List of exchange-traded funds

List of exchange-traded funds

This is a table of notable exchange-traded funds, or ETFs.

ETFs in various nations

The ETFs available on exchanges vary from country to country. Many of the ETFs listed below are available exclusively on that nation's primary stock exchange and cannot be purchased on a foreign stock exchange.

Australian ETFs

* Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange
* expense ratios as of 2008-03-25 (rounded off to two decimal points)

Note: CDF is a quasi-ETF. It is not transparent as other ETFs. It aims to track the ASX 200, however it also invests in derivatives (futures and swap contracts) for hedging purposes.

Canadian ETFs

In Canada, Barclays Global Investors is the largest ETF provider, offering ETFs under the iShares brand name:
* XIC – tracks the S&P/TSX Composite Total Return Index
* XIU – tracks the S&P/TSX 60 Total Return Index
* XMD – tracks the S&P/TSX MidCap Index
* XCS – tracks the S&P/TSX SmallCap Index
* XEG – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index
* XIT – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Information Technology Index
* XGD – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Gold Index
* XFN – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index
* XMA – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Materials Index
* XRE – tracks the S&P/TSX Capped Real Estate Investment Trust Index
* XTR – tracks the S&P/TSX Income Trust Index
* XDV – tracks the Dow Jones Canada Select Dividend Index
* XCG – tracks the Dow Jones Canada Select Growth Index
* XCV – tracks the Dow Jones Canada Select Value Index
* XEN – tracks the Jantzi Social Index
* XSB – tracks the Scotia Short-term bond Index
* XBB – tracks the Scotia Capital Bond Index
* XRB – tracks the Scotia Capital Real Return Bond Index
* XCB – tracks the Scotia Capital All Corporate Bond Index
* XGB – tracks the Scotia Capital All Government Bond Index
* XLB – tracks the Scotia Capital Long Term Bond Index
* XSP – tracks the S&P 500 Index (currency hedged)
* XSU – tracks the Russell 2000 Index (currency hedged)
* XIN – tracks the MSCI EAFE 100% Hedged to CAD Dollars Index (currency hedged)

Claymore Investments also offers a series of ETFs available in Canada:
* CBQ – Claymore BRIC ETF – tracks the BNY BRIC Select ADR Index (Brazil, Russia India and China)
* CDZ – Claymore CDN Dividend & Income Achievers ETF – tracks Mergent's Canadian Dividend & Income Achievers Index.
* CLO – Claymore Oil Sands Sector ETF – tracks the Sustainable Oil Sands Sector Index
* CLU – Claymore US Fundamental ETF (Canadian Dollar Hedged) – tracks the FTSE RAFI US 1000 Canadian Dollar Hedged Index
* CRQ – Claymore Canadian Fundamental Index ETF – tracks the FTSE RAFI Canada Index
* CWW – Claymore S&P Global Water ETF – tracks the S&P Global Water Index
* CMW – Claymore S&P/TSX Global Mining ETF – tracks the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index
* CIE – Claymore International Fundamental Index ETF – tracks the FTSE RAFI Developed ex US 1000 Index
* CJP – Claymore Japan Fundamental Index ETF – tracks the FTSE RAFI Japan Canadian Dollar Hedged Index
* CPD – Claymore S&P/TSX Preferred Share ETF – tracks the S&P/TSX Preferred Share Index

Horizons Betapro also offers a series of ETFs available in Canada:
* HXU – the "HBP 60 Bull + ETF" – tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of the S&P/TSX 60 Total Return Index
* HXD – the "HBP 60 Bear + ETF" – tracks two times (200%) the inverse (opposite) of the daily performance of the S&P/TSX 60 Total Return Index
* HEU – the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Capped Energy Bull Plus ETF – tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index.
* HED – the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Capped Energy Bear Plus ETF – tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Capped Energy Index
* HFU – the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Capped Financial Bull Plus ETF – tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index.
* HFD – the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Capped Financials Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Capped Financials Index.
* HMU – the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Global Mining Bull Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index.
* HMD - the Horizons BetaPro S&P/TSX Global Mining Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index.
* HOU – the Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bull Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of NYMEX Crude Oil.
* HOD – the Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of NYMEX Crude Oil.
* HNU – the Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Natural Gas Bull Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of NYMEX Natural Gas.
* HND – the Horizons BetaPro NYMEX Natural Gas Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of NYMEX Natural Gas.
* HBU – the Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bull Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of COMEX Gold.
* HBD – the Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of COMEX Gold.
* HAU – the Horizons BetaPro DJ-AIG Agricultural Grains Bull Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) the daily performance of the DJ-AIG Grains Sub-Index.
* HAD – the Horizons BetaPro DG-AIG Agricultural Grains Bear Plus ETF –tracks two times (200%) inverse the daily performance of the DJ-AIG Grains Sub-Index.

