Uniform Server

Uniform Server

logo =

caption = Uniform Server
name = The Uniform Server
developer = Uniform Server Development Team
latest_release_version = 3.5
latest_release_date = July 5, 2007
operating_system = Microsoft Windows
genre = Server
license = BSD
website = [http://www.uniformserver.com/ www.uniformserver.com]

The Uniform Server is a free open source WAMP package for Microsoft Windows, comprising a pre-configured setup of complementary open source web server tools, the Apache HTTP Server, the MySQL database engine, and scripting languages PHP and Perl. It is released under the BSD license.

It can be activated without any installation, is self-contained, and the package itself is under 10MiB. For these reasons, it is commonly used to test web applications on Windows, and can also be set up on removable media for a portable web server. However, it is also designed for security, so is also used for actual websites.

The Uniform Server was first developed by Taras Slobodskyy as an application for his clients, but later on, moved to becoming this free and open source project. It is now maintained by Olajide Olaolorun.

It will run on the full range of MS Windows (95/98/NT/2000/XP), including the older versions.

Based On Uniform Server

* [http://jsas.joomlasolutions.com/ Jsas] (Joomla)
* [http://www.mambosolutions.com/content/view/13/59/ Msas] (Mambo)
* [http://www.xoops.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1447 Xsas] (Xoops)

ee also

*Comparison of WAMPs
*LAMP (software bundle)
*Standalone server
*List of portable software
*List of AMP Packages

*Apache HTTP Server

External links

* [http://www.uniformserver.com www.uniformserver.com]
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/miniserver/ SourceForge Project Page]
* [http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Wiki_on_a_stick Wiki On A Stick]
* [http://www.portablefreeware.com/?sc=125 List of portable Web Servers]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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