Exodus International

Exodus International

company_name = Exodus International
company_type = Nonprofit
foundation = 1976
location = Orlando, Florida, USA
homepage = [http://exodus.to/ exodus.to]

Exodus International is a nonprofit, interdenominational Christian organization that promotes "the message of Freedom from homosexuality through the power of Jesus Christ." [ [http://exodus.to/content/category/6/24/57/ Exodus International - Who We Are ] ] Exodus International states reorientation of same-sex attraction is possibleFact|date=August 2008, but warns its members not to go to counselors who claim they can help eliminate all attractions to the same gender. [ [http://exodus.to/content/view/871/0/ How to Find the Right Counselor for You] ] It does not conduct clinical treatment but holds the position that, "reparative therapy - a holistic, counselling approach to addressing unwanted same-sex attraction - can be a beneficial tool." cite web | title=Exodus International Policy Statement | url=http://exodus.to/content/view/34/117/ | accessdate=2007-03-27 ] Techniques can include abstinence, "lessening of homosexual temptations, strengthening their sense of masculine or feminine identity, correcting distorted styles of relating with members of the same and opposite gender."cite web | title=What's your "success rate" in changing gays into straights? | url=http://exodus.to/content/view/43/87/ | accessdate=2007-03-27 ]

Founded in 1976, Exodus is an umbrella organization which has grown to include over 120 local ministries in the United States and Canada and over 150 ministries in 17 other countries. [cite web | title=Exodus International | url=http://www.exodus.to/ | accessdate=2006-05-04 ] Although Exodus is formally an inter-denominational Christian entity, it is most closely associated with Protestant and evangelical denominations. The group also has monthly newsletters, annual conferences, speaking engagements and web services. Alan Chambers is the current president of Exodus.


In 1973, Frank Worthen began a ministry called, "Love in Action", which ministered to homosexuals. A conference of various ministries to homosexuals was held in 1976 in the United States during which the ministries (including Love in Action) decided to form a coalition which called itself, Exodus International North America. The conference became an annual event when it convened for the second time in 1977.

The conference continued until 1979, when many officials of Exodus North America left the organization due to internal divisions. In 1980, the Exodus North America Conference experienced a rebirth with new leadership and a renewed sense of vision. Between 1981 and 1984, the views of Frank Worthen began to influence people outside of the United States through interviews and a book he wrote called, "The Third Sex?". Exodus International attracted the attention of Johan van de Sluis, who attended the 1981 conference and subsequently created Exodus Europe in coalition with Exodus North America. Exodus Europe held their first conference in 1982 in the Netherlands. Conferences were held annually, each year in a new country. Ministries to homosexuals also arose in Australia and New Zealand under Peter Lane; Brazil under Esly Carvalho; and, Europe under Johan van de Sluis. Alan Medinger became the Director for Exodus North America. Medinger founded a ministry for homosexuals and pornography addicts called "Regeneration". His position as Director of Exodus North America was filled in 1985 by Bob Davies.

In 1990, Worthen travelled throughout the Philippines, and sent Sy Rogers of Exodus North America to Singapore. During his stay in Singapore, Rogers traveled extensively throughout Australia, New Zealand and South America building vision for a world-wide ministry.

In 1994, Exodus Latin America was created under Esly Carvalho. In 1995 it was decided that the Exodus groups should converge under a single name, Exodus International. The Exodus leaders held a Summit in San Diego, California and formed the Exodus International Advisory Council which merged the various Exodus ministries to create a stronger, more focused Exodus International ministry. Ministries to those with homosexual inclinations were represented from all over the world.

Exodus South Pacific (Australia, New Zealand) was represented by Peter Lane and Debbie Hirsch.Exodus Europe was represented by Johan Van de Sluis and Jeremy Marks.Exodus Latin America was represented by Esly Carvalho and Affonso Zuin.Exodus North America was represented by Frank Worthen, Pat Lawrence, and Bob Davies.Exodus World-Wide was represented by Sy Rogers.Asian ministries to homosexuals were represented by Samuel Lee and Rene Gomez.