European ETFs

In the European Union many ETFs are traded as cross border UCITS III funds. For example the UK iShares and ETF Securities are Irish registered UCITS funds and trade on the London Stock Exchange. Other ETF's are offered by Indexchange Investments AG, whose funds are listed in Germany on the Deutsche Börse. Indexchange was a subsidiary of HypoVereinsbank. It has been acquired by Barclays Global Investors. [ [ iShares Press release] ]

* ETFS All Commodities DJ-AIGCISM
* iShares DJ STOXX 50
* iShares DJ EURO STOXX 50
* Indexchange DJ Euro Stoxx EX
* Indexchange DJ Euro Stoxx 50 EX
* Indexchange DJ Stoxx 50 EX
* Lyxor ETF DJ Euro Stoxx 50
* Lyxor ETF MSCI Europe

Finnish ETFs

* SLG OMHXH25 – It is a market value weighted index that consists of the 25 most-traded stock classes. Provided by Seligson & Co Fund Management
* XACT OMXH25 – Same as above by Handelsbanken Mutual Fund Company Ltd.

Hong Kong ETFs

* 2800.HK TraHK – tracks the Hang Seng Index
* 2801.HK China Tracker – tracks the MSCI China Index
* 2803.HK Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI US-1000 - tracks the FTSE RAFI US-1000 Index
* 2806.HK Lyxor ETF FTSE RAFI Europe - tracks the FTSE RAFI Europe Index
* 2809.HK Lyxor ETF Commodities – tracks the Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index
* 2810.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI India – tracks the MSCI India Index
* 2812.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI World – tracks the MSCI World Index
* 2813.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea – tracks the MSCI Korea Index
* 2814.HK Lyxor ETF Japan (TOPIX) - tracks the Japan TOPIX Index
* 2815.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI AP Ex JP – tracks the MSCI AC Asia-Pacific Ex Japan Index
* 2819.HK ABF HK IDX ETF – tracks the iBoxx ABF Hong Kong Index
* 2820.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Emerging Market ETF - tracks the MSCI Emerging Market Index
* 2821.HK ABF Pan Asia Bond Index Fund – tracks the iBoxx ABF Pan-Asia Index
* 2823.HK A50 China Tracker – tracks the FTSE/Xinhua China A50 Index
* 2826.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI NASDAQ 100 – tracks the MSCI NASDAQ 100 Index
* 2828.HK HS H-Share ETF – tracks the Hang Seng China Enterprises Index
* 2831.HK Lyxor ETF Russia – tracks the DJ RUSINDEX TITANS 10
* 2833.HK HS HSI ETF – tracks the Hang Seng Index
* 2836.HK SENSEXINDIA ETF – tracks the BSE Sensitivity Index
* 2837.HK Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan - tracks the MSCI Taiwan Index
* 2838.HK Hang Seng FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index ETF – tracks the FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index

