- List of ornithology journals
The following is a list of journals and
magazine s relating to birding andornithology , arranged by place of publication.Europe
* Acrocephalus, DOPPS (Slovenia)
* "Acta Ornithologica " - [http://www.miiz.waw.pl/periodicals/acta-ornithologica/index.php?lk=ind&jk=pl]
* "Alauda" - [http://www.mnhn.fr/assoc/seof/revue.htm]
* "Alula"
* "Aquila"
* "Ardea" - [http://home.planet.nl/~boude112/ardea/ardea.htm]
* "Ardeola" - [http://www.ardeola.org/]
* "Avian Science " - [http://www.eou.at/publ.html] (discontinued)
* "Avicultural Magazine " - [http://www.avisoc.co.uk/]
* "Bird Study " - [http://www.bto.org/membership/birdstudy.htm]
* "Birding Scotland "
* "Birding World "
* "Birdwatch "
* "Bird Watching "
* "British Birds"
* "Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club " - [http://www.boc-online.org/bulletin.htm]
* "Buteo"
* "Central European Journal of Biology " [http://versita.com/science/lifesciences/cejb/ (journal home)]
* "Columba"
* "Cork Bird Report "
* "Cotinga" - [http://www.neotropicalbirdclub.org/contents.asp]
* "Crex"
* "Dutch Birding "
* "Der Falke " - [http://www.falke-journal.de/cms/]
* "Hirundo" - [http://www.eoy.ee/hirundo/English/]
* "Ibis" -British Ornithologists Union (UK) - [http://www.bou.org.uk/pubibis.html]
* "Irish Birding News "
* "Irish Birds "
* "Journal of Avian Biology " - [http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/jav]
* "Journal of Ornithology " - (Germany)
* "Neotropical Birding" - [http://www.neotropicalbirdclub.org/]
* "Ornis Fennica " - [http://www.birdlife.fi/julkaisut/of/of-english.shtml]
* "Ornithos " (France) - [http://www.lpo.fr/ornithos/]
* "Otus"
* "Panurus"
* "Ringing and Migration "
* "Scottish Birds "
* "Sluka "
* "Sylvia"
* "Tichodroma"
* "Die Vogelwelt " - [http://www.vogelwelt.com/cms/]
* "World Birdwatch "North America
* "
Alabama Birdlife "
* "Audubon Magazine " (USA) - [http://magazine.audubon.org/]
* "The Auk ", American Ornithologists' Union (USA) - Post-1999 volumes [http://www.aou.org/auk/index.php3] ; complete volumes 1-116 (1884-1999) as freeDjVu and PDF files at SORA [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Auk/]
* "Avian Conservation and Ecology - Écologie et conservation des oiseaux" - [http://www.ace-eco.org]
* "Backyard Bird Newsletter "
* "Birder's World "
* "Birding"
* "Birding Business "
* "Bird Watcher's Digest "
* "Canadian Field-Naturalist "
* "Cassinia"
* "Chat"
* "The Condor" - Cooper Ornithological Society (USA) - Post-2000 volumes [http://www.cooper.org/] ; complete volumes 1-102 (1899-2000) as freeDjVu and PDF files at SORA [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Condor/]
* "Elepaio", Hawaii Audubon Society (USA) - Free full-text access to last 2 volumes [http://www.hawaiiaudubon.com/newsletter.html]
* "Florida Field Naturalist "
* "Journal of Field Ornithology " - Association of Field Ornithologists (USA) - Complete volumes 51-70 (1980-1999) and predecessor publication Bird-Banding as freeDjVu and PDF files at SORA [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/JFO/index.php]
* "Journal of Raptor Research "
* "Kentucky Warbler"
* "Kingbird"
* "Marine Ornithology " - [http://www.marineornithology.org]
* "Maryland Birdlife "
* "Michigan Birds and Natural History "
* "Migrant"
* "Mississippi Kite"
* "Nebraska Bird Review "
* "North American Bird Bander "
* "North American Birds "
* "Oregon Birds "
* "Pacific Seabirds "
* "Passenger Pigeon" [http://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/EcoNatRes.PassPigeon The Passenger Pigeon] " the official scholarly publication of the Wisconsin Society for Ornithology
* "Redstart"
* " [http://www.homepages.dsu.edu/palmerj/SDOUOLD/pubs.html South Dakota Bird Notes] "
* "Utah Birds "
* "Waterbirds "
* "Western Birds "
* "Wilson Journal of Ornithology " (formerly the Wilson Bulletin to 2006),Wilson Ornithological Society (USA) - Complete volumes 1-111 (1889-1999) as freeDjVu and PDF files at SORA [http://elibrary.unm.edu/sora/Wilson/index.php]Middle East
* "Sandgrouse"
* "
Bulletin of the African Bird Club "
* "Ostrich"
* "Scopus"Asia
* "Forktail"
* "Indian Birds " [http://indianbirds.in/]
* "Japanese Journal of Ornithology " (Japan) - [http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/osj/english/activities/journal/contents%26abstracts.e.html]
* "Journal of the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology " - [http://www.yamashina.or.jp/kankobutu/yamashina_mokuji_e.html]
* "Kukila " (Bulletin of the Indonesian Ornithologists' Union - IdOU, [http://indonesian-ornithologists.org/] ) - [http://www.pili.or.id/kukila/index.htm]
* "BirdingASIA " (formerly OBC Bulletin), Oriental Bird Club - http://orientalbirdclub.org/publications/birdingasia/] , OBC Bulletin [http://orientalbirdclub.org/publications/bulletin/index.html]
* "Ornithological Science " - [http://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/osj/_vols]Australasia and the Pacific
* "
Australian Field Ornithology "
* "Corella "
* "ʻElepaio" - [http://www.hawaiiaudubon.com/newsletter.html]
* "Emu",Royal Australasian Ornithologists Union (Australia) - [http://www.publish.csiro.au/nid/96.htm]* "Notornis" - [http://www.notornis.org.nz/] (also includes Southern Bird, OSNZ News, OSNZ Bulletins & Reports)
* "Stilt"
* "Tattler"
* "Wingspan"outh America
* "
Atualidades Ornitológicas " - [http://www.ao.com.br/]
* "Ararajuba/Revista Brasileira de Ornitologia" - [http://www.ararajuba.org.br/sbo_eng/index_eng.htm]
* "Boletín de la Sociedad Antioqueña de Ornitología " - [http://www.sao.org.co/publicaciones/boletinsao/Boletin%20sao.htm]
* "Cotinga" - [http://www.neotropicalbirdclub.org/contents.asp]
* "Neotropical Birding "
* "Ornitología Neotropical "
* "Revista Ornitología Colombiana " - [http://www.ornitologiacolombiana.org/]Misc
Birds & Blooms - [http://www.birdsandblooms.com]
* Forktail, Oriental Bird Club - [http://orientalbirdclub.org/publications/forktail/index.html]
* Marine Ornithology - Free full-text access to volumes 16 and later (1988-present) [http://www.marineornithology.org/]
* Te Manu, Société d'Ornithologie de Polynésie - Free back issues [http://www.manu.pf/Temanu.html]External links
* [http://www.eurobirding.com/birdingmagazines/current_issues.php List of contents in a number of European Birding magazines]
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