The founding Exodus Advisory Council was...

Frank WorthenSy RogersBob Davies and Pat Lawrencerepresenting Exodus North America. (Pat Lawrence was selected as the International Coordinator)Peter Lanerepresenting Exodus South Pacific Jeremy Marksrepresenting Exodus EuropeEsly Carvalhorepresenting Exodus Latin America

Between 1996 and 1999, ministries expanded throughout the South Pacific. In 1997 the Exodus Advisory Council became the Exodus International Board and restructured itself to include two representatives from each region. Exodus South Pacific changed their name to Exodus Asia Pacific and established ministries in Singapore and the Philippines, where Frank Worthen and Sy Rogers had previously ministered. The first conference was held in Brisbane, Australia in 1999.

In 2002 Exodus Brazil was created apart from Exodus Latin America. Exodus Brazil was headed by Willy Torresin de Oliveria. A homosexual man himself, he had attended a conference as a translator in 1989 without even knowing the nature of the group. 2002 also saw Oscar Galindo as the new director for Exodus Latin America. Under the leadership of Peter Lane, Exodus International saw growth in the countries of Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Indonesia in 2003.

In 2004, Exodus International renamed themselves Exodus Global Alliance. The first Leadership Summit was held in 2005 and later that year an International Conference was held to discuss ex-gay ministries growing in Africa, Asia, China, Europe, India and Latin America.

In 2006, Exodus began ministries in Caribbean countries such as Barbados and Jamaica as well as Latin American nations such as Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Mexico and Venezuela.

2007 saw the formation of the Exodus Youth Network.

Current Board Members =

Melissa Ingraham, Chairman of the Board

Melissa comes from Jackson New Jersey where she attended Monsignor Donovan Catholic High School.Her maiden name is Coffey and she has a twin sister Kathleen and an older brother named Thomas her parents are Christine and Thomas. Melissa is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) working at the Christian Counseling Center in Johnson City, NY. She is pursuing licensure in New York State as a Mental Health Counselor, having graduated from Regent University with a Masters in Community Counseling. Melissa provides counseling for women, men, and adolescents dealing with relational and sexual identity issues, as well as depression, anxiety, and the effects of abuse. Prior to moving to New York State in September 2006, she was the assistant director of Regeneration of Northern Virginia, an Exodus ministry. Previously, Melissa worked in Washington, DC on the 9-11 Commission (National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States), the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, and for a member of the U.S. Congress. Melissa and her husband, Garry, were married in September 2007.

Bob Reagan, Vice Chairman

No Bio Given on current Exodus Website

Jayson Graves, M.MFT, Secretary

Jayson Graves, M.MFT, husband of Susan and father of Selah, is a Christian Psychotherapist specializing in Sexual Addictions recovery and unwanted Same-Gender Attractions. He enjoys helping his clients from both a clinical and personal frame as a person in recovery himself. He is the director of international counseling ministry Healing for the Soul, offering telephone therapy and his first original idea: Teleconference Recovery Groups for men and for wives in recovery worldwide. Jayson enjoys serving as a Board member of Exodus International and is a member of the AACC and SASH. Jayson also serves as a national Program Director for New Life Ministry's Every Man's Battle intensive workshops and is the founder and host of The Blazing Grace Show, a weekly radio program/podcast focusing on sexual brokenness and recovery.

Alan Chambers, President of Exodus International

Alan Chambers is the President of Exodus International. His own decision to leave homosexuality more than fourteen years ago gives him tremendous insight as he addresses the cultural problems and public policies surrounding this difficult issue in churches, colleges and various public forums around the world. Alan has been interviewed by numerous television, radio and print outlets across North America and Europe, including World and Time magazines, ABCs 20/20, Nightline and Good Morning America and MSNBCs Buchanan & Press. He was listed in Charisma magazine as one of the top Christian leaders who represent the future of the American church and his first book about how the evangelical church can reach out to homosexuals with truth and bold love is due out in summer 2006. Alan and his wife, Leslie, make their home in Orlando, Florida and are the proud parents of a son and daughter.

