Methods for comparing top chess players throughout history

Methods for comparing top chess players throughout history

This article examines a number of methodologies that have been suggested for the task of comparing top chess players throughout history, particularly the question of comparing the greatest players of different eras. Statistical methods offer objectivity but, whilst there is agreement on systems to rate the strengths of current players, there is disagreement and controversy on whether such techniques can be applied to players from different generations who never competed against each other.


Statistical methods

Elo System

Perhaps the best-known statistical model is that devised by Arpad Elo. In his 1978 book The Rating of Chessplayers, Past and Present,[1] he gave ratings to players corresponding to their performance over the best five-year span of their career. According to this system the highest ratings achieved were:

(Though published in 1978, Elo's list did not include five-year averages for Bobby Fischer and Anatoly Karpov. It did list January 1978 ratings of 2780 for Fischer and 2725 for Karpov.[2])

In 1970, FIDE adopted Elo's system for rating current players, so one way to compare players of different eras is to compare their Elo ratings. The best-ever Elo ratings are tabulated below.[3]

As of July 2011, there were 79 chess grandmasters in history who broke the 2700 limit and six of them were even capable of overcoming the 2800 line. Most astonishing were performances by players like R.J. Fischer, A. Karpov and G. Kasparov, who achieved their peak ratings in early era (1972, 1994, 1999).

Table of top 20 rated players ever, with date their best ratings were first achieved
Rank Rating Player Year-month Country
1 2851 Garry Kasparov 1999-07  Russia
2 2826 Magnus Carlsen 2010-07  Norway
3 2817 Viswanathan Anand 2011-03  India
4 2813 Veselin Topalov 2006-07  Bulgaria
5 2811 Vladimir Kramnik 2002-01  Russia
6 2808 Levon Aronian 2011-03  Armenia
7 2788 Alexander Morozevich 2008-07  Russia
8 2788 Sergey Karjakin 2011-07  Russia
9 2787 Vassily Ivanchuk 2007-10  Ukraine
10 2785 Bobby Fischer 1972-04  United States
11 2781 Teimour Radjabov 2011-11  Azerbaijan
12 2780 Anatoly Karpov 1994-07  Russia
13 2774 Hikaru Nakamura 2011-03  United States
14 2773 Alexander Grischuk 2011-01  Russia
15 2772 Shakhriyar Mamedyarov 2011-01  Azerbaijan
16 2765 Peter Svidler 2006-01  Russia
17 2764 Ruslan Ponomariov 2011-07  Ukraine
18 2763 Peter Leko 2005-04  Hungary
19 2761 Boris Gelfand 2010-01  Israel
20 2761 Pavel Eljanov 2010-09  Ukraine

The average Elo rating of top players has risen over time. For instance, the average of the top 100 active players rose from 2644 in July 2000 to 2697 in March 2011, a 53-point increase.[4] Many people believe that this rise is mostly due to a system artifact known as ratings inflation, making it impractical to compare players of different eras.

Arpad Elo was of the opinion that it was futile to attempt to use ratings to compare players from different eras; in his view, they could only possibly measure the strength of a player as compared to his or her contemporaries. He also stated that the process of rating players was in any case rather approximate; he compared it to "the measurement of the position of a cork bobbing up and down on the surface of agitated water with a yard stick tied to a rope and which is swaying in the wind".[5]


Many statisticians since Elo have devised similar methods to retrospectively rate players. Jeff Sonas, for example, calls his system Chessmetrics. This system takes account of many games played after the publication of Elo's book, and claims to take account of the rating inflation that the Elo system has apparently suffered.

One caveat is that a Chessmetrics rating takes into account the frequency of play. According to Sonas, "As soon as you go a month without playing, your Chessmetrics rating will start to drop".[6] While it may be in the best interest of the fans for chess-players to remain active, it is not clear why a person's rating, which reflects his/her skill at chess, should drop if the player is inactive for a period of time.

Sonas, like Elo, acknowledges that it is useless to try to compare the strength of players from different eras. In his explanation of the Chessmetrics system,[7] he says:

Of course, a rating always indicates the level of dominance of a particular player against contemporary peers; it says nothing about whether the player is stronger/weaker in their actual technical chess skill than a player far removed from them in time. So while we cannot say that Bobby Fischer in the early 1970s or Jose Capablanca in the early 1920s were the "strongest" players of all time, we can say with a certain amount of confidence that they were the two most dominant players of all time. That is the extent of what these ratings can tell us.