Indian ETFs


Japan ETFs

* Listed in Osaka Securities Exchange
** [ 1309] SSE50 Index Linked Exchange Traded Fund
** [ 1312] Small Cap Core Index Linked Exchange Traded Fund (Russell/Nomura)
** [ 1320] Daiwa ETF - Nikkei 225 – tracks the Nikkei 225
** [ 1321] Nikkei 225 Exchange Traded Fund (Nomura) – tracks the Nikkei 225
** [ 1328] Gold-Price-Linked Exchange Traded Fund
* Listed in Tokyo Stock Exchange
** [ 1305] Daiwa ETF-TOPIX – tracks the TOPIX
** [ 1306] TOPIX ETF – tracks the TOPIX
** [ 1308] Nikko Exchange Traded TOPIX – tracks the TOPIX
** [ 1310] Daiwa ETF TOPIX Core 30 – tracks the TOPIX Core 30
** [ 1311] TOPIX Core 30 Exchange Traded – tracks the TOPIX Core30
** [ 1313] KODEX 200
** [ 1314] Listed Index Fund S&P Japan Emerging Equity 100
** [ 1316] Listed Index Fund TOPIX100 Japan Large Cap Equity
** [ 1317] Listed Index Fund TOPIX Mid400 Japan Mid Cap Equity
** [ 1318] Listed Index Fund TOPIX Small Japan Small Cap Equity
** [ 1319] Nikkei 300
** [ 1322] Listed Index Fund China A Share (Panda) CSI300
** [ 1326] SPDR®Gold Shares
** [ 1329] i Shares Nikkei 225
** [ 1330] Nikko Exchange Traded 225
** [ 1610] Daiwa ETF TOPIX Electric Appliances
** [ 1612] Daiwa ETF TOPIX Banks
** [ 1613] TOPIX Electric Appliances Exchange Traded
** [ 1615] TOPIX Banks

Singapore ETFs (as of 12 September 2007)

* I98.SI iShares MSCI India ETF
* P58.SI Lyxor ETF China Enterprise (HSCEI)
* A9B.SI Lyxor HangSeng 10US$
* P60.SI Lyxor ETF MSCI AC Asia-Pacific Ex Japan
* CW4.SI Lyxor ETF Japan (Topix)
* AO9.SI Lyxor ETF MSCI Korea
* A9A.SI Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan
* FC6.SI Lyxor ETF India (S&P CNX NIFTY)
* S67.SI streetTRACKS® Straits Times Index Fund
* A0W.SI Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB - tracks AIG commodities index
* O87.SI streetTRACKS® Gold Shares

South Korea ETFs

All ROK-based ETFs, as of September 2008:

TIGER ETFs are managed by Miraeasset MAPS Investment Management.KODEX ETFs are managed by Samsung Investments.KOSEF ETFs are managed by WCSAM(Woori CreditSuisse Asset Management).

Market Index ETFs
* KODEX 200
* KOSEF 200
* TIGER 200

Sector-based ETFs
* KODEX Automobile
* KODEX Semiconductors
* TIGER Semiconductors
* KODEX Banks
* TIGER Banks
* KOSEF Banks
* KODEX Securities
* KODEX Shipbuilding

Style ETFs
* KODEX Large&Mid-cap
* KODEX Mid-cap
* KODEX Large&Mid-cap Growth
* TIGER Pure
* TIGER Mid-cap
* KOSEF Large-cap
* KOSEF Mid-cap
* TREX Mid&Small-cap

Overseas ETFs
* KODEX China H tracking HSCEI
* KODEX Brazil tracking Brazil Titans 20 ADR Index
* KODEX Japan tracking TOPIX 100
* TIGER Latin tracking The Bank of New York Mellon Latin 35 ADR Index
* TIGER BRICs tracking The Bank of New York Mellon BRIC Select ADR Index

For more information, please visit the websites below:Miraeasset MAPS Investment Management: Investments: Asset Management:

Swedish ETFs

In Sweden seven ETFs exist as of January 2008, all provided by [ XACT Fonder] :

* XACT Bull – leveraged ETF tracking 1,5 times daily OMXS30 returns, fee 0,6%
* XACT Bear – short leveraged ETF, Bear gains from market declines, fee 0,6%
* XACT OMXS30 – tracking 30 most traded stocks in Stockholm Stock Exchange, fee 0,3%
* XACT OMXSB – tracking 80–100 most traded stocks in Stockholm Stock Exchange, fee 0,3%
* XACT FTSE RAFI Euro – Fundamentally Weighted index, 270 stocks across Eurozone, fee 0,65%
* XACT FTSE RAFI Sweden – Fundamentally Weighted index, 100 Swedish stocks, fee 0,5%
* XACT Nordic 30 – tracking 30 most traded stocks in the Nordic region (Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark)

