Didier Ruef

Didier Ruef

Didier Ruef (born 1961) is a Swiss documentary photographer best known for his portrayal of Man & Waste, Africa and Switzerland.


Life and career

Didier Ruef was born in Geneva, Switzerland on July 15, 1961 and has dual nationality, Swiss and Italian. He graduated from the University of Geneva, where he studied Economics (1981–1984).

In 1985, Ruef went to New York, where he obtained a diploma (1986) in photojournalism at the International Center of Photography (ICP). It was there that he developed his long-term essay of the life of a Puerto Rican family in Spanish Harlem, for which he won the Yann Geoffroy Prize in Milan in 1990. These photographs were exhibited at the Musée de l'Elysée in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1990.[1]

Since returning to Switzerland in 1987, Ruef started to work as a freelance documentary photographer and photojournalist and has visited all five continents, with a preference for Africa. He has worked on various stories on the human condition in black & white and color.

Ruef was a member of Network Photographers Agency in London from 1991 to 1997. He was a founding member in September 2002 of the Swiss photo agency, Pixsil, which he left in July 2009. Today he works as a freelance photographer.[2][3] He is also represented by the photo agencies Cosmos[4] in France, Luz Photo Agency[5] Visum in Germany and Bildbyran Silver[6] in Scandinavia.

Ruef has worked with Médecins Sans Frontières,[7] the Global Fund[8] to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, Heks (Interchurch Aid), Swiss Red Cross, the Syngenta Foundation[9][10] and the World Council of Churches.

Ruef's pictures are published in numerous magazines and newspapers in Europe,[11][12] Asia[13] and Northern America.[14][15]

He won the King Albert Memorial Foundation Prize[16] in 2000 for his book on Swiss mountain farmers (Bauern am Berg, Paysans de nos montagnes, Vita di montagna). This award, among other prizes, was the culmination of a long-term personal project which began in 1993 and completed in 1997. It was made possible with the support of Pro Helvetia for the photography and book in 1998, and an itinerant exhibition which toured Switzerland, Italy, Singapore and Jordan between 1999 and 2002.

In 2000 and 2001, Ruef was commissioned by the Swiss branch of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) for an extensive photographic report on daily life in six African countries. These pictures, together with those from numerous other African essays form the basis of a book Afrique Noire,[17][18][19] published in 2005. An itinerant exhibition toured Switzerland[20][21] and France between 2005 and 2007.

In 2007, he was commissioned by the Swiss Foundation DiDé, Dignité en Détention, for a book Enfants Prisonniers[22][23] on the minors’ jail in Gitarama, Rwanda.

Since 1991, he has also been involved in a personal project worldwide on the relationship between Man and Waste. He has shot twenty photo essays and has finally published in 2011 the book Recycle [24][25], Labor et Fides (french-english) and Edizioni Casagrande (italian-german).


  • Deutscher Fotobuchpreis.[26] Nomination 2012
  • Swiss Press Photo.[27] First prize for the foreign section. 2006
  • Fujifilm Euro Press Photo Awards.[28] Swiss prize for the technique section. 2004
  • Swiss Press Photo. First prize for the foreign section. 2003
  • Swiss Press Photo. First and third prizes for the foreign section.[29] 2002
  • King Albert Memorial Foundation for the book Bauern am Berg, OZV Offizin Zürich Verlag. Switzerland. 2000
  • Schweizerische Arbeitgemeinschaft für die Berggebiete (SAB) Switzerland for the book Bauern am Berg OZV Offizin Zürich Verlag. Switzerland. 1999
  • Passy’s mountain book fair, France, for the book Paysans de nos montagnes, Editions Monographic. 1999
  • Honorable mention. UNESCO. Japan. 1993
  • Applied Arts Magazine Awards Annual. USA. 1993
  • Third black&white prize. Nikon International. Japan. 1991
  • Yann Geoffroy. Grazia Neri . Milan. Italy. 1990
  • Second color prize. Nikon International. Japan. 1989
  • Grand Prix. L'Illustré. Switzerland. 1983


