List of characters in the Guilty Gear series

List of characters in the Guilty Gear series

This is an index of characters from the "Guilty Gear" fighting game series.

Playable Characters


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Isuka" Created atop a mountain home named "Frasco", A.B.A is an artificial lifeform, the creation of a scientist who lived within Frasco. However, before her 'birth', the aforementioned scientist was taken away by the military, which was planning to use his skills for unknown reasons. When her eyes opened for the first time, A.B.A found herself alone within Frasco, and lived the first 10 years of her life in total isolation.

Escape from Frasco was not impossible. Nevertheless, A.B.A quickly realized that she had no knowledge of how to exist outside of her home. To find relief from her sadness, she began to collect keys of all kinds, as they represented the opening of a bold new world and an escape from imprisonment.

While roaming outside one day, still tired of her isolated life, A.B.A stumbled upon an ancient relic known as "Flament Nagel". It was love at first sight, as the war relic was shaped like a key, A.B.A decided to keep it as her partner; she renamed it "Paracelsus". Her new goal was to acquire an artificial body for her newfound partner.

Anji Mito

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear X"Anji is among the few people born of Japanese descent. Because of this, he is protected by the government since full-blooded Japanese are an endangered species. While there are those who accept this lifestyle, Anji doesnt - he compares acceptance of government to living in a zoo's cage. To regain his freedom, he escaped from his colony and pursued That Man for answers for his ever-curious mind.

No one knows exactly how he heard of That Man and the Gears themselves, nor do they know how he came to possess the Zessen fans. It is implied that Anji stole the Zessen, which had been stored in the Japanese colony, before escaping.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgment"A massive beetle-like monster that appears to be shielding itself with its arms from its front, Ansect is a playable character in "Guilty Gear RoA", having first appeared as an enemy in "Guilty Gear Judgment".

Axl Low

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Axl is a time traveller. He comes from the 20th century, over one hundred and fifty years before most of the "Guilty Gear" storyline. His main goal is to return to his own time period, mainly because of his desire to return to his girlfriend, Megumi. For this reason, he seeks out various means, and is continually attempting to solve his time slipping mystery.

Axl enters the Sacred Knights Tournament in hopes of finding a way to get back to his own era. He was apparently led to believe that the winner of the tournament could have a wish granted them. In the second game, Axl is wandering about, looking for Faust, in hopes of being cured by a doctor of such skill. He encounters various people on the way, and fights them, chalking it all up to bad luck. Then he meets up with Sol Badguy. After this, the path splits. In one ending, Axl fights Kliff Undersn and Justice, and then realizes that he's been thrown back in time once again. In the other (more likely) ending, he battles Faust, and then is diagnosed with involuntary timeslipping. Faust blames this on there being an alternate version of Axl in existence.

Axl meets up with I-No, among other people, while wandering about. As is the case with many other characters, I-No is the catalyst that causes the events that follow. In one of his three endings, he ends up fighting a future version of himself. In another, Axl fights with Zappa, and afterward begins to wonder how Megumi is faring. In the third ending, he meets up with "That Man" and finds out from him that Raven is the cause of his timeslipping, and it is implied that Raven is the alternate version of Axl that was diagnosed by Faust. This allegedly has something to do with actions performed by Axl later on. Perhaps more light will be shed on this in later games. Interestingly, since the three endings have nothing to do with each other, and don't contradict each other in any way, it's entirely possible that they all happened.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"During the Crusades, the nation of Japan was destroyed by the Gears. Following this, those of Japanese descent who still lived were declared cultural treasures and placed in special colonies. However, the Gears attacked even these colonies. During one attack, the young Baiken, after watching the death of her parents and losing her right arm and left eye, saw standing among the Gears their creator: "That Man." From that point, she swore revenge, training herself in the use of the katana and dedicated herself to hunting "That Man" down. (Baiken was a hidden character in "Guilty Gear" but became a normal character in the later installments.) Armed with a katana, she also has many hidden surprise weapons within the sleeve of her severed arm: a Japanese mace, a fireworks cannon, a bladed fan, a chain rope, a hook, a claw, and a spear.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX"Despite the name and appearance, Bridget is actually male. He was born in a village where the birth of twins of the same gender was considered bad luck, and hence his family named and raised him as a girl. When he became older, he decided that he would prove his worth and his masculinity by becoming a bounty hunter. He is given a fake list of bounties by I-No, sending him against many of the other fighters. He fights with a yo-yo and Roger, his mechanical, intelligent, over sized teddy bear.