Turkish ETFs

* DJIST – Dow Jones Istanbul 20 is the first Exchange Traded Fund in Turkey. (tracks Dow Jones Turkey Titans 20 Index)
* NFIST – Non-Financial Istanbul 20 is the first sector Exchange Traded Fund in Turkey. (tracks Non-Financial Istanbul 20 Index)
* SMIST – Turkish Smaller Companies Istanbul 25 is the first style Exchange Traded Fund in Turkey. (tracks Turkish Smaller Companies Istanbul 25 Index)
* GOLDIST / GLDTR / GOLD ETF – Istanbul GOLD ETF (GOLDIST) is the first Gold ETF in Turkey and is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange. GOLDIST aims to reflect the performance of Gold and can be traded in terms of gram equivalent shares. (tracks the international spot USD Ounce price of Gold)
* FBIST – FTSE Istanbul Bond ETF is the first fixed income ETF in both Turkey and Developing Europe. (tracks FTSE Turkish Lira Government Bond Index)


In 2007, the United States had over 600 ETFs. The first, and most widely held (as of 2007) is the Standard & Poor's Depositary Receipts Trust Series 1, abbreviated SPDR.Fact|date=June 2008 Shares of SPDR, called "spiders", are managed by State Street Global Advisors, and listed on the American Stock Exchange under the ticker SPY. Also popular and well known are the ETFs that track the NASDAQ-100 index ("qubes"), the Dow Jones Industrial Average ("DIAMONDS") and the iShares MSCI series. Top 20 US-based ETFs, by assets under management:

* SPDRs "spiders" (amex2|SPY)
* iShares MSCI EAFE Index (nyse2|EFA)
* iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (nyse2|EEM)
* SPDR Gold Shares (nyse2|GLD)
* iShares S&P 500 Index (nyse2|IVV)
* PowerShares QQQ "qubes" (nasdaq2|QQQQ)
* iShares Russell 1000 Growth Index (nyse2|IWF)
* Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (amex2|VTI)
* MidCap SPDRs (amex2|MDY)
* iShares Legman Aggregate Bond (nyse2|AGG)
* iShares Lehman 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (nyse2|SHY)
* iShares MSCI Brazil Index (nyse2|EWZ)
* DIAMONDS Trust, Series 1 (amex2|DIA)
* iShares MSCI Japan Index (nyse2|EWJ)
* iShares Russell 1000 Value Index (nyse2|IWD)
* iShares Russell 2000 Index (nyse2|IWM)
* Financial Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLF)
* iShares Lehman TIPS Bond (nyse2|TIP)
* Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock ETF (amex2|VWO)
* iShares S&P 500 Growth Index (nyse2|IVW)

(as of June 2008)

tock ETFs

Broad ETFs

* SPDRs (amex2|SPY)
* iShares S&P 500 Index (nyse2|IVV)
* PowerShares QQQ (nasdaq2|QQQQ)
* Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF (amex2|VTI)
* DIAMONDS Trust, Series 1 (amex2|DIA)
* iShares Russell 1000 Index (nyse2|IWB)
* iShares S&P 100 Index (amex2|OEF)
* UltraShort S&P500 ProShares (amex2|SDS) "bear"
* iShares Russell 3000 Index (nyse2|IWV)
* UltraShort QQQ ProShares (amex2|QID) "bear"
* Vanguard Large Cap ETF (amex2|VV)
* Rydex S&P Equal Weight (amex2|RSP)
* iShares S&P Global 100 Index (nyse2|IOO)

Regional ETFs

* iShares MSCI EAFE Index (nyse2|EFA)
* iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Index (nyse2|EEM)
* Vanguard Emerging Markets Stock ETF (amex2|VWO)
* iShares S&P Latin America 40 Index (nyse2|ILF)
* iShares MSCI Pacific ex-Japan (nyse2|EPP)
* Vanguard European Stock ETF (nyse2|VGK)
* iShares S&P Europe 350 Index (nyse2|IEV)
* Vanguard FTSE All-World ex-US ETF (amex2|VEU)
* Vanguard Pacific Stock ETF (amex2|VPL)
* iShares MSCI EMU Index (nyse2|EZU)
* iShares MSCI EAFE Growth Index (nyse2|EFG)
* Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF (amex2|VEA)
* Claymore/BNY BRIC (amex2|EEB)

