psychoanalytic feminist theorist and is a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association , often speaking at its congresses . She spent many years as a professor in the departments of sociology and clinical psychology at the University of California , Berkeley . She retired from the University of California in 2005 .
Chodorow graduated from Radcliffe College in 1966 and later received her PhD in sociology from Brandeis University .
Chodorow sees gender differences as compromise formations of the Oedipal complex . She begins with Freud ’s assertion that the individual is born bisexual and that the child 's mother is its first sexual object . Chodorow , drawing on the work of Karen Horney and Melanie Klein , notes that the child forms its ego in reaction to the dominating figure of the mother . The male child forms this sense of independent agency easily , identifying with the agency and freedom of the father and emulating his possessive interest in the mother /wife . This task is not as simple for the female child . The mother identifies with her more strongly , and the daughter attempts to make the father her new love object , but is stymied in her ego formation by the intense bond with the mother . Where male children typically experience love as a dyadic relationship , daughters are caught in a libidinal triangle where the ego is pulled between love for the father , the love of the mother , and concern and worry over the relationship of the father to the mother . For Chodorow , the contrast between the dyadic and triadic first love experiences explains the social construction of gender roles , the universal degradation of women in culture , cross -cultural patterns in male behavior , and marital strain in the West after Second Wave feminism . In marriage , the woman takes less of an interest in sex and more in the children . Her ambivalence towards sex eventually drives the male away . She devotes her energies to the children once she does reach sexual maturity .
See also
^ Chesler , Phyllis ; Rothblum , Esther D ., and Cole , Ellen . Feminist foremothers in women 's studies , psychology , and mental health , Volume 1 , Routledge , 1996 , p . 141 .
External links
Chodorow , Nancy
Alternative names
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Date of birth
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Date of death
Place of death
Categories: American sociologists Feminist studies scholars 1944 births Living people Radcliffe College alumni Brandeis University alumni Psychoanalysts Relational psychoanalysis Relational psychoanalysts
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