  • Afrika, letzte Hoffnung. [30] Corso. Germany. 2011
  • Recycle.[31][32][33][34][35][36] Labor et Fides. Switzerland. 2011
  • Recycle.[37][38][39][40][41]Casagrande Edizioni. Switzerland. 2011
  • Enfants Prisonniers[42]. Fondation DiDé, Dignité en Détention. Geneva. Switzerland. 2007
  • Afrique Noire.[43][44][45][46][47] Infolio Editions. Switzerland. 2005
  • Tausendundein Krieg. NP Buchverlag. Austria. 2004
  • Vita di montagna Edizioni Casagrande. Switzerland. 1998
  • Paysans de nos montagnes [48] Editions Monographic. Switzerland. 1998
  • Bauern am Berg [49][50] OZV Offizin Zürich Verlag. Switzerland. 1998
  • Weltenblicke. Reportagefotografie und ihre Medien [51]. OZV Offizin Zürich Verlag. Switzerland.1997


  • Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • Schweizerische Stiftung für die Photographie,[52] Zürich. Switzerland.
  • Fonds cantonal d’art contemporain, Geneva. Switzerland.
  • Fonds pour la photographie, Geneva. Switzerland.



  • 2007
    • Afrique Noire. Völkerkundemuseum,[53][54] Zürich. Switzerland.
  • 2006
    • Afrique Noire. Itinéraires des Photographes Voyageurs, Bibliothèque Municipale, Bordeaux. France.
  • 2005
    • Africa Nera.[55] Museo d’arte, Mendrisio. Switzerland
    • Afrique Noire.[56] Galerie Focale, Nyon. Switzerland.
    • Schwarzafrica. Coalmine Gallery, Winterthur. Switzerland.
  • 2002
    • Mountain farming. The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts, Amman. Jordan.
  • 2001
    • Paysans de montagnes. The Substation. Singapore.
    • Vita di montagna. CCS Centro Culturale Svizzero, Milan. Italy.
    • Vita di montagna. Forte di Nago, Torbole. Italy.
  • 2000
    • Bauern am Berg. Museo Nazionale del San Gottardo. Switzerland.
    • Paysans de nos montagnes. Galerie Focale, Nyon. Switzerland.
  • 1999
    • Vita di montagna. Castelgrande, Bellinzona. Switzerland.
    • "Paysans de nos montagnes." Caves de la maison de Courten, Sierre (Switzerland).[57]
  • 1998
    • Bauern am Berg. Völkerkundemuseum, Zürich. Switzerland.
  • 1993
    • Gens de la Voirie. MJC St.-Gervais, Geneva. Switzerland.
  • 1991
    • Spanish Harlem. Family Life. Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne. Switzerland.
  • 1990


  • 2010
    • Black Africa – Rwanda, Enfants Prisonniers. 10th Shanghai International Photographic Art Exhibition. Exhibition Center of Shanghai. China.
  • 2007
    • Focale's 25 years . Château de Nyon. Switzerland.
    • Malnutrition's sensibilisation. Médecins Sans Frontières France. Lille. France
  • 2006
    • Switzerland by Focale’s photographers. La Gallerie Photo, Montpellier. France.
    • Liberté, Freiheit, Libertà. Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF). Travelling exhibit around Switzerland.
  • 2003
    • Objective : People’s world. WHO, Tirana. Albania.
    • Le monde selon Focale . Villa Dutoit, Geneva. Switzerland.
  • 1999
    • O seculo do corpo. Trabalhos fotograficos 1990-1999. Culturgest, Lisbonne. Portugal.
  • 1997
    • Weltenblicke. Reportagefotografie und ihre Medien. Fotomuseum Winterthur. Switzerland.
    • De Ketting V. Photofestival Noorderlicht, Ja Groningen. The Netherlands.
  • 1994
  • 1993
    • World Press Photo. World Tour.
    • Picture Freedom. Photographers Gallery, London. England.
  • 1991
    • Voir la Suisse Autrement. Switzerland's 700rd Anniversary. Fribourg. Switzerland.
  • 1988
    • Triennale internationale de la Photographie. Fribourg. Switzerland.
  • 1986
    • Central Park. New York. USA.


