987 incident when he was interned for a night at a
psychiatric hospital in Edinburgh, after threatening to burn down a homeless shelter. In the case of the hospital stay, he became agitated and repeatedly threw faeces at a nurse.Later years
Robert Waite, a psychiatrist who assessed Cronin in the wake of his first offence, found marked discrepancies in Cronin's intellectual abilities; his verbal skills operated at the university level, while his visual-spatial skills were below average. Cronin had revaled to Waite that he'd felt suicidal while serving his sentence for the initial assault. Waite later concluded: "It is clear he has a severe disorder of his personality, which has grossly interfered with his social adjustment and might be expected to do so for some considerable time." [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003] During his discussions with the social worker, Cronin was said to be defiant and arrogant, interested in politics and expressing admiration for
Nazism anddictatorship , which he felt was a form of true leadership.Dr. John Baird, whose report on Cronin was instrumental in the initial 1992 life sentence, did a study on him. By this time, Cronin had a long criminal record and was considered by some psychiatrists as untreatable. Baird later wrote: "Regarding the question of dangerousness, his life-long behaviour pattern has been one of senseless, dishonest, unreliable and unacceptable behaviour. I have not been able to find any evidence of other behaviour similar to that which he displayed on 21 May, 1992, when he committed a very serious and sustained sexual assault, nor have I been able to find any reason for his behaviour on that day."
Of the 1992 assault on Judy X, Cronin told Baird that in his mind, she hadn't been there, but instead, he was imagining an assault on his maternal grandfather, who he had a lengthy love-hate relationship with. He did talk at length about his parents; though he knew he didn't have a good relationship with them, he described his father as a hero, while disparaging and almost disowning his mother.
Of other issues, Cronin told Baird on his need for prostitution and alcohol. Baird noted Cronin grew distressed only when discussing the 1992 attack or past abuse. Cronin also discussed with Baird his beliefs that he was reincarnated, that he'd been a soldier with the
Charge of the Light Brigade . He also believed himself to be NaziReinhard Heydrich , as well as other persons in history.Ultimately, Baird wrote that Cronin suffered no mental disorder that would justify institutionalizing him. However, in his final notes, he added:
" [Cronin] has never, while in the community, lived in a calm, uneventful manner. The likelihood is that for a considerable time to come, he will, when in the community, behave again as he has done in the past...Personality disorders can cover a range of ills and affect different people in different ways. If a psychiatrist says such a condition is untreatable, it means there is no medication to help, but I don’t accept that any condition is entirely untreatable. There is work that could be done with John Cronin. The stumbling block is that he needs to want to be helped." [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003]
There has been some controversy over Cronin's case both with Cronin's treatment himself and the issues surrounding him.
Cronin's Treatment
The initial criticism comes from neighbours of the Cronins during John's childhood, in that one neighbour reported that " [f] or the first few years of his life, his mum dressed him up as a girl. She wanted a girl so she dressed John in bows and frilly blouses. No wonder he’s such a mess now" [http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=4&q=http://www.scottishmediamonitor.com/articles2.cfm%3FID%3D46&e=10313] , a condition that persisted until the Cronins had a daughter in 1978.
There have also been questions regarding his relationship with his grandfather, whom Cronin claims sexually abused him during the ages of 5 to 12. This has been contradicted somewhat in cases where Cronin also referred to his grandfather as a confidant and friend. [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003]
Additionally, there has also been some controversy over his conversion to
Islam while in prison. While most British Muslims have welcomed him with open arms, some have reminded them that the 1992 Judy X incident was done while Cronin pretended to be a priest, and that conversion would simply be nothing more than a smokescreen. In particular, Dr. Prem Misra, a psychiatrist at Parkhead Hospital inGlasgow , said: "He has used religious pretence to commit crime and nothing suggests that this will be different. He is remorseless." [http://artsweb.bham.ac.uk/bmms/1999/01January99.asp]In a similar vein is his response to his love of politics. Though initially involving himselves with the Tories, in his later years he has involved himself with the
British National Party , though due to issues in 2003 regardingfraud charges the BNP announced that they had denied him membership and would campaign to have him evicted from his then-residence.Lastly is media controversy. Several Scottish media outlets have followed his case, leading to some criticism of overzealotry and stalking. "Scottish News of the World" reported that
vigilante s threatened to lynch him, while reporters from "The Sun" exposed his home, reporting that they found "the monster in hiding" and printed a picture of where Cronin was "holed up." Another tabloid printed on its front page a plea to "HELP US KEEP TABS ON THE BEAST. Women and children are living in fear because sick Cronin is to walk free. Help us to keep them safe by telling us what you know of his whereabouts." [http://www.scotsgay.co.uk/text/sg27.txt]Cronin and Sex Offender Issues
June 27 ,2001 , theScottish Parliament called for the lifetime restriction of sex offenders and violent criminals. John Cronin was cited as the main example.External references
* [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&format=rss Scotsman.com News Tracker for John Cronin]
* [http://www.scottish.parliament.uk/business/officialReports/meetingsParliament/or-01/sor0627-02.htm Scottish Parliament Official Report] - discusses Cronin case
* [http://scotlandtoday.scottishtv.colo.ednet.co.uk/content/default.asp?page=s1_1_1&newsid=5526 Police say they will keep an eye on sex offender if he returns] , Scotland Today, May 23, 2005
* [http://news.scotsman.com/topics.cfm?tid=864&id=579202003 Out of control and a danger to women] Scotsman.com, May 23, 2005
* [http://society.guardian.co.uk/socialcare/news/0,8372,505622,00.html Lifelong controls proposed for serious offenders in Scotland] The Guardian.com, June 12, 2001 - discusses Cronin case in some detail
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.