Noel Castree

Noel Castree

Noel Castree (born 1968) is a British geographer and associate professor in the School of Environment and Development at the University of Manchester whose research interests are in capitalism-environment relationships.

His "principal interests are in the political economy of environmental change, regulation and contestation. He has sought to develop and apply Marxian approaches to understanding a range of environmental problems, with an emphasis on understanding the meaning and limits of 'commodification'."[1] In 2005, Castree received the Gill Memorial Award from the Royal Geographical Society.[2]

One of his main contributions to critical geography relates to the concept of Social nature.


  • Castree, Noel and Gregory, D., David Harvey: a critical reader, Blackwell Publishing, 2006.
  • Castree, Noel, Rogers, A. and Sherman, D., Questioning geography, Blackwell, 2005.
  • Castree, Noel, Nature, Routledge, 2005.
  • Castree, Noel, COE, N., WARD, K. and SAMERS, M., Spaces of work: global capitalism and the geographies of labour, Sage: London and New York, 2003.
  • Castree, Noel and Braun, B., Social nature: theory, practice and politics, Oxford and New York: Blackwell, 2001.
  • Castree, Noel and Braun, B., Remaking reality: nature at the millennium, Routledge: London and New York, 1998.


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