- White stag
otheruses|White Stag
A white stag or white deer is a
red deer with a condition known asleucism that causes its hair and skin to lose its natural colour. The white stag has played a prominent role in many cultures' mythology.Biology
Leucism is a raregenetic pattern that causes a reduction in thepigment of an animal's hair and skin. The natural colour of the red deer ranges from darkred tobrown . They are often thought to bealbino s; however, unlike albinos, who have characteristically red eyes, deer with leucism have normal colouring in their eyes. It is distinguished biologically fromalbinism in that it causes a reduced pigmentation in all skin types, and not justmelanin .ymbolism
Myth and legend
White deer hold a place in the
mythology of many cultures. TheCeltic people considered them to be messengers from the otherworld; it also played an important role in other pre-Indo-European cultures, especially in the north. [cite book|last=Vega|first=Phyllis|authorlink=|title=Celtic Astrology: How the Mystical Power of the Druid Tree Signs Can Transform Your Life|publisher=Career Press |year=2002Google Book Search books] [http://www.geocities.com/branwaedd/whitestag.html#1 The White Stag]Geocities ] The Celts believed that the white stag would appear when one was transgressing a taboo, such as whenPwyll tresspassed intoArawn 's hunting grounds.Arthurian legend states that the creature has a perennial ability to evade capture; and that the pursuit of the animal represents mankind's spiritual quest. [cite news | url = http://uk.reuters.com/article/topNews/idUKKIM25136920080212?pageNumber=1&virtualBrandChannel=0| title = Ghost-like white stag spotted in Scotland | publisher =Reuters | date = 2008-02-12] It also signalled that the time was nigh for theknight s of the kingdom to pursue a quest.In
Christianity , the white stag was partly responsible for the conversion of the martyrSaint Eustace . Eustace saw a vision ofChrist between the stag'santler s and was told that he would suffer for Christ. [ [http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainte17.htm patron Saints: Saint Eustace] Catholic Forum]The white stag has also been invoked in contemporary society for its symbolism. Robert Baden-Powell, leader of the
Scouting movement, spoke to Scouts at the1933 World Jamboree in Gödöllő,Hungary , about the white stag:Today, the Hungarian branch of Scouts uses the white stag as a symbol. The white stag is also prevalent in
Hungarian mythology ; it was believed that a white stag led the brothersHunor and Magor toScythia , an action which preceded the formation of the Hun and Magyar people. TheWhite Stag Leadership Development Program bases much of its spirit and traditions on the white stag ofHungarian mythology .Reasons for symbolism
The colour
white has long been associated with purity; and inCeltic culture , the colour also represented the otherworld. In modern society, people have acted to protect the white stag as a vestige of beauty, and the hunting of the white stag has often met with anger, because of its rare and elusive nature. [cite news | url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/cornwall/7064650.stm | title = 'Disgust' over white stag death | publisher =BBC News | date = 2007-10-26] [cite news | url = http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/10/27/nstag127.xml | title = Rare white stag found shot and beheaded | publisher = The Telegraph | date = 2007-10-29] White can also mean a symbol ofpeace or atruce . [ [http://www.sensationalcolor.com/content/view/1063/144/ All About White] Sensational colour]For early man, the deer resprented a valuable resource, providing nourishment, clothing and other accessories; and the deer may have played a role in
totemic culture.In works of fiction
The white stag of
Hungarian mythology was the subject of a children's book of the same name. "The White Stag " byKate Seredy won the prestigiousNewbery Medal as the Outstanding American book for children in1938 . This story describes the leadership of Attila—known by history asAttila the Hun , the "Scourge of God"—in their pursuit of a mythical white stag that led them to a new country and home.The white stag played an important role in
C.S. Lewis 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe novel. The white stag makes two appearances, distinct from each other: it pulls the reigns of theWhite Witch , but is also responsible for leading the children out ofNarnia . It has been suggested that this is a comment on the duality of good and evil.References
External links
* [http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/highlands_and_islands/7238534.stm BBC News: 'Ghost-like' white stag spotted]
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