Don and Diana Schmierer

Don and Diana have been active in interpersonal ministry and counseling for four decades. While serving in the Navy, Don joined the staff of The Navigators, which involved military and campus outreach. Don and Diana founded His Servants in 1983, continuing their work among students, business professionals, and church leaders. They have also helped operate several Christian addiction recovery programs. Don has written several books, including a youth curriculum titled "Celebrating Gods Design", "What's A Father to Do?", "Healing Wounds of the Past" and "An Ounce of Prevention". Don and Diana have been married for 40 years and live on a farm in Northern California. They have two sons, four granddaughters, two grandsons & two great grandsons.

Mike Goeke

Mike is the Executive Director of Rock the Dessert. He is the founder/Executive Director of CrossPower Ministries, an Exodus Member Ministry and the representative for Stonegate Fellowship, an Exodus Church Network Member. Mike served as the Executive Vice President at Exodus International from February, 2005October, 2006 and was instrumental in the start of the Exodus Church Network. He and his wife, Stephanie, are the proud parents of two daughters and a son. They also lead Steadfast, the Marriage Ministry at the Annual Exodus Freedom Conference.

Roy Blankenship

Roy was born in Birmingham, Alabama on June 4, 1957. He graduated with a BS in Business Administration from the University of Alabama. After graduation he took graduate courses in Computer Science also at University of Alabama in Birmingham. He took 64 of 92 hours toward his Master of Divinity from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. Roy married Nancy on May 15, 1982. They have no children, but have nurtured several young men through the One Way Addiction Ministry. Roy and Nancy are gifted with musical talents. In recent days, Roy taught an adult Sunday School class and led Wednesday evening Bible study times. He enjoys teaching and preaching the Word of God whenever he is called upon to do so. With the new direction of ministry (Minister of Communications & Counseling) at First Baptist Church Woodstock, Roy oversees the Publication Department, Media, Information Systems and Counseling ministry of the church. He also takes on personal counseling ministry especially in the areas of addiction. Under his direction FBCWs One Way Addiction Ministry houses men and helps these men break through the shackles of addiction. He administers a sexual healing program with support groups dealing with all types of sexual addiction and pornography.

Bob Stith

Bob is the Gender Issues Analyst for the Southern Baptist Convention. Bob has been active in Exodus circles since 1995 having served on the Living Hope Board of Directors for a number of years. Pastor Bob and his wife, Dell, live in the Dallas area.

Dennis Jernigan

Dennis Jernigan has written many beloved worship songs including "You Are My All in All", "Great is the Lord Almighty", and "Nobody Fills My Heart Like Jesus", as well as hundreds of others are sung literally all over the world. Dennis believes worship is all about relationship rather than performance...and he believes he is called to help people get honest with themselves and with God simply because he has found in his own life that honesty and truth have set him free. He has an incredible testimony that he shares very openly with his audiences. To read more about Dennis visit his website. Dennis and his wife Melinda, along with eight of their nine children make their home in Muskogee, Oklahoma where they serve Christ through the local body of believers known as New Community Church.

Clark and Martha Whitten

No Bio Given on current Exodus Website

Corporate Culture

Affiliation With Focus On The Family

Focus on the Family (FOTF, or FotF) is an American evangelical Christian group. The non-profit organization was founded in 1977 by Dr. James Dobson, and is based in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the last decade. A major component of the American Christian right, it is active in promoting interdenominational work for a social conservative public policy. [Focus on the Family- Wikiwaybackdate|site=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focus_on_the_Family ]

