List of Estonian fish

List of Estonian fish

This is a list of Estonian fishes. Native (usually synonymous with indigenous) species are considered to be species which are today present in the region in question, and have been continuously present in that region since a certain period of time.There are no endemic fish species in Estonia (that is, there are no fish species native to only this region).


Family Petromyzontidae

*sea lamprey, "Petromyzon marinus"
*European river lamprey, "Lampetra fluviatilis"
*Brook lamprey, "Lampetra planeri"


Family Acipenseridae

*European sea sturgeon, "Acipenser sturio"


Family Clupeidae

*Atlantic herring, "Clupea harengus membras"
*European sprat, "Sprattus sprattus balticus"
*Twait shad, "Alosa fallax"

Family Engraulidae

*European anchovy, "Engraulis encrasicholus"


Family Salmonidae

*Atlantic salmon, "Salmo salar"
*Brown trout, "Salmo trutta"
**Brown trout (lacustrine form), "Salmo trutta morpha fario"
*Rainbow trout, "Oncorhynchus mykiss"
*Vendace, "Coregonus albula"
*Northern whitefish, "Coregonus peled"
*Common whitefish "Coregonus lavaretus"
** "Caregonus lavaretus maraenoides"
*Grayling, "Thymallus thymallus"

Family Osmeridae

*European smelt "Osmerus eperlanus"
**"Osmerus eperlanus morpha spirinchus"

Family Esocidae

*Northern pike "Esox lucius"


Family "Anguillidae

*European eel "Anguilla anguilla"


Family Cyprinidae

*Roach, "Rutilus rutilus"
*Common dace, "Leuciscus leuciscus"
*European chub, "Leuciscus cephalus"
*Ide, "Leuciscus idus"
*Eurasian minnow, "Phoxinus phoxinus"
*Rudd, "Scardinius erythrophthalmus"
*Asp, "Aspius aspius"
*Moderlieschen, "Leucaspius delineatus"
*Tench, "Tinca tinca"
*Gudgeon, "Gobio gobio"
*Bleak, "Alburnus alburnus"
*Spirlin, "Alburnoides bipunctatus"
*Silver Bream, "Blicca bjoerkna"
*Carp bream, "Abramis brama"
*Zarte, "Vimba vimba"
*Ziege, "Pelecus cultratus"
*Crucian carp, "Carassius carassius"
*Prussian carp, "Carassius gibelio"
*Common carp, "Cyprinus carpio"
*Grass carp "Ctenopharyngodon idella"
*Bighead carp "Aristichthys nobilis"

Family Cobitidae

*"Cobitus taenia"
*Weatherfish "Misgurnus fossilis"

Family Balitoridae

*Stone loach "Barbatula barbatula"


Family Siluridae

*Wels catfish "Silurus glanis"

Family Ictaluridae

*Channel catfish "Ictalurus punctatus"


Family Belonidae

*Garfish, "Belone belone"


Family Gadidae

*Burbot, "Lota lota"
*Pollock, "Pollachius pollachius"
*Atlantic cod, "Gadus morhua callarias"

Family Phycidae

*Four-bearded rockling "Rhinonemus cimbrius"


Family Gasterosteidae

*Three-spined stickleback, "Gasterosteus aculeatus"
*Nine-spined stickleback, "Pungitius pungitius"
*Fifteen-spined stickleback, "Spinachia spinachia"

Family Sungnathidae

*Straightnose pipefish, "Nerophis ophidion"
*Deepnosed pipefish, "Syngnathus typhle"


Family Percidae

*Zander, "Sander lucioperca"
*European perch, "Perca fluviatilis"
*Eurasian Ruffe, "Gymnocephalus cernuus"

Family Stichaeidae

*Snake blenny, "Lumpenus lampetraeformis"

Family Pholididae

*Butterfish, "Pholis gunnellus"

Family Zoarcidae

*Viviparous eelpout, "Zoarces viviparus"

Family Ammodytidae

*Lesser sand eel, "Ammodytes tobianus"
*Greater sand eel, "Hyperoplus lanceolatus"

Family Gobiidae

*Black goby, "Gobius niger"
*Sand goby, "Pomatoschistus minutus"
*Common goby, "Pomatoschistus microps"
*Twospotted goby, "Coryphopterus flavescens"
*"Neogobius melanostomus"

Family Trichiuridae

*Atlantic mackerel, "Scomber scomber"

Family Xiphiidae

*Swordfish, "Xiphias gladius"


Family Cottidae

*Fourhorn sculpin, "Triglopsis quadricornis"
*Father Lasher, "Myoxocephalus scorpius"
*Long-spined Sea Scorpion, "Taurulus bubalis"
*European bullhead, "Cottus gobio"

Family Cyclopteridae

*Lumpsucker, "Cyclopterus lumpus"

Family Liparidae

*Snailfish, "Liparis liparis"


Family Scophthalmidae

*Turbot, "Scophthalmus maximus"

Family Pleuronectidae

*Common dab, "Limanda limanda"
*European plaice, "Pleuronectes platessa"
*European flounder, "Platichtys flesus trachurus"


*E. Ojaveer, E. Pihu, T. Saat. "Fishes of Estonia", 2003.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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