tyle ETFs

* iShares Russell 1000 Growth Index (nyse2|IWF)
* iShares Russell 1000 Value Index (nyse2|IWD)
* iShares S&P 500 Growth Index (nyse2|IVW)
* iShares Dow Jones Select Dividend Index (nyse2|DVY)
* Vanguard Growth ETF (amex2|VUG)
* iShares S&P 500 Value Index (nyse2|IVE)
* iShares Russell 2000 Value Index (nyse2|IWN)
* iShares Russell 2000 Growth Index (nyse2|IWO)
* iShares Russell Midcap Growth Index (nyse2|IWP)
* iShares Russell Midcap Value Index (nyse2|IWS)
* iShares S&P MidCap 400 Growth Index (nyse2|IJK)
* Vanguard Value ETF (amex2|VTV)
* iShares S&P MidCap 400 Value Index (nyse2|IJJ)
* iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Value Index (nyse2|IJS)
* iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Growth (nyse2|IJT)

Mid/small-cap ETFs

* MidCap SPDRs (amex2|MDY)
* iShares Russell 2000 Index (nyse2|IWM)
* iShares S&P MidCap 400 Index (nyse2|IJH)
* iShares S&P SmallCap 600 Index (nyse2|IJR)
* iShares Russell Midcap Index (nyse2|IWR)
* UltraShort Russell2000 ProShares (amex2|TWM) "bear"
* Vanguard Small Cap ETF (amex2|VB)

Country ETFs

* iShares MSCI Brazil Index (nyse2|EWZ)
* iShares MSCI Japan Index (nyse2|EWJ)
* iShares FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index (nyse2|FXI)
* iShares MSCI Taiwan Index (nyse2|EWT)
* iShares MSCI South Korea Index (nyse2|EWY)
* iShares MSCI Canada Index (nyse2|EWC)
* iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index (nyse2|EWH)
* iShares MSCI Singapore Index (nyse2|EWS)
* Market Vectors Russia ETF (nyse2|RSX)
* iShares MSCI Australia Index (nyse2|EWA)
* iShares MSCI Mexico Index (nyse2|EWW)

ector ETFs

Sector ETFs may track sector-based indexes or simply correspond to a basket of companies thought to be representative of a specific market sector.

* Financial Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLF)
* Energy Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLE)
* Oil Services HOLDRs (amex2|OIH)
* Technology Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLK)
* iShares S&P North Amer Natural Resources (nyse2|IGE)
* PowerShares Water Resources (amex2|PHO)
* Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLP)
* UltraShort Oil & Gas ProShares (amex2|DUG) "bear"
* Ultra Oil & Gas ProShares(amex2|DIG)
* Health Care Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLV)
* UltraShort Financials ProShares (amex2|SKF) "bear"
* Utilities Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLU)
* Market Vectors Agribusiness ETF (amex2|MOO)
* Market Vectors Gold Miners ETF (amex2|GDX)
* Pharmaceutical HOLDRs (amex2|PPH)
* PowerShares WilderHill Clean Energy (amex2|PBW)
* Biotech HOLDRs (amex2|BBH)
* Industrial Select Sector SPDR (amex2|XLI)
* Ultra Financials ProShares (amex2|UYG)
* Semiconductor HOLDRs (amex2|SMH)
* iShares Dow Jones US Energy (nyse2|IYE)
* iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology (amex2|IBB)
* iShares Dow Jones US Technology (nyse2|IYW)

Horizons BetaPro Sector ETFs
* Global Gold equity (TSX|HGU, TSX|HGD)
* Canadian Financials (TSX|HFU, TSX|HFD)
* Canadian Energy (TSX|HEU, TSX|HED)
* Global Mining (TSX|HMU, TSX|HMD)
* Agricultural Grains (TSX|HAU, TSX|HAD)

Commodity ETFs

Commodity ETFs, also known as exchange-traded commodities (ETCs), track a specific commodity or a general commodity index, such as:

* SPDR Gold Shares (amex2|GLD)
* iPath Dow Jones-AIG Commodity Idx TR ETN (nyse2|DJP)
* iShares Silver Trust (nyse2|SLV)
* PowerShares DB Commodity Idx Trking Fund (amex2|DBC)
* PowerShares DB Agriculture (amex2|DBA)
* iShares COMEX Gold Trust (amex2|IAU)
* United States Natural Gas (amex2|UNG)