  • 26 october 2011. "Recycle". International Center of Photography (in english) [58]. New York City. USA
  • 7 may 2011. "Recycle". Chiasso Letteraria (in italian) [59]. Galleria Cons Arc. Switzerland.
  • 5 april 2011. "The meaning of photography today" (in german). Canon Switzerland. “Händler Schulung Programm”. Zürich. Switzerland.
  • 22 and 29 september 2010. "A personal view on being a photographer" (in french). Canon Switzerland. “Creative Days Lausanne and Geneva”. Switzerland.


  • 2005
    • Photojournalism. October 2005. Two days' class. University of Tulsa. Photo department. Oklahoma. USA.
    • Photojournalism. Spring 2005. One week class at the Centre d’Enseignement Professionel Vevey (CEPV). Switzerland
  • 2002
    • Photojournalism. One day class at The Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts Amman. Jordan.



  1. ^ Spanish Harlem. Family Life. "Toutes les expositions depuis 1985", Musée de l'Elysée. Accessed 2010-02-16.
  2. ^ Ruef's page at Lightstalkers.
  3. ^ Photos Didier Ruef, Actualité photographique.
  4. ^ Search page, Cosmos. Photos distribution. Didier Ruef.
  5. ^ [1], Luz Photo Agency. Photos distribution.Didier Ruef
  6. ^ Page on Ruef, Bildbyran. Photos distribution.
  7. ^ Example within "Medicinsk leksikon: Malaria", Médecins Sans Frontières, 18 June 2007. (Danish) Accessed 2010-01-16.
  8. ^ Le Fonds Mondial. Somalia. Tuberculosis. http://www.theglobalfund.org/fr/savinglives/somalia/tb2/photos/?part=14
  9. ^ See for example the series of photographs "Mali: Province of Segou", Syngenta Foundation. Accessed 2010-01-16.
  10. ^ Kenya. Schools. http://www.syngentafoundation.org/content/api/photos/23_Kenya_2004/nr.23_kenya_2004.html
  11. ^ SonntagsBlick Magazin.17.05.2007. Youth and Alcohol in Switzerland.http://www.blick.ch/sonntagsblick/aktuell/artikel56617
  12. ^ Der Beobachter. Humanitäre Hilfe. Gefangen zwischen den Fronten. Text: Andrea Haefely Bild: Didier Ruef Ausgabe:3/08 http://www.beobachter.ch/archiv/artikel/humanitaere-hilfe_gefangen-zwischen-den-fronten/
  13. ^ Taiwan, Taipei.Tzuchi no. 50. Porfolio on Dakar in Senegal. http://taipei.tzuchi.org.tw/rhythms/magazine/writer/a-k.htm
  14. ^ The Gazette. Montreal. http://www.montrealgazette.com/health/Canada+leadership+sought+AIDS+fight/2331007/story.html
  15. ^ Ottawa Citizen. January 10, 2010. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/They+worms/2425589/story.html
  16. ^ King Albert Memorial Foundation. http://www.king-albert-foundation.ch/html/winners/00/ruef_bi.html
  17. ^ Amazon. Afrique Noire. Didier Ruef (Auteur, A-A Mazrui (Auteur, Joseph Ki-Zerbo (Préface). http://www.amazon.fr/Afrique-noire-Didier-Ruef/dp/2884740104
  18. ^ Foto8. Reviews.2005. title: Afrique Noir by: Didier Ruef publisher: Infolio Editions cost: Euro39 (191pp Hardback) http://www.foto8.com/reviews/V4N2/afriquenoir.html
  19. ^ Afrique Noire. Infolio Editions. http://www.librairiedialogues.fr/livre/422036-afrique-noire-photographies-de-didier-ruef-texte-de-ali-a-mazrui-infolio
