- Kingdom of Toledo
The Kingdom of Toledo was the second, more established and final centre of
Visigothic rule inHispania . It was created as a part of the events involved by themigration period and thefall of the Roman Empire .Kingdom at Narbonne and Barcelona
After Alaric's death, Visigothic nobles spirited his heir, the child-king
Amalaric , first toNarbonne , which was the last Gothic outpost in Gaul, and further across the Pyrenees intoHispania . The center of Visigothic rule shifted first briefly toBarcelona , then inland and south to Toledo.From
511 to526 , the Visigoths were closely allied to the Ostrogoths underTheodoric the Great .upremacy of Toledo
554 , Granada and southernmostHispania Baetica were lost to representatives of theByzantine Empire (to form the province ofSpania ) who had been invited in to help settle a Visigothic dynastic struggle, but who stayed on, as a hoped-for spearhead to a "Reconquest" of the far west envisaged by emperorJustinian I .The last Arian Visigothic king,
Liuvigild , conquered the Suevic kingdom in585 and most of the northern regions (Cantabria) in574 and regained part of the southern areas lost to the Byzantines, which KingSuintila reconquered completely in624 .The Visigothic kingdom of Toledo achieved its greatest splendour during the 7th century A.D [ [http://www.donquijotedelamancha2005.com/news.php?id=1315&cat=4&PHPSESSID=b0cda3eb3d6eae5c5effb54be87c007a Don Quijote] ] .
Muslim conquest
The kingdom survived until
711 , when KingRoderic (Rodrigo) was killed while opposing an invasion from the south by theUmayyad Muslims in theBattle of Guadalete onJuly 19 . This marked the beginning of the Muslim conquest of Hispania in which most of peninsula came underIslam ic rule by718 .A Visigothic nobleman,
Pelayo , is credited with reverting the Muslim invasion when he defeated theUmayyad s in Covadonga, which has been regarded as the fundational date of theKingdom of Asturias in the northern part of the peninsula. Even though the battle of Covadonga is mostly viewed nowadays more as a mitified skirmish rather than a decissive battle, Christian "Reconquista " of Iberia is still quoted to have its roots in that event.Other Visigoths, refusing to adopt the Muslim faith or live under their rule, fled north to the kingdom of the
Franks , and Visigoths played key roles in the empire ofCharlemagne a few generations later.The Visigothic Code of Law ("forum judicum"), which had been part of aristocratic oral tradition, was set in writing in the early 7th century— and survives in two separate codices preserved at the
Escorial . It goes into more detail than a modern constitution commonly does and reveals a great deal about Visigothic social structure.The Al Andalus era
The Islamic taifa
Toledo retained its aura of being centre of Visigothic glory, that the Arabs, after conquering it, perpetuated calling madinat al-muluk (meaning:city of the kings). Independence as a
taifa kingdom took place due to theAl Andalus civil wars of the early eleventh century, Possibly the Toledians unhappy with disagreements between them, and especially the misrule of the latter, the government decided to offer the lord of the Taifa Santaver, Abd al-Dul Rabman Bin-Nun, who sent them to take over power his son Ismail al-Zafir around 1035.The Banu Dil-Nun were a family of
Berber tribe hawwara, arrived in the peninsula during the Islamic conquest. They settled in the area of Santabariyya or Santaver in the process of Arabization of the eighth to the tenth centuries . Throughout that time Banu Dil-Nun maintained uprising powers against the Emirate and its alternative submissions.They returned to their autonomy with the decline of the Caliphate during the first decade of the eleventh century: then, possibly, Abd al-Rahman Bin-Nun Dil reached the Caliph Sulaiman al-Mustain (1009 - 10 and 1013 - 16) give him the nomination as lord of Santaver, Huete, Uclés and Cuenca, carrying the title of Nasir al-Dawla. This Abd al-Rahman entrusted in 1018 to his son Ismail's government Uclés and then, as has already been said, sent him to Toledo.
Mamun of Toledo
In April 1065 Emir
Al-Muqtadir ofZaragoza besiegedBarbastro , aided by 500 Sevillian knights. The governor, Count Ermengol II of Urgel, was killed in a sortie, and a few days later the city fell, whereupon the Iberian and French garrison was put to the sword, thus bringing an end toPope Alexander II 's prototype crusade.At around the same time Emir
Al-Muqtadir broke off relationships with Castile, and Ferdinand I lead apunitive expedition intoZaragoza - takingAlquezar - and then into Valencia. Despite being a tributary of Castile, Emir Mamun of Toledo lead a force in support of his son-in-law Emir Abd al-Malik. Mamun subsequently dethroned Abd al-Malik and incorporated Valencia into theKingdom of Toledo . Ferdinand fell dangerously ill and retired from the field.King Ferdinand died in León on28 December 1065 , and his empire was divided between his three sons: Sancho II in Castile, Alfonso VI in León, and Garcia in Galicia.In 1093
Raymond of Burgundy andHenry of Burgundy signed a treaty whereby Henry promises to recognize Raymond as king upon the death ofAlfonso VI of Castile , receiving in exchange theKingdom of Toledo or ofPortugal .Alfonso VIII
1174 ,Alfonso VIII of Castile cededUclés to theOrder of Santiago and afterwards this became the order's principal seat. From Uclés, he began a campaign which culminated in the reconquest ofCuenca in1177 . The city surrendered on21 September , the feast ofSaint Matthew , ever afterwards celebrated by the citizens of the town.Alfonso took the initiative to ally all the major Christian kingdoms of the peninsula — Navarre, León, Portugal, and Aragon — against the
Almohads . By theTreaty of Cazorla of1179 , the zones of expansion of each kingdom were defined.After founding Plasencia (
Cáceres ) in1186 , he embarked on a major initiative to unite the Castilian nobility around the Reconquista. In that year, he recuperated part ofLa Rioja from theKingdom of Navarre .In
1195 , after the treaty with the Almohads was broken, he came to the defence of Alarcos on the riverGuadiana , then the principal Castilian town in the region. At the subsequentBattle of Alarcos , he was roundly defeated by the caliphAbu Yaqub Yusuf al-Mansur . The reoccupation of the surrounding territory by the Almohads was quickly commenced withCalatrava falling first. For the next seventeen years, the frontier between Moor and Castilian was fixed in the hill country just outside Toledo.Finally, in 1212, through the mediation of
Pope Innocent III , a crusade was called against the Almohads. Castilians under Alfonso, Aragonese and Catalans under Peter II, Navarrese under Sancho VII, and Franks under the archbishopArnold of Narbonne all flocked to the effort. The military orders also lent their support. Calatrava first, then Alarcos, and finallyBenavente were captured before a final battle was fought atLas Navas de Tolosa nearSanta Elena on16 July . The caliphMuhammad an-Nasir was routed and Almohad power broken.Alfonso was claimed as the King of Toledo [ [http://www.geocities.com/eurprin/castile.html Titles of European kingd.] ] and since then the Kingdom of Toledo became part of the
Crown of Castile References
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