Focus on the Family reaches out to persons with homosexual desires in cooperation with Exodus International through the Love Won Out Conference.. [Focus on the Family's Love Won Out Agenda; GA November 4, 2006; Speaker on "The Condition of Male Homosexuality:" Mike Haley ] " Love Won Out maintains, [Focus on the Family's Love Won Out Conference Guide Copyrighted 2005-2006waybackdate|site=http://www.lovewonout.com/resources/ ] "The sin of homosexual behavior, like all sins, can be forgiven and healed by the grace revealed in the life and death of Christ. All sexual sin affects the human personality like no other sin, for sexual issues run deep into our character, and change is slow and uphill-but is possible nonetheless." (Love Won Out Conference Guide, pg 7) Exodus International aims to facilitate the slow uphill change in accordance with Focus on the Family's "Love Won Out Conference".

Mike Haley speaks in the Love Won Out conference and is the former chairman of the board of Exodus International. [Focus on the Family's Love Won Out Conference Guide Copyrighted 2005-2006waybackdate|site=http://www.lovewonout.com/resources/ ] "Having been involved in the homosexual community as a teen and young adult, Mike offers tremendous insight into the causes and recovery of the homosexual condition. He has a degree in education and is pursuing a master's degree in counseling. Mike is the director of gender issues for Focus on the Family's Public Policy division and helped develop the Love Won Out conference. He also serves as chairman of the board of Exodus International." (Love Won Out Conference Guide, pg 9)

Reviews of Exodus Participants

Jones and Yarhouse

Given a conflicting background of (1) claims by the American Psychology Association, “The reality is that homosexuality is not an illness. It does not require treatment and is not changeable.” [American Psychological Association (On Line), “Can Therapy Change Sexual Orientation?”, retrieved from http://www.apa.org/topics/orientation.html#cantherapychange on December 18, 2007.] ; and (2) claims by Exodus leaders, “Sexual Orientation Change Is Possible” [Former Homosexuals Applaud Research Showing Sexual Orientation Change Is Possible”, by unknown, September 2007, retrieved from http://exodus.to/content/view/783/37/ on December 18, 2007.] and rhetorically, “there are tens of thousands of men and women just like me who have overcome homosexuality” [Ex-homosexuals Protest APAs Position On Homosexuality”, by Michael Faust (Baptist Press), showing Alan Chambers quotes on August 14, 2006, retrieved from http://exodus.to/content/view/563/37/ on December 18, 2007.] ; Professors Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse performed a statistical study of Exodus participants.

Jones and Yarhouse teamed as authors and published their results inEx-Gays?”: A Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change In Sexual Orientation” [ISBN 978-0-8308-2846-3, published by Intervarsity Press, 2007.] . This particular study emphasized the results of various personsseeking changewhile involved with Exodus ministries over a three-year period of time.

chaeffer et al

Schaeffer et al surveyed 140 members of Exodus. After a year, 29% said they had changed their orientation, and another 65% said they were in the process of changing. Change was positively associated with religious motivation and emotional well-being. [cite journal
first= Kim
coauthors=Nottebaum, L., Smith, P., Dech, K. & Krawczyk, J.
title=Religiously-motivated sexual orientation change: A follow-up study
publisher=Journal of Psychology and Theology


Research by Ponticelli on 15 ex-lesbian women found that Exodus helped them change their lesbian identities through a combination of a new and compelling schema concerning sexuality,reinterpretation of one's past according to that schema, and social support. [cite journal
date=June 1999
title=Crafting stories of identity reconstruction
publisher=Social Psychology Quarterly


There have been several incidents of note amongst the leaders and founders of the movement. [cite news
publisher=Christianity Today
title=An Older, Wiser Ex-Gay Movement
] For example:

Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper

Exodus International's first incident occurred in 1979 when Michael Bussee (one of the five co-founding members who had helped organize the 1976 conference that led to Exodus' inception) left the group to be with Gary Cooper, a volunteer at the local Exodus ministry where they both worked, who was also volunteering for the first Exodus conference. [ [http://www.drthrockmorton.com/article.asp?id=156 DrThrockmorton.com ] ] Michael and Gary left their wives, and had a committed relationship until Gary's death from complications due to AIDS in the early 1990s [Exodus International article, "September 2006 - History Of Exodus", author unknown, retrieved from http://exodus.to/content/view/703/207/ on December 31, 2007] . Their story is one of the foci of the documentary "One Nation Under God" (1993), directed by Teodoro Maniaci and Francine Rzeznik.

