Josef Breuer

Josef Breuer

Josef Breuer (January 15, 1842June 20, 1925) was an Austrian physician whose works lay the foundation of psychoanalysis.

Born in Vienna, his father, Leopold Breuer, taught religion in Vienna's Jewish community. Breuer's mother died when he was quite young, and he was raised by his maternal grandmother and educated by his father until the age of eight. He graduated from the Akademisches Gymnasium of Vienna in 1858 and then studied at the university for one year, before enrolling in the medical school of the University of Vienna. He passed his medical exams in 1867 and went to work as assistant to the internist Johann Oppolzer at the university.

Anna O.

A close friend and collaborator with Sigmund Freud, Breuer is perhaps best known for his work with Anna O. (the pseudonym of Bertha Pappenheim), a woman suffering with symptoms of paralysis, anaesthesias, and "disturbances of vision and speech". (Zangwill Fact|date=February 2008)

Breuer observed that her symptoms were reduced or disappeared after she described them to him. Anna O. humorously called this procedure "chimney sweeping". She also coined the more serious appellation for this form of therapy, the "talking cure", which is widely regarded as the basis of Freudian psychoanalysis. (Peter Gay, "Freud: A Life for Our Time", pp. 6566)

Freud and Breuer documented their discussions of Anna O., along with other case studies, in their 1895 book, "Studies on Hysteria". These discussion of Breuer's treatment of Anna O. became "a formative basis of Freudian theory and psychoanalytic practice; especially the importance of fantasies ..., hysteria ..., and the concept and method of catharsis which were Breuer's major contributions." (Zangwill Fact|date=February 2008)

Other work

Breuer, working under Ewald Hering at the military medical school in Vienna, was the first to demonstrate the role of the vagus nerve in the reflex nature of respiration. This was a departure from previous physiological understanding, and changed the way scientists viewed the relationship of the lungs to the nervous system. The mechanism is now known as the Hering-Breuer reflex. [ [ Breuer, Josef (1842-1925) | Encyclopedia of Psychology | Find Articles at BNET ] at] Breuer also established the function of the semicircular canals in the ear, and their role in maintaining balance.

In 1894, Breuer was elected a Corresponding Member of the Vienna Academy of Science. (Robert S. Steele, [ "Freud and Jung"] p. 50)


Breuer married Mathilde Altmann in 1868, and they had five children. His daughter Dora later committed suicide rather than be deported by the Nazis. Likewise, one of his granddaughters died at their hands.

In fiction

A series of meetings between Josef Breuer and Friedrich Nietzsche was fictionally created in the book "When Nietzsche Wept" by Irvin D. Yalom.

The 1968 TV film "Prescription: Murder", which introduced the character of Columbo, begins with the murderer (Gene Barry), an arrogant psychiatrist, stumping party guests in a game of Botticelli by choosing Josef Breuer.

In 1992, the relationship between Josef Breuer and Anna O. was fictionalized in the play "The Mystery of Anna O." Spanning 3 time periods, the play questions whether Anna O was actually Bertha Pappenheim. The play was written by Jerome Coopersmith.


*Cranefield, Paul F. "Breuer, Josef." In the "Dictionary of Scientific Biography" , edited by Charles Coulston Gillispie, vol. 2. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1981, ISBN 0-684-80588-X
*Hirschmüller, Albrecht. "The Life and Work of Josef Breuer: Physiology and Psychoanalysis." New York: New York University Press, 1990, ISBN 0-8147-3427-8
*Zangwill, O.L. "Breuer, Joseph." In "The Oxford Companion to the Mind" New York: Oxford University Press, 1998 ISBN 0-19-860224-3
* [ Gale Encyclopedia of Psychology] ."

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