Chipp Zanuff

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Chipp Zanuff, a former drug trafficker, was a youth who struggled to live life on the streets of America. Chipp often sold illegal substances to many other addicts and corrupt organizations like the Mafia, so Chipp had become an avid dealer. Chipp's job was not a safe or comforting one, and he soon gave in to the enticing (but mind altering) drugs that he sold for trade. Business had been going as usual, but it seemed a complication had put Chipp into a situation that lead to him fleeing from the Mafia. Chipp had become outnumbered and, it seemed death had come early for him, but as if from nowhere his pursuers were quickly dispatched, and in front of Chipp stood a man clearly different from the others. He revealed his name as Tsuyoshi, and his next words would change Chipp's outlook on both life and the sins he had committed. Tsuyoshi offered Chipp into his care, which he gratefully accepted. To clear the youth's mind, as well as start a life of honour and repentance, Tsuyoshi trained Chipp in the art of Ninjutsu basics, to which he quickly adapted, and they lived peacefully together until an assassin syndicate ordered Tsuyoshi's killing. Chipp, filled with rage, attempted to pursue the culprits responsible, entering the second sacred order tournament in order to get him a lead in his travels.

Chipp enters the second order tournament to carry on his quest of vengeance. His ending, while non-canonical, is the only ending in the mainstream games to feature Tsuyoshi's face, and it is revealed he has a purple scar over his left eye, ninja attire, a large nose, and a mustache. Chipp believes that even though Justice was evil, she deserved a second chance, just as he did. He then leaves, spending all the time up until the discovery of Dizzy training in the wilderness.

Afterwards Chipp starts off his quest once more only to be interrupted by Dizzy possessed by Necro who happens to have just fallen from the May Ship. After swiftly getting away he encounters other characters including Bridget, Ky Kiske, Faust and Eddie. The story splits from there, Chipp either encounters Venom who after his defeat (by Chipp of course) makes a deal with Chipp, if he becomes President he may use the guild to his needs, in the second ending he meets Slayer who taunts Chipp; Chipp vows to become stronger in order to defeat Slayer and in the final ending he gains knowledge of the Post-War Administration Bureau after defeating Robo-Ky and learns of his role in their plans. In other players story lines, he is often a brainwashed enemy and again Necro's first unfortunate target.

Chipp's gimmick of being a "ninja" of foreign descent is the reason he utters words like "sushi," "sukiyaki" and "Fujiyama geisha" -- stereotypical Japanese words that would be known to a non-Japanese -- during and after battles. However, since the release of Λ Core (Accent Core), Chipp uses real Japanese words for his attacks, instead of words like "sushi" and "teriyaki".


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear X"The daughter of Justice, Dizzy's appearance in the world became a cause of concern to those in power, fearing another war with the Gears. However, Dizzy has no desire to harm anyone and only wishes to live in peace. She is eventually found by and joins the Jellyfish pirates. Dizzy is the boss character in "GGX".

Dr. Paradigm

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear 2: Overture"Dr. Paradigm is yet another of s' seven playable characters. He is one of the sealed Gears from the dimensional plane "Backyard" during the era of the Genocide Gear Justice in the the "Crusades". This action was done so Justice could not control his mind using her Commander Gear abilities. Dr. Paradigm was later released when the 100 year war was over. Dr. Paradigm is a strongly skilled magician with a fairly large book of magics. How strong his magic lives up to is not known, yet he can cast very helpful and dangerous magic in a manner of seconds. Past this his knowlegedable and very bright mind is not to be taken lightly as he's even more knowledgeable than Sol Badguy himself. Dr. Paradigm has a protective bubble around him in which it seems permanently around him. Paradigm also has what seems to be a small fairy girl flying around him but no one knows exactly what she is there for. Paradigm has a reasonable hate for humans yet will not attack them, for he wishes "not to make the same mistake as these filthy humans".

Dr. Paradigm seems to have hatred for humans, and their recurring mistakes; that they could one day bring the end of the world. Paradigm seems heartless to those at some times as seen when has no hesitation to kill Ky Kiske's wife. He'd rather end things at the moment than to rather fight Valentine and her forces. Paradigm is a bit prejudiced at moments when it comes to Gears and humans as he would pick the Gears' side anytime. Paradigm is useful when it comes to magic. He even freed Ky from Valentine's imprisonment spell Valentine had cast on him. Paradigm can even reverse the brainwashing ability of Valentine with a single spell. He is also the only one besides That Man to call Sol by his original name: Frederick.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX" (Cameo appearance in "Guilty Gear" and "Guilty Gear X" ending)After fighting Millia, Zato-1 falls to his injuries, and the parasite Eddie takes control of Zato's now decaying body to seek out a new living host to control. Eddie replaces Zato-1 from "GGXX" onward with regard to both the story and the selectable characters.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgment"A souped-up version of Es-Watt, Es-Lord is one of the many enemies in "Guilty Gear Judgment". Several of these Judgment enemies are playable characters in "Guilty Gear RoA", and both Es-Lord and Es-Watt are a few of them.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgment"A lizard-looking monster that is a common enemy in "Guilty Gear Judgment", Es-Watt is a playable character in "Guilty Gear RoA".


