- Central force
classical mechanics , a central force is a force whose magnitude only depends on thedistance "r" of the object from the origin and is directed along the line joining them: cite web
url= http://scienceworld.wolfram.com/physics/CentralForce.html
title= Central Force
accessdate= 2008-08-18
author= Eric W. Weisstein
authorlink= Eric W. Weisstein
year= 1996–2007
work= ScienceWorld
publisher= Wolfram Research] :mathbf{F}(mathbf{r}) = F(|mathbf{r}|)hat{mathbf{rwhere F is the force, r is theposition vector , |r| is its length and r̂ is the correspondingunit vector , r̂ = r/|r|, and "F" is a scalar function, "F": [0, +∞) → R.Equivalently, a force field is central if and only if it is
spherically symmetric .Properties
A central force is a
conservative field , that is, it can always be expressed as the negativegradient of apotential ::mathbf{F}(mathbf{r}) = - mathbf{ abla} V(mathbf{r}) ext{, where }V(mathbf{r}) = int_^{+infin} F(r),mathrm{d}r(the upper bound of integration is arbitrary, as the potential is definedup to an additive constant).In a conservative field, the total
mechanical energy (kinetic and potential) is conserved::E = frac{1}{2} m |mathbf{dot{r|^2 + V(mathbf{r}) = ext{constant}(where ṙ denotes thederivative of r with respect to time, that is thevelocity ), and in a central force field, so is theangular momentum ::mathbf{L} = mathbf{r} imes mmathbf{dot{r = ext{constant}because thetorque exerted by the force is zero. As a consequence, the body moves on the plane perpendicular to the angular momentum vector and containing the origin, and obeys Kepler's second law. (If the angular momentum is zero, the body moves along the line joining it with the origin.)As a consequence of being conservative, a central force field is irrotational, that is, its curl is zero::abla imesmathbf{F} (mathbf{r}) = mathbf{0} ext{.}
Gravitational force andCoulomb force are two familiar examples with "F"("r") being proportional to 1/"r"2. An object in such a force field with negative "F" (corresponding to an attractive force) obeysKepler's laws of planetary motion .The force field of a spatial
harmonic oscillator is central with "F"("r") proportional to "r" and negative.By
Bertrand's theorem , these two, "F"("r") = −"k"/"r"2 and "F"("r") = −"kr", are the only possible central force field with stable closed orbits.References
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