Vera Albreht

Vera Albreht

Vera Albreht (12 February1895 - 25 May 1971) was a Slovene poet, writer, publicist and translator.


Vera Albreht was born in Krško into the well-to-do Kessler family. Her mother was an ethnic German and her father Slovene. Her parents' home in Ljubljana was a well known meeting point of the Slovenian literary scene at the time, frequented among others also by Ivan Cankar and Oton Župančič.

She studied at the University of Vienna, but never completed her studies due to the outbreak of World War I. In 1919 she married the poet and critic Fran Albreht.

During World War II, she and her husband actively participated with the Liberation Front of the Slovenian People. They were both imprisoned by the Italian fascist authorities on a number of occasions between 1941 and 1943. In 1944, she was sent to Ravensbrück concentration camp by the Nazis.

After the war she moved with her husband to Ljubljana where she worked as a publicist and at the Slovene center of International PEN.

She died in Ljubljana.



*1957 – "Lupinica" (youth proze)
*1960 – "Nekoč pod Gorjanci" (Once Upon a Time under the Gorjanci) (youth proze)
*1964 – "Babica in trije vnučki" (Granny and Three Grandchildren) (youth proze)


*1950Mi gradimo (We build) (youth poetry)
*1950Orehi (Wallnuts) (youth poetry)
*1955Vesela abeceda (Happy Alphabet) (youth poetry)
*1958Živali pri delu in jelu (Animals at Work) (youth poetry)
*1965Pustov god (Pust's celebration) (youth poetry)
*1967Jutro (Morning) (youth poetry)
*1967Pri igri (At Games) (youth poetry)
*1967Večer (Evening) (youth poetry)
*1969ABC (youth poetry)
*1972Mornar (The Sailor) (youth poetry)
*1972Slikarka (The Painter) (youth poetry)
*1977Ravensbriške pesmi (Ravensbrück poems)(poetry)
*1978Dobro jutro (Good Morning) (youth poetry)

ee also

*List of Slovenian language poets
*Slovenian literature
*Culture of Slovenia
*Yugoslav People's Liberation War

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