As acknowledged by Exodus International in 2006, Michael Bussee "has been a longtime critic of Exodus and its leadership" [Exodus International article, "September 2006 - History Of Exodus", author unknown, retrieved from http://exodus.to/content/view/703/207/ on December 31, 2007] . In June 2007, Michael issued an "apology" in conjunction with Jeremy Marks, former president of Exodus International Europe, and Darlene Bogle, the founder of Paraklete Ministries, an Exodus referral agency, which stated in part "Some who heard our message were compelled to try to change an integral part of themselves, bringing harm to themselves and their families." [Channel 7 News, article, "Former leaders of ex-gay ministry apologize for 'bringing harm' and causing shame", June 28, 2007, author unknown, retrieved from http://www3.whdh.com/news/articles/national/BO55979/ on January 07, 2008]

In an article regarding the history of Exodus International, Dr. Warren Throckmorton questioned whether Gary Cooper should be considered a "founder." ["Are Sexual Preferences Changeable?", by Warren Throckmorton, retrieved from http://www.drthrockmorton.com/article.asp?id=156 on December 31, 2007] . However, Exodus International considers Michael Bussee and Gary Cooper as "co-founders" (among others) in an Exodus-released September 2006 article [Exodus International article, "September 2006 - History Of Exodus", author unknown, retrieved from http://exodus.to/content/view/703/207/ on December 31, 2007] .

= John Paulk =
John Paulk, a well-known United States "ex-gay" public figure and Chairman of Exodus International, was removed by Exodus International Board of Directors vote on October 03, 2000, following confirmation of him "engaging in behavior which has negatively impacted the credibility of Exodus." ["Chairman Disciplined For Gay Bar Visit", author unknown (assumed to be Exodus International Media Relations), dated: October 03, 2000, retrieved from http://www.exodus.to/content/view/427/37/ on December 17, 2007]

Paulk, a self-described former "drag queen and homosexual prostitute", became active in Focus on the Family, was manager of Focus on the Family's Homosexuality and Gender Division. [Archives, The Washington Post, "Ads Renew Ex-gay Debate", by Alan Cooperman, 21 Oct 2002] , and was the elected Chairman of the board of Exodus International North America in August 1995 for a first three-year term. Paulk was re-elected for a second three-year term in 1998 (the incident occurred during the second three-year term). [As above, "Chairman Disciplined For Gay Bar Visit"]

On September 19, 2000 while on a speaking tour, Paulk was identified drinking and flirting at Mr. P's, a Washington, D.C. gay bar, giving his name as "John Clint," one he had used in his days as a hustler in Ohio. A patron recognized him and contacted Wayne Besen, an employee of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay political action organization. When Besen arrived at the bar forty minutes later and confronted "John Clint", he denied that he was in fact John Paulk. Upon exiting the bar, Paulk's picture was taken as documentation that he had been in the bar. When confronted by Besen about the incident and the photographs, Paulk admitted being in the bar, but stated that he didnt know it was a gay bar and had simply stopped in for a moment to use the restroom. However, eyewitnesses reported that Paulk stayed for more than an hour, flirted with other men, and when questioned about his sexuality, said he was gay (see Besen's book "Anything But Straight"; see also [Southern Voice (newspaper), "Ex-gay Leader Confronted In Gay Bar", by Joel Lawson, 21 September 2000 ] ).