  20. ^ photography-now.com Afrique Noire. Didier Ruef. Lieux d'exposition. http://www.photography-now.de/artists/K22354.html
  21. ^ Focale. Exposition Afrique Noire du 1er mai au 5 juin 2005. http://www.focale.ch/expositions/2005/Ruef/expo_DRuef.htm
  22. ^ Enfants Prisonniers. DiDé. Dignité en Détention. Photographies Didier Ruef. Textes Thérèse Obrecht. http://dide.ch/soutenir/commande%20livre.php
  23. ^ Reporters sans Frontières (RSF). Photographe invité: Didier Ruef RSF vous présente un reportage photo de Didier Ruef, accompagné du texte de Thérèse Obrecht Hodler: "Enfants prisonniers" - Rwanda 2007. http://www.rsf-ch.ch/image-galleries/photographe-invité-didier-ruefl
  24. ^ Recycle, Labor et Fides. Français - English. Photographies/Photos Didier Ruef. Préface/Foreword Matthieu Ricard, textes/texts Jean-Michel Cousteau, Bertrand Charrier. 2011, 320 p., broché, 24 x 32 cm, 236 photos bichromie ISBN 978-2-8309-1418-4 http://www.laboretfides.com/?page_id=3&category=100&product_id=687067
  25. ^ Recycle, Edizioni Casagrande. Edizione bilingue italiano-tedesco. Zweisprachige Ausgabe Deutsch/Italienisch. Fotografie / Fotos Didier Ruef. Testi / Texte di Didier Ruef, Matthieu Ricard, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Bertrand Charrier. 2011, pp.320. 24 x 32 cm, gebunden / rilegato 236 fotografie bichromia ISBN 9788877135797 http://www.edizionicasagrande.com/index.php?m=2&s=2
  26. ^ Deutscher Fotobuchpreis. Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, andesverband Baden-Württemberg e. V. Paulinenstraße 53.70178 Stuttgart http://www.deutscher-fotobuchpreis.de/html/auswahl.htm
  27. ^ Swisspress Photo Gewinner 2006. Kategorie Ausland Didier Ruef, Via Selva, 6900 Massagno Bild-Serie: Die USA nach dem Wirbelsturm Katrina erschienen in Sie + Er http://www.swisspressphoto.ch/swisspress/swisspress_gewinner06.php?navanchor=1310011
  28. ^ Switzerland, Zürich.Fuji Euro Press Awards 2004. http://www.mediencorner.ch/documents/76/98.pdf
  29. ^ Switzerland, Zürich.Tamedia. Auszeichnungen 2002.Den ersten und den dritten Rang belegt Didier Ruef mit zwei diametral entgegengesetzten Reportagen: Zum einen über Hunde, die in Korea als Delikatesse gelten («Zum Fressen gern», Facts Nr. 22, 30.5.2002), zum anderen über die Hungersnot in Angola («Ausgehungert», Facts Nr. 33, 15.8.2002) http://www.tamedia.ch/de/unternehmen/auszeichnungen/Seiten/auszeichnungen2002.aspx
  30. ^ Afrika, letzte Hoffnung. Pier Paolo Pasolini. Herausgegeben von Peter Kammerer. Mit Fotografien von Didier Ruef. Aus dem Italienischen von Annette Kopetzki und Dorothea Dieckmann. Hardcover mit Schutzumschlag, Fadenheftung, ca. 128 Seiten mit vielen Fotografien.Format 17 x 24 cm, Druck in Duotone. ISBN 978-3-86260-032-8 http://www.corso-willkommen.de/index.php?id=118
  31. ^ Recycle, Labor et Fides. Français - English. Photographies/Photos Didier Ruef. Préface/Foreword Matthieu Ricard, textes/texts Jean-Michel Cousteau, Bertrand Charrier. 2011, 320 p., broché, 24 x 32 cm, 236 photos bichromie ISBN 978-2-8309-1418-4 http://www.laboretfides.com/?page_id=3&category=100&product_id=687067
