

Infobox Album
Name = Pistola
Type = studio
Artist = Willy DeVille

Released = February 4, 2008
Recorded = Los Angeles
Genre = R&B, Soul, Blues, Funk, Latin
Length = 43:27
Label = Eagle
Producer = John Philip Shenale
Willy DeVille
Reviews = * "Independent Music" Rating|4|5 [http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/music-magazine/album-previews/willy-deville-pistola-771847.html link]
Last album = "Crow Jane Alley"
This album = "Pistola"
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"Pistola" is an album by Willy DeVille; it was released on Mardis Gras day in 2008 as a nod to DeVille's musical roots in New Orleans. The album was recorded in Los Angeles with Brian Ray, Lon Price, the Valentine Brothers, and other musicians who have played with DeVille for years. For this album, DeVille borrowed bassist Davey Faragher and drummer Pete Thomas from Elvis Costello's backup band, the Imposters (DeVille's band Mink DeVille toured with Elvis Costello in 1978). John Philip Shenale produced the album, his fourth production effort for Willy DeVille.

Said DeVille about his choice of titles for the album: "I wanted (the album) to sound like those old cowboy movies... "Pis"–"to"–"la": the sound has that feel of the western, and something hot too. An exciting sound, just like what I hope the music will be for people." [Marcus, Richard (March 5, 2008) [http://blogs.epicindia.com/leapinthedark/2008/03/interview_willy_deville_decemb.html "Interview Willy DeVille - December 2007."] [http://blogs.epicindia.com/leapinthedark/ Leap in the Dark (a blog).] (Retrieved 3-16-08.)]


"Spin" said that the album “sees (Willy DeVille) continue his successful partnership with producer John Philip Shenale. The new album finds him once again creating his unique mixture of rock, soul, R&B, blues and Cajun with articulate lyrics and Willy’s distinctive vocal style.” [Editors (January 2008) [http://www.spincds.com/ “Willy DeVille - 'Pistola'.”] [http://www.spincds.com/ Spincds.] (Retrieved 2-4-08.)]

"Independent Music" said about the album:

(Willy DeVille)… has never been more artistically potent than on "Pistola", confronting the demons of his past with an impressive lyrical honesty and unexpectedly diverse musical imagination. DeVille’s beloved New Orleans provides the touchstone for most of the album: the ex-addiction anthem “Been There Done That,” for instance, is couched in infectious clavinet funk, while “You Got The World In Your Hands” sounds like Tom Waits covering Dr John’s “Gris-Gris.” Elsewhere, there are echoes of the Stones, Springsteen and “Spanish Harlem” — all this, and a great version of Paul Siebel’s classic “Louise” too. Who would have thought it? [Gill, Andy (January 24, 2008) [http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/music-magazine/album-previews/willy-deville-pistola-771847.html "Willy DeVille: Pistola."] "The Independent." (Retrieved 2-4-08.)]

"Leap in the Dark" praised the album's bold originality: "Pistola" is not the type of album you'd expect from as established a performer as Willy DeVille. Most people at his stage in their careers wouldn't be taking the risk of including pieces as unconventional as 'Mountains of Manhattan' and 'Stars that Speak,' but Willy has always marched to the beat of his own drummer. It's that willingness to take risks that keeps his music fresh and alive, and the ten songs on "Pistola" are no exception." [Marcus, Richard (February 6, 2008) [http://blogs.epicindia.com/leapinthedark/ "Music Review: Willy DeVille Pistola."] " [http://blogs.epicindia.com/leapinthedark/ Leap in the Dark (a blog).] " (Retrieved 2-6-08.)]

Andrew Carver said, "DeVille...is one of those rare artists who seem to have dragged their prime years across the decades, and "Pistola" is another triumph of experience." [Carver, Andrew (March, 2008) [http://www.pennyblackmusic.co.uk/MagSitePages/Review.aspx?id=5747 "Willy DeVille: Pistola."] PennyBlackMusic. (Retrieved on 3-11-08.)]

Track listing

"Unless otherwise noted, all songs by Willy DeVille."
# “So So Real” - 4:16
# “Been There Done That” - 4:09
# “When I Get Home” - 3:21
# “Louise” (Paul Siebel) - 3:54
# “The Band Played On” - 4:42
# “You Got the World in Your Hands” - 4:04
# “I Remember the First Time” - 4:08
# “Stars that Speak” - 5:19
# “I'll Do Something the Devil Never Did” - 5:45
# “Mountains of Manhattan” - 3:42


* Willy DeVille – wooden flute, slide guitar, vocals
* Amanda Dumas - background vocals
* Davey Faragher - bass, background vocals
* Chris Lawrence - pedal steel guitar
* Andrew Lippman - trombone
* Lon Price - saxophone
* Brian Ray - guitar
* John Philip Shenale - piano, clavinet, Wurlitzer, synthesizer, percussion
* Josh Sklair - guitar
* Pete Thomas - drums, percussion
* Lee Thornburg - trumpet
* The Valentine Brothers - background vocals
** Billy Valentine
** Charles Valentine
** John Valentine
* Marta Woodhull - background vocals


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