- List of botany journals
The following is a list of botanical journals and magazines
General Botany Journals
The following table is a list of journals publishing articles on many areas of
botany .Plant Pathology Journals
The following table is a list of botany journals specilising in
plant pathology .Review Journals
The following table is a list of botany journals that contain collections of review papers about general plant science.
Acta Phytotaxonomica Geobotanica
*Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica
* Adansonia
*Annales Forestales (Anali za Sumarstvo, Zagreb)
*Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden
*Aqua Planta
*Aquatic Botany (journal)
* Arboretum Kórnickie
*Australian Systematic Botany
*Biochemical Systematics and Ecology
*Botanical Journal of the Linnaean Society
*Botaniska Notiser
* Brittonia
*Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbarium
*Edinburgh Journal of Botany
*Feddes Repertorium
* Gleditschia
*Limnological Botany
* Linnaea
* Linnean
* Madroño
*Mitteilungen der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft
*Notizblatt des Botanischen Gartens Berlin-Dahlem
* Novon
* Nuytsia
* Phytochemistry
* Phytomorphology
*Plant Systematics and Evolution
* The Plantsman
*Silvae Genetica
*Systematic Botany
* Taxon
* Telopea
* Watsonia
* Willdenowia
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