  32. ^ L'Hebdo http://www.hebdo.ch/didier_ruef_des_hommes_et_des_dechets_96895_.html
  33. ^ Swissinfo http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/multimedia/galeries_photos/Les_dechets_recycles_selon_Didier_Ruef_.html?cid=30143080
  34. ^ Radio Suisse Romande. La 1ère Presque rien sur presque tout. http://www.rsr.ch/#/la-1ere/programmes/presque-rien-sur-presque-tout/?date=13-05-2011
  35. ^ Reporters Sans Frontières. Section suisse. Français http://www.rsf-ch.ch/didier-ruef
  36. ^ France Inter. La librairie francophone http://sites.radiofrance.fr/franceinter/em/lalibrairiefrancophone/
  37. ^ Recycle, Edizioni Casagrande. Edizione bilingue italiano-tedesco. Zweisprachige Ausgabe Deutsch/Italienisch. Fotografie / Fotos Didier Ruef. Testi / Texte di Didier Ruef, Matthieu Ricard, Jean-Michel Cousteau, Bertrand Charrier. 2011, pp.320. 24 x 32 cm, gebunden / rilegato 236 fotografie bichromia ISBN 9788877135797 http://www.edizionicasagrande.com/index.php?m=2&s=2
  38. ^ Reporters Sans Frontières. Section suisse. Deutsch http://www.rsf-ch.ch/didier-ruef-0
  39. ^ Reporters Sans Frontières. Section suisse. Italiano http://www.rsf-ch.ch/didier-ruef-1
  40. ^ Chiasso Letteraria http://www.flickr.com/photos/chiassoletteraria/sets/72157626668423706
  41. ^ Libreria Rizzoli http://libreriarizzoli.corriere.it/Recycle/urmsEWcVYTAAAAEtplpdqcDS/pc?CatalogCategoryID=KsqsEWcW7mQAAAEpFH4fmqGA
  42. ^ Enfants Prisonniers. DiDé. Dignité en Détention. Photographies Didier Ruef. Textes Thérèse Obrecht. http://dide.ch/soutenir/commande%20livre.php
  43. ^ Infolio Editions. Afrique Noire. Photographies de Didier Ruef.Préface de Joseph Ki-Zerbo, postface d‘Ali A. Mazrui 2005, 192 p., broché, 22 x 28 cm, 154 photos bichromie ISBN 2-88474-010-4 http://www.infolio.ch/detailcatalogue2.php?LivreID=113
  44. ^ BNF: Bibliothèque nationale française. Ruef Didier (1961 Afrique noire [Texte imprimé] / [photographies de] Didier Ruef... ; [texte de Ali A. Mazrui]. - [Paris] : Infolio, cop. 2005 (impr. en Suisse). - 1 vol. (191 p.) : nombreuses ill., couv. ill. ; 29 cm. La couv. porte en plus : "Angola, Burundi, Rwanda, Soudan, Mozambique, Guinée, Éthiopie, Cameroun, Ouganda". - DLE-20050921-43473. - 779.366 7 (21) + 305.896 00222 (21) . - ISBN 2-88474-010-4 (rel.) : 39 EUR. http://bibliographienationale.bnf.fr/Livres/CuM_05.h/cadre770-12.html
  45. ^ Afrique Noire. Didier Ruef http://www.evene.fr/livres/livre/didier-ruef-afrique-noire-13383.php
  46. ^ Libération. 24 February 2005. Afrique noire, Ed. InFolio, 192 pp., 39 euros. http://www.liberation.fr/terre/0101520006-regard-contraste-sur-l-afrique-abimee
  47. ^ Sud planète. Portail de la diversité culturelle. Afrique Noire. Didier Ruef http://www.sudplanete.net/index.php?menu=pers&no=6509
  48. ^ " Paysans de nos montagnes". Editions Monographic. Ulrich Ladurner, Didier Ruef. 1998. ISBN 2-88341-085-2 http://www.monographic.ch/php/content/catalogue/auteur.php?auteur=94