Nevertheless Sonas' Web site does compare players from different eras, and shows that in such cases the Chessmetrics system is rather sensitive to the length of the periods being compared. Including data until December 2004, the rankings were:

Position 1 year[8] 5 years[9] 10 years[10] 15 years[11] 20 years[12]
1 Bobby Fischer Garry Kasparov Garry Kasparov Garry Kasparov Garry Kasparov
2 Garry Kasparov Emanuel Lasker Emanuel Lasker Anatoly Karpov Anatoly Karpov
3 Mikhail Botvinnik José Capablanca Anatoly Karpov Emanuel Lasker Emanuel Lasker
4 José Capablanca Mikhail Botvinnik José Capablanca José Capablanca Alexander Alekhine
5 Emanuel Lasker Bobby Fischer Bobby Fischer Alexander Alekhine Viktor Korchnoi
6 Alexander Alekhine Anatoly Karpov Mikhail Botvinnik Mikhail Botvinnik Vasily Smyslov

In a 2005 ChessBase article,[13] Sonas uses Chessmetrics to evaluate historical annual performance ratings and comes to the conclusion that Kasparov was dominant for the most years, followed closely by Karpov and Lasker.

Warriors of the Mind

In contrast to Elo and Sonas's systems, Raymond Keene and Nathan Divinsky's book Warriors of the Mind[14] attempts to establish a rating system claiming to compare directly the strength of players active in different eras, and so determine the strongest player of all time. Considering games played between sixty-four of the strongest players in history, they come up with the following top ten:[15]

These "Divinsky numbers" are not on the same scale as Elo ratings (the last person on the list, Johannes Zukertort, has a Divinsky number of 873, which would be a beginner-level Elo rating). Keene and Divinsky's system has met with limited acceptance,[16] and Warriors of the Mind has also been criticised for its arbitrary selection process and bias towards modern players.[17]

Actual moves played compared with computer choices

A computer-based method of analyzing chess abilities across history came from Matej Guid and Ivan Bratko from the Department of Computer and Information Science of University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, in 2006.[18] The basis for their evaluation was the difference between the position values resulting from the moves played by the human chess player and the moves chosen as best by a chess program, Crafty. They also compared the average number of errors in the player's game. Opening moves were excluded, in an attempt to negate the progress in chess opening theory. According to their analysis, the leader was José Raúl Capablanca, followed closely by Vladimir Kramnik.

The "Classical" World Chess Championship matches were analyzed, and the results for the fourteen Classical World Champions were presented.

Players with fewest average errors:

The method received a number of criticisms, including: the study used a modified version of Crafty rather than the standard version; even the standard version of Crafty was not strong enough to evaluate the world champions' play; one of the modifications restricted the search depth to 12 half-moves, which is often insufficient.[19] As of 2006 Crafty's Elo rating was 2657, below many historical top human players and several other computer programs.

A similar project was also conducted in 2007 using Rybka 2.3.2a and a modified version of Crafty 20.14.[20]

Analysis by Rybka 3 and comparisons with modern ratings

Subjective lists

A number of prominent players and writers have attempted to rank the greatest players. Generally these lists attempt to combine the two methods aboveperformance, and analysis of games.

Bobby Fischer (1964)

In 1964 Bobby Fischer listed his top 10 in Chessworld magazine: Morphy, Staunton, Steinitz, Tarrasch, Chigorin, Alekhine, Capablanca, Spassky, Tal, Reshevsky.[21][22]

Irving Chernev (1976)

In 1976 chess author Irving Chernev published the book The Golden Dozen, in which he ranked his all-time top twelve: 1. Capablanca, 2. Alekhine, 3. Em. Lasker, 4. Fischer, 5. Botvinnik, 6. Petrosian, 7. Tal, 8. Smyslov, 9. Spassky, 10. Bronstein, 11. Rubinstein, and 12. Nimzowitsch.[23]

Viswanathan Anand (2008)

When interviewed shortly after Fischer's death, then current world champion Viswanathan Anand ranked Kasparov first and Fischer second.[24]

Earlier in 2000, when Karpov, Korchnoi and Kasparov were still active, Anand listed his top 10 as: Fischer, Morphy, Em. Lasker, Capablanca, Steinitz, Tal, Korchnoi, Keres, Karpov and Kasparov.[25]

Leonard Barden (2008)

In his 2008 obituary of Bobby Fischer, Leonard Barden wrote that most experts ranked Kasparov as the greatest ever, with either Fischer or Karpov second.[26]

Vladimir Kramnik (2011)

In an interview with Vladislav Tkachiev for the website WhyChess, former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik stated that he considered Viswanathan Anand as a colossal talent and one of the greatest in the whole history of chess.[27]

World Champions by world title reigns

The number of world championship wins, or world championship reigns, can be considered as a guide to player greatness. The table below organises the world champions in order of championship wins. (For the purpose of this table, a successful defence counts as a win, even if the match was drawn.) The table is made more complicated by the split between the "Classical" and FIDE world titles between 1993 and 2006.