* Gold exchange-traded funds (GETFs), such as Horizons BetaPro COMEX Gold Bullion Bull & Bear Plus ETFs (tsx2|HBU) (tsx2|HBD) ETFS Physical Gold (PHAU LN)
* Silver by ETFS Physical Silver (PHAG LN)
* Precious Metals by ETFS Physical Platinum (PHPT), ETFS Physical Palladium (PHPD), ETFS PM Basket (PHPM)
* Petroleum by ETF Securities (lse2|OILB, lse2|OILW) ETF Securities has over 10 energy ETCs
* Energy by ETFS Energy DJ AIG, ETFS Petrol DJ AIG
* Other base metals such as ETFS Aluminium, ETFS Nickel, ETFS Copper, ETFS Zinc. ETFS DJ AIG Industrial Metals
* Lyxor ETF Commodities CRB tracking the Reuters Jefferies CRB Index by Lyxor Asset Management (Euronext2|VLCRB)
* EasyETF GSCI tracking the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index by Axa Investment Managers and BNP Paribas (FWB2|GSCI and swx|LU0203243844USD4)
* ETFS DJ AIG All Commodity, ETFS DJ AIG Agriculture, ETFS DJ AIG Ex-Energy, ETFS DJ AIG Grains, ETFS DJ AIG Softs, ETFS DJ AIG Industrial Metals, ETFS DJ AIG Precious Metals, ETFS DJ AIG Energy, ETFS DJ AIG All Commodity F3s and many more
* ETFS Physical Gold (PHAU), ETFS Physical Silver (PHAG LN), ETFS Physical Platinum (PHPT LN), ETFS Physical Palladium (PHPD LN) and ETFS Physical PM Basket (includes all 4 metals) (PHPM LN).

Since September 2006, numerous ETFs have been available on the London Stock Exchange [] . ETCs invest in real commodities (via future contracts or storing gold bars, for example) and not in commodity producing companies, such as mining companies, though of course, mining-company ETFs also exist.

The stated purpose of silver and gold ETFs are to track the price of gold and silver. They are NOT redeemable for the underlying instrument and unless rigid audit methods are put in place (and with the exception of ETFS Physical Silver that publishes on newsbite and audits all bars, there is some debate about the silver ETFs holdings as they do not provide audits) it is possible that there are not physical, serialized bullion physically backing the shares. They are also subject to increased volatility and they only represent a promise. If somebody defaults on that promise, the investor may not have anything to show for it thereby meaning they might have lost all of their investment. These concerns have done little to slow the popularity of precious metal ETFs. ETFS Physical Silver (PHAG LN) is backed by allocated metals and publishes all bar numbers with Platinum, Gold, Palladium as well.

Bond ETFs

Many etfs now correspond to bond indexes. Some popular ones include:

* iShares Lehman Aggregate Bond (nyse2|AGG)
* iShares Lehman 1-3 Year Treasury Bond (nyse2|SHY)
* iShares Lehman TIPS Bond (nyse2|TIP)
* iShares iBoxx $ Invest Grade Corp Bond (nyse2|LQD)
* iShares Lehman 7-10 Year Treasury (nyse2|IEF)
* CurrencyShares Euro Trust (nyse2|FXE)
* Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (amex2|BND)
* iShares Lehman 20+ Year Treas Bond (nyse2|TLT)

Real estate ETFs

* iShares Cohen & Steers Realty Majors (amex2|ICF)
* Vanguard REIT Index ETF (amex2|VNQ)
* iShares Dow Jones US Real Estate (nyse2|IYR)
* DJ Wilshire REIT ETF (amex2|RWR)

Leveraged & Short ETFs

Typically ETFs track an index. Using a combination of options, futures, and swaps some firms have designed ETFs capable of tracking approximately -1x, 2x, and -2x the daily returns of an index. In the near future it is likely that ETFs with even higher leverage will emerge. These funds are structured in a sophisticated way and there is significant doubt as to whether or not these funds are appropriate vehicles for the casual investor. [] (Note that obtaining 2x the daily returns for one year does not imply that one will receive double the annual returns of an index).