  49. ^ Bauern am Berg (Sondereinband) von Didier Ruef (Autor), Ulrich Ladurner (Autor). Sondereinband: 207 Seiten Verlag: Offizin, Zürich; Auflage: 2., Aufl. (Februar 2000) Sprache: Deutsch IISBN 3-907495-94-2 ISBN 978-3907495940 Größe und/oder Gewicht: 30,6 x 24,6 x 2,2 cm http://www.amazon.de/Bauern-am-Berg-Didier-Ruef/dp/3907495942
  50. ^ Books listed by ISBN Didier Ruef. http://www.books-by-isbn.com/authors/didier/ruef/
  51. ^ "Urs Stahel, Martin Gasser: Weltenblicke - Reportagefotografie und ihre Medien. Paperback, 228 Seiten, mit 200 Duplex- und 30 Farb-Abbildunge. Format: 23 x 29 cm deutsch Fotomuseum Winterthur. Offizin Verlag, Zürich 1997 http://www.fotomuseum.ch/index.php?id=42&type=3&L=&tt_products=26
  52. ^ Fotostittung Schweiz. Didier Ruef. http://www.fotostiftung.ch/index.php?id=66&autor=407
  53. ^ Afrique Noire. Médecins Sans Frontières http://wap.msf.ch/Actualites.29.98.html?&L=0&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=3155&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=1&cHash=d1fce8f40e
  54. ^ Le Journal des Arts. artclair.com. Didier Ruef - Afrique Noire 25.04.2007 - 19.08.2007. http://www.artclair.com/evenements/calendrier/docs_exposition/41891/didier-ruef---afrique-noire.php
  55. ^ Swissinfo. 03 marzo 2005. L'Africa nera, i suoi volti e i suoi contrasti. http://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/index/LAfrica_nera,_i_suoi_volti_e_i_suoi_contrasti.swissinfo, Françoise Gehring, Mendrisio. html?cid=419130
  56. ^ Focale. Didier Ruef "Afrique Noire". Photographies. Exposition du 1er mai au 5 juin 2005. http://www.focale.ch/expositions/2005/Ruef/expo_DRuef.htm
  57. ^ "ExpositionMontagne: paysans modèles Cinq ans durant, le Genevois Didier Ruef s'est fait le témoin des «Paysans de nos montagnes»". Le Matin (Lausanne), 9 June 1999. Accessed 2010-01-15.
  58. ^ The Photographers Lecture Series. School at ICP, 1114 Avenue of the Americas. New Yor. NY 10036. USA. http://www.icp.org/events/2011/october/05/photographers-lecture-series
  59. ^ http://www.flickr.com/photos/chiassoletteraria/sets/72157626668423706
  60. ^ Swisspress Photo Gewinner 2006. Kategorie Ausland Didier Ruef, Via Selva, 6900 Massagno Bild-Serie: Die USA nach dem Wirbelsturm Katrina erschienen in Sie + Er http://www.swisspressphoto.ch/swisspress/swisspress_gewinner06.php?navanchor=1310011
  61. ^ Tausendundein Krieg: Begegnungen Am Persischen Golf. Author: Didier Ruef, Ulrich Ladurner Format: Book. Publish Date: January 2004 ISBN 385326350X ISBN 978-3853263501 Pages: 240 Publisher: NP [i.e. Niederosterreichisches Pressehaus]. http://www.allbookstores.com/book/9783853263501/Tausendundein_Krieg_Begegnungen_Am_Persischen_Golf.html
  62. ^ Switzerland, Zürich.Tamedia. Auszeichnungen 2002.Den ersten und den dritten Rang belegt Didier Ruef mit zwei diametral entgegengesetzten Reportagen: Zum einen über Hunde, die in Korea als Delikatesse gelten («Zum Fressen gern», Facts Nr. 22, 30.5.2002), zum anderen über die Hungersnot in Angola («Ausgehungert», Facts Nr. 33, 15.8.2002) http://www.tamedia.ch/de/unternehmen/auszeichnungen/Seiten/auszeichnungen2002.aspx

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