Champion Total Undisputed FIDE Classical Years as Undisputed Champion Years as FIDE/Classical Champion
Emanuel Lasker 6 6 27
Garry Kasparov 6 4 2 8 7
Anatoly Karpov 6 3 3 10 6
Mikhail Botvinnik 5 5 13
Alexander Alekhine 4 4 17
Wilhelm Steinitz 4 4 8
Viswanathan Anand 4 3 1 4 2
Vladimir Kramnik 3 1 2 1 6
Tigran Petrosian 2 2 6
José Raúl Capablanca 1 1 6
Boris Spassky 1 1 3
Bobby Fischer 1 1 3
Max Euwe 1 1 2
Vasily Smyslov 1 1 1
Mikhail Tal 1 1 1
Ruslan Ponomariov 1 1 2
Alexander Khalifman 1 1 1
Rustam Kasimdzhanov 1 1 1
Veselin Topalov 1 1 1

See also

  • List of FIDE chess world number ones


  1. ^ Arpad E. Elo, The Rating of Chessplayers, Past and Present, Arco, 1978. ISBN 0-668-04721-6.
  2. ^ Arpad Emre Elo100th anniversary, Chessbase, 2003
  3. ^ This table is based on one created by Przemek Jahr of Poland, which was reported in Chessbase 2-7-2005. FIDE ratings were officially compiled and released quarterly, in January, April, July, and October until July 2009. Since July 2009 they are released on two-monthly basis.
  4. ^ World Top Chess players at
  5. ^ Chess Life, 1962.
  6. ^ The Greatest Chess Player of All TimePart I, Jeff Sonas, at Chessbase
  7. ^ About the Chessmetrics Rating System, by Jeff Sonas
  8. ^ "Peak Average Ratings: 1 year peak range". 
  9. ^ "Peak Average Ratings: 5 year peak range". 
  10. ^ "Peak Average Ratings: 10 year peak range". 
  11. ^ "Peak Average Ratings: 15 year peak range". 
  12. ^ "Peak Average Ratings: 20 year peak range". 
  13. ^ Sonas, J. (2005). "The Greatest Chess Player of All TimePart IV". Chessbase.  Part IV gives links to the 3 earlier parts
  14. ^ Warriors of the Mind, Raymond Keene and Nathan Divinsky, (1989)
  15. ^ Divinsky-Keene rankings
  16. ^ Hooper, David;Whyld, Kenneth (1992). The Oxford Companion to Chess. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-280049-3. 
  17. ^ Winter, Edward (1996). Chess Explorations. Cadogan. ISBN 1-85744-171-0. 
  18. ^ Computers choose: who was the strongest player?, Chessbase, 2006
  19. ^ Review of "Computer Analysis of World Chess Champions", by Søren Riis, Chessbase, 2006
  20. ^ "Compare the World Champions!", by Charles Sullivan, TrueChess, 2007
  21. ^ Bobby Fischer, "The Ten Greatest Masters in History", Chessworld, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Jan.-Feb. 1964), pp. 56-61.
  22. ^ "Fischer's Top 10". 
  23. ^ Twelve Great Chess Players and Their Best Games, Irving Chernev, 1995 (reprint of 1976 edition).
  24. ^ "He (Fischer) and Kasparov were the greatest in history, but I judge Kasparov as a little ahead. Fischer was a phenomenon from 1970 to 1972 while Kasparov was on top for many years." - Morelia-Linares Super-GM starts today, Chessbase, February 15, 2008
  25. ^ The Grandmaster on his ten greatest chess players, Viswanathan Anand,
  26. ^ "Most experts place him (Fischer) the second or third best ever, behind Kasparov but probably ahead of Karpov." - Obituary of Bobby Fischer, Leonard Barden, The Guardian, 19 January 2008
  27. ^ "Kramnik on chess, Anand, Topalov and his future." - [1], Vlad Tkachiev, WhyChess, 31 August 2011

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