

Demi-monde refers to a group of people who live hedonistic lifestyles, usually in a flagrant and conspicuous manner. The term was commonly used in Europe from the late 18th to the early 20th century, and modern use often refers to that period[citation needed]. Its connotations of pleasure-seeking contrasted with wealth and high-class behavior make it comparable to the later jet set or nomenklatura.

The term was often used as one of disapprobation, the behavior of a person in the demimonde being contrary to more traditional or bourgeois values. Such behaviors often included drinking or drug use, gambling, high spending (particularly in pursuit of fashion, as through clothing as well as servants and houses), and sexual promiscuity. The term demimondaine referred to a woman who embodied these qualities; later it became a euphemism for a courtesan or prostitute.

The term 'demimonde' is French for "half the world". It derives from a comedy by Alexandre Dumas fils published in 1855 called Le Demi-Monde.[1]



As the 20th century dawned, evolving social mores resulted in the demarginalization of the demimonde. Women's suffrage and the flapper movements resulted in the label demimondaine becoming obsolete. The term then became commonly used to refer to the class of 'starving artists'

Women called demimondaine

Cora Pearl

Externally, the defining aspects of the demimonde were an extravagant lifestyle of fine food and clothes, easily surpassing that of most other wealthy women of their day, because of the steady income they made in cash and gifts from their various lovers. Internally, their lifestyle was an eclectic mixture of sharp business acumen, social skills, and hedonism. The smart demimondaine, like the fictional Gigi's grandmother, would invest her wealth for the day when her beauty would fade. Others ended up penniless and starving when age finally took its toll on their beauty, unless they managed to marry one of their lovers.

The most famous real-life demimondaine was arguably Cora Pearl. During her life, she was the acknowledged Queen of the Paris courtesans. Her lovers, all wealthy noblemen, she called her 'chain of gold' - and included such notables as the Duc de Rivoli and even (she claimed) Prince Napoleon. Cora was so successful that she literally made and spent millions of francs during her life. But she was not a simple hedonist - during the Siege of Paris, she turned her mansion into a hospital for wounded soldiers. Cora's memoirs were discovered in 1982 in the hands of a German collector, and released by Granada Publishing Ltd in 1983, under the title The Memoirs of Cora Pearl: The Erotic Reminiscences of a Flamboyant 19th Century Courtesan. Her memoirs are, as the title declares, erotic reminiscences where she discusses in the most graphic detail the sexual prowess and tastes of her lovers, both famous and humble. Possibly the most titillating (and telling) scene describes her presentation at dinner, naked and decked in cream, as a final dish.

Another famous beauty was Virginia Oldoini, Countess di Castiglione who coming to Paris in the 1850s with very little money of her own, soon became mistress of Napoleon III and after that relationship ended, soon moved on to many other wealthy powerful men in government, finance and European royalty. She was possibly the most aristocratic and exclusive of the demimondaines, it is said she charged a member of the British aristocracy a million francs for 12 hours in her company. Sadly she lacked charm, and as soon as her looks went so did her patrons. She died alone and mentally ill many years later.

Fictional demimondaine

Possibly the most famous portrayal of the demimonde, albeit from before the word was coined, is in Verdi's Opera La Traviata. Descriptions of the demimonde can be found in Vanity Fair, a novel which satirizes 19th century society written by William Makepeace Thackeray. Although it does not mention the terms 'demimonde' and 'demimondaine' (they were coined later), the terms were later used by reviewers and other authors in reference to three characters in it. Lady Crackenbury and Mrs. Washington White are demimonde characters, both of whom Captain Rawdon Crawley lusts after in his younger days. Becky Sharp is perceived as a demimondaine before she presents in court, and then becomes one when she travels through Europe after her husband abandons her. Colette's Gigi also describes the demimonde and their lifestyle. Gigi is schooled from childhood to be a kept woman, to stifle her feelings in return for a life of ease. "We never marry in our family", says Gigi's mother. But Gigi finds herself a misfit in the demimonde of Paris in the 'Gay Nineties', as she desires true romance with Gaston.

Other uses of the term in fiction

In Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars trilogy, the "demimonde" refers to a semi-tolerated, "off the net" society of commerce and education.

Similarly, in Alison Sinclair's Darkborn, the "demimonde" is an area of the city inhabited by prostitutes and other undesirables in mainstream society.

In Henryk Sienkiewicz's Without Dogma, the "demimonde" refers to the affluent, pleasure-seeking portion of society, unbound by morals, religion or tradition, and is loosely analogous to the "Jet Set" of modern times.

In Rod Rees' Demi-Monde quadrilogy, the "Demi-Monde" is a highly advanced computer simulation, created in order to train the US army for urban combat.



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  • Demimonde — Dem i*monde , n. [F.; demi + monde world, L. mundus.] Persons of doubtful reputation; esp., women who are kept as mistresses, though not public prostitutes; demireps. [1913 Webster] {Literary demimonde}, writers of the lowest kind. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Demimonde — (franz., spr. dömi móngd ), »Halbwelt«, eine durch das gleichnamige Drama des jüngern Dumas (1855) in Aufnahme gekommene Bezeichnung für die in Großstädten (namentlich Paris) stark vertretene Klasse von Abenteurern höherer Gattung, die im Äußern… …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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  • demimonde — [dem′i mänd΄] n. [Fr < demi (see DEMI ) + monde, world, society < L mundus, world] 1. the class of women who have lost social standing because of sexual promiscuity 2. a demimondaine 3. prostitutes as a group 4. any group whose activities… …   English World dictionary

  • Demimonde — Halbwelt (frz. demimonde) ist eine durch das gleichnamige Drama des jüngeren Dumas (1855) in Gebrauch gekommene Bezeichnung für die in Großstädten (namentlich Paris) stark vertretene Klasse von Abenteurern höherer Gattung, welche äußerlich Sitten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • demimonde — /dem ee mond /; Fr. /deuh mee mawonnd /, n. 1. (esp. during the last half of the 19th century) a class of women who have lost their standing in respectable society because of indiscreet behavior or sexual promiscuity. 2. a demimondaine. 3.… …   Universalium

  • demimonde — noun Etymology: French demi monde, from demi + monde world, from Latin mundus Date: 1855 1. a. a class of women on the fringes of respectable society supported by wealthy lovers; also their world b. the world of prostitution …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • demimonde — noun a) A class of women kept by wealthy protectors; female prostitutes as a group b) A group having little respect or reputation See Also: demimondaine …   Wiktionary

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