- Alan Chambers (Exodus International)
Alan Chambers is the President of
Exodus International [ [http://exodus.to/content/view/31/115/ Exodus International - Board of Directors ] ] headquartered in Orlando,Florida . Before coming to Exodus, Chambers served on the pastoral team at CalvaryAssembly of God , one of the largest churches in Orlando. [http://www.exodus.to/content/view/165// Exodus International - Biography of Alan Chambers ] ]As an adolescent and young adult, Chambers was periodically homosexual. He now identifies as heterosexual. Chambers rejects the term "
ex-gay ." [ [http://www.alanchambers.org/just_think/2008/03/great-thread-at.html A BLOG BY ALAN CHAMBERS: Great Thread at ExGay Watch ] ] He is married to Leslie Chambers and has two children. He travels extensively and is a frequent speaker and guest lecturer at conferences, churches and college campuses. He has debated on many university campuses, such as the University of California at Berkeley,Pepperdine University andReformed Theological Seminary . He is a guest speaker forFocus on the Family ’sLove Won Out Conference [ [http://www.boxturtlebulletin.com/2007/08/02/603 Box Turtle Bulletin » Part 5: “Love Won Out”: A Candid Explanation For “Change” ] ] , a seminar that travels to six major cities each year addressing the causes of homosexuality. [ [http://www.lovewonout.com/ Love Won Out ] ]Chambers is actively involved in promoting policies that in his view preserve and protect traditional marriage and the family. He testified before the Massachusetts state judiciary committee on same-sex marriage [ [http://www.alanchambers.org/just_think/2004/02/massachusetts_m.html A BLOG BY ALAN CHAMBERS: Massachusetts Marriage Affirmation & Protection Amendment ] ] and has lobbied members of Congress in favor of initiatives against same-sex marriage. [www.boxturtlebulletin.com/2007/08/06/613] He is also a member of the
Arlington Group [ [http://web.archive.org/web/20060901092849/http://www.thearlingtongroup.org/2.html Members ] ] , a broad coalition working to pass legislation against same-sex marriage.He has been interviewed by numerous television, radio and print outlets across North America and Europe, including World,
Time magazine , ABC’s 20/20, MSNBC’s Buchanan & Press and ABC’s Nightline. [ [http://www.exodus.to/content/view/31/115/ Exodus International - Board of Directors ] ] His editorials have appeared in The Orlando Sentinel and The Boston Globe.He was listed in Charisma magazine as one of the top Christian leaders who represent the future of the American church.
* "God's Grace and the Homosexual Next Door: Reaching the Heart of the Gay Men and Women in Your World" Chambers, Alan, Harvest House Publishers (2006) ISBN 978-0736916912
* "Pride & Prejudice: Montel Williams Style" [ [http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59094 Pride and prejudice: Montel Williams style ] ]
* "How Will You Respond to Homosexuality?" [ [http://enrichmentjournal.ag.org/200504/200504_090_sb_homosexual.cfm How Will You Respond To Homosexuality? ] ] [ [http://erlc.com/article/how-will-you-respond-to-homosexuality How Will You Respond to Homosexuality? ] ]TV Interviews
* Life Today with James & Betty Robison, "Exposing the Myths About Homosexuality", October 29, 2007, Interviewed Alan Chambers [http://lifeoutreach.httpsvc.vitalstreamcdn.com/lifeoutreach_vitalstream_com/SWF/2007/10/1029.swf]
* CNN's "Anderson Cooper's 360 Degrees, Aired: February 6, 2007, Interviewed Alan Chambers [ [http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0702/06/acd.01.html CNN.com - Transcripts ] ]
* CNN's Paula Zahn Now, Aired: June 27, 2007, Interviewed Alan Chambers [ [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txrWhw0-O4I&feature=PlayList&p=F727E2212E10FCA7&index=1 YouTube - CNN Paula Zahn Now 06.27.07 - So-Called Gay "Cure" ] ]
* Fox's The Morning Show with Mike & Juliet, Aired: September 13, 2007, Interviewed Alan & Leslie Chambers [ [http://youtube.com/watch?v=9_-V3V1WMok&feature=related YouTube - Mike & Juliet - ex-gays (Pt1) ] ]
* CBN News, "Study Says Gays Can Change Orientation," Aired: February 19, 2008, Interviewed Alan Chambers [ [http://www.cbn.com/CBNnews/324337.aspx Study Says Gays Can Change Orientation - U.S. - CBN News ] ]Print Interviews
* Christianity Today, "The Transgender Moment", February 12, 2008, Interviewed Alan Chambers [ [http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2008/february/25.54.html?start=1 The Transgender Moment | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction ] ]
* Christianity Today, "An Older, Wiser Ex-Gay Movement", September 13, 2007, Interviewed Alan Chambers [ [http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2007/october/6.48.html An Older, Wiser Ex-Gay Movement | Christianity Today | A Magazine of Evangelical Conviction ] ]
* World magazine, "Good From Bad", February 9, 2008, Quotes statistics on Exodus [ [http://www.worldmag.com/articles/13735 WORLD Magazine | Today's News, Christian Views ] ]
* New Man, "Alan Chambers Talks to New Man About His Ministry to Homosexuals", March 20, 2008, Interview with Alan Chambers [ [http://www.newmanmag.com/e-magazine/032008/alan_chambers.php New Man eMagazine ] ]External links
* [http://www.alanchambers.org A blog by Alan Chambers]
* [http://exodus.to/ Exodus International]References
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