Short ETFs

Short ETFs enable investors to profit from declines in an underlying index without directly selling short any securities. Investors who think an index will decline purchase shares of the short ETF that tracks the index, and the shares increase or decrease in value inversely with the index, that is to say that if the value of the underlying index goes down, then the value of the short ETF shares goes up, and vice versa. Some popular short ETFs include:

* ProShares Short Dow 30 (amex2|DOG)
* ProShares Short S&P 500 (amex2|SH)
* ProShares Short S&P MidCap 400 (amex2|MYY)
* ProShares Short S&P SmallCap 600 (amex2|SBB)
* ProShares Short Nasdaq 100 (amex2|PSQ)
* ProShares Short Russell 2000 (amex2|RWM)

Horizons BetaPro
* HBP S&P/TSX 60 Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HXD)
* HBP S&P/TSX Capped Energy Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HED)
* HBP S&P/TSX Capped Financials Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HFD)
* HBP S&P/TSX Global Gold Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HGD)
* HBP S&P/TSX Global Mining ETF (tsx2|HMD)
* HBP NYMEX Crude Oil Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HOD)
* HBP NYMEX Natural Gas Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HND)
* HBP COMEX Gold Bullion Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HBD)
* HBP DJ-AIG Agricultural Grains Bear Plus ETF (tsx2|HAD)

ETF Securities
* have just announced 33 short commodity ETCs and 33 2X leveraged commodity ETCs based on DJ AIG indices. New commodities to be issued Tin, Lead & CocoaFact|date=March 2008.

Leveraged ETFs

The following ETFs are good examples of Leveraged ETFs:

* ProShares Ultra QQQ (amex2|QLD) tracks 2x the NASDAQ-100 Index
* ProShares Ultra Dow30 (amex2|DDM) tracks 2x the Dow Jones Industrial Average SM
* ProShares Ultra S&P500 (amex2|SSO) tracker 2x the S&P 500® Index

Leveraged Short ETFs

The following funds are both short and leveraged:
* UltraShort S&P500 ProShares (amex2|SDS)
* UltraShort QQQ ProShares (amex2|QID)
* UltraShort Financials ProShares (amex2|SKF)
* UltraShort Russell2000 ProShares (amex2|TWM)
* UltraShort Dow30 ProShares (amex2|DXD)
* UltraShort Real Estate ProShares (amex2|SRS)
* UltraShort MidCap400 ProShares (amex2|MZZ)
* UltraShort Oil & Gas ProShares (amex2|DUG)
* Double Short Gold (DZZ)


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  • Exchange-traded fund — An exchange traded fund (ETF) is an investment fund traded on stock exchanges, much like stocks.[1] An ETF holds assets such as stocks, commodities, or bonds, and trades close to its net asset value over the course of the trading day. Most ETFs… …   Wikipedia

  • Exchange-traded note — An exchange traded note (or ETN) is a senior, unsecured, unsubordinated debt security issued by an underwriting bank. Similar to other debt securities, ETNs have a maturity date and are backed only by the credit of the issuer. ETNs are designed… …   Wikipedia

  • List of companies traded on the JSE — This is a list of companies traded on the JSE. The original compilation of the list was done in February 2006. Contents: Top · 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Note: For companies without a listed external link there… …   Wikipedia

  • Inverse exchange-traded fund — An inverse exchange traded fund is an exchange traded fund (ETF), traded on a public stock market, which is designed to perform as the inverse of whatever index or benchmark it is designed to track. These funds work by using short selling,… …   Wikipedia

  • List of companies paying monthly dividends — This is a list of companies that pay monthly dividends.This list intentionally does not include funds such as Exchange traded funds, Closed end funds, Mutual funds, Income funds and passive entities such as Royalty trusts. United States Markets… …   Wikipedia

  • National Stock Exchange of India — National Stock Exchange राष्ट्रीय शेअर बाज़ार …   Wikipedia

  • Australian Securities Exchange — ASX redirects here. For other uses, see ASX (disambiguation). Australian Securities Exchange …   Wikipedia

  • Chicago Stock Exchange — Type Private …   Wikipedia

  • London Stock Exchange — Infobox Exchange name = London Stock Exchange nativename = type = Stock Exchange city = London country = United Kingdom coor = coord|51|30|54|N|0|05|56.5|W|region:GB LND type:landmark foundation = 1801 owner = London Stock Exchange Group key… …   Wikipedia

  • Helsinki Stock Exchange — Helsingin Pörssi Helsingforsbörsen …   Wikipedia

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