An Exodus press release soon followed:

"John's actions represent a serious lapse in sound judgment. His decision to enter a gay establishment for any reason opens him up to all kinds of speculation by both other Exodus leaders and also the gay community." [As above, "Chairman Disciplined For Gay Bar Visit"]

= Billboard parody controversy = On March 2, 2006, Liberty Counsel, a law firm acting on behalf of Exodus International, sent cease-and-desist letters [cite web | title=My first cease-and-desist letter | work=Justinsomnia | accessdate=2006-04-18 | date=2006-03-02 | url=http://justinsomnia.org/2006/03/my-first-cease-and-desist-letter/ ] [cite web | title=Liberty counsel threatens to sue over Exodus parody | work=Ex-Gay Watch | accessdate=2007-10-15 | date=2006-03-02 | url=http://www.exgaywatch.com/wp/2006/03/liberty-counsel/ ] to Justin Watt, who blogs at [http://justinsomnia.org/ Justinsomnia] , and Mike Airhart, who blogs at [http://www.exgaywatch.com Ex-Gay Watch] . The letters "insist [ed] " that Watt and Airhart "immediately cease use" of an edited photograph on their respective blogs "or in any other form" which parodied an Exodus billboard. The original billboard image, obtained from Exodus's website, consisted of the message "Gay? "Unhappy?" www.exodus.to" while the [http://justinsomnia.org/2005/09/question-intolerance/ parody image] , created by Watt in September 2005, showed the same sign, substantially cropped, with the text altered to read "Straight? "Unhappy?" www.gay.com." The following excerpt from Watt's cease-and-desist letter details Exodus's rationale for the request. The letter mentions Wikipedia because Watt had cited the Wikipedia entry on fair use in posting his parody.

"You appear to believe that the stolen image is exempt from federal intellectual property laws as a 'parody' due to 'fair use.' Unfortunately, the intricacies of federal law cannot adequately be covered on 'Wikipedia' due to the variety of facts addressed by courts in numerous cases. Your use of the image is indeed a violation of copyright law and is not covered by 'fair use.'"

In response, Watt contacted the ACLU, who took his defense and responded to the cease-and-desist letter [cite web | title=A response to Liberty | work=Justinsomnia | accessdate=2006-04-18 | date=2006-03-22 | url=http://justinsomnia.org/2006/03/a-response-to-liberty/ ] in partnership with the law firm of Fenwick & West LLP. According to reports in "The New York Times" [cite news | first=Lia | last=Miller | title=Both sides in parody dispute agree on a term: Unhappy | publisher=New York Times | page=C7 | date=2006-03-27 | accessdate=2006-04-18 | url=http://nytimes.com/2006/03/27/technology/27straight.html ] and "USA Today", [cite news | first=Jon | last=Swartz | title=Christian group backs off case against blog parody | publisher=USA Today | accessdate=2006-04-18 | date=2006-03-23 | url=http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/2006-03-23-aclu-blog-case_x.htm ] Exodus decided against pursuing further legal action once the Exodus logo was removed from the parody.


From 2003 to 2007 Exodus International was a (founding) member of Positive Alternatives to Homosexuality.

ee also

* Conversion therapy
* ex-gay
* Focus on the Family - "Love Won Out" Conference
* NARTH National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality



* Besen, Wayne, "Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth" Harrington Park Press, Inc. (2003) ISBN 1-56023-445-8 (hardcover) ISBN 1-56023-446-6 (paperback)
* Carlson, Margaret , "Praying Away the Gay" , Time Magazine, July, 27, 1998.
* John Paulk (with Tony Marco) "Not Afraid to Change: The remarkable story of how one man overcame homosexuality" Winepress Publishing (1998) ISBN 1-57921-097-X
* Jones, Stanton, and Mark a. Yarhouse. "Ex-Gays?: a Longitudinal Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation". City: IVP Academic, 2007, ISBN 0-83082-846-X.

External links

* [http://www.apa.org/pi/lgbc/publications/justthefacts.html American Psychological Association on Sexual Orientation]
* [http://www.exodus.to/ Exodus International]

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