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Petit"She is a strange nurse with an unusual connection to Dr. Baldhead who saves her life from a sickness; she fights her enemies in much the same style as him, using a syringe that once belonged to her late mother. She appeared in the WonderSwan game "Guilty Gear Petit" and its sequel, "Guilty Gear Petit 2". Her endings in both games show a big connection with Dr. Baldhead/Faust. In the first she is wondering why Dr. Baldhead disappeared; in the second she is saying goodbye because she knows she will never see him again.

=Faust/Dr. Baldhead=

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Once a kind and very talented surgeon, Faust became a ruthless murderer after losing a young girl in surgery. After horribly killing scores of people and being imprisoned, Faust was given a second chance after the first tournament. He first decided to atone for his crimes by taking his own life, but he learned that the girl's death was actually caused by a third party. Donning a paper bag on his head and taking his oversized scalpel, Faust seeks out the truth about the girl's death while dedicating himself to saving as many lives as he can.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Dust Strikers"The boss of "Guilty Gear Dust Strikers", Gig is a massive insect-like creature with an angelic figure emerging from its tail. An undetailed and unusual character, Gig does not fight traditionally, but rather floats up and down firing projectiles and requires only basic knowledge of blocking to defeat with ease. This, coupled with the facts that he has virtually no story and is scarcely animated at all makes him an unpopular character. Gig is known to be a Gear of some sort, referred to as a male despite the female figure attached to him, and appears to be acting against his will.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgment"Goose does not live up to its name, so therefore it's not a bird kind of goose as you'd expect. Instead, it appears to be some kind of creature in a weird outfit with a pointy rock sticking out of its chest. It first appears as one of the many enemies in "Guilty Gear Judgment" and becomes a playable character in "Guilty Gear RoA".


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX"One of That Man's servants and apparently a time-traveler, I-No appears in the postwar era approximately two weeks after the events of "Guilty Gear X". She attacks Dizzy and sets the various fighters of the era against each other, seeking to help That Man's still-unrevealed plans. She fights with an electric guitar, both using it as a bludgeon and playing it to create deadly sonic waves. She also wears a stereotypical pointed witch's hat that can fire projectiles out of a hidden "mouth." She is the primary antagonist and boss character of "Guilty Gear XX".


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear 2: Overture"Izuna is another playable character who made his debut in . Along with Dr. Paradigm and Valentine, Izuna also comes from the plane "Backyard". Appearing as mostly a normal person (besides the white skin and ears) Izuna is far from a normal. Izuna is actually a Japanese fox spirit who himself was exiled to the "Backyard". Just his existence gave Izuna a very strong will; this allowed him to take a physical form unlike the spirits like him. Izuna quotes that "There are more physical spirit demons like me, but were brainwashed by Valentine". Past this matter Izuna is a very skilled swordsman. He also (like the majority of the other Guilty Gear characters) is skilled with abilities of magic. Izuna is also the one to teach Sol Badguy and Sin how to use the tactics of the Ghost and Master Ghost system in the game as well. Most fans believe Izuna's looks were taken off of Slayer, though this is not likely because various interviews with Daisuke Ishiwatari he exclaims that Izuna along with Valentine, Dr. Paradigm, and Sin are all new children (creations) of his.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Johnny is captain of the airship "May Ship" and leader of the Jellyfish Pirates. His first appearance was in "Guilty Gear" as a non-playable character in May's ending, and he became a playable character in "Guilty Gear X". Johnny is a compulsive womanizer; his entire crew, including May, is composed of young women, and he hits on every female he encounters in the games' story modes. He is protective of Dizzy, defending her from bounty hunters in "Guilty Gear X" and I-No's attack in "Guilty Gear XX". He fights with a wood-handled Japanese sword and uses the Iaidō style of swordsmanship.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgement"Judgment was originally Raymond, a mad scientist working on the remote island of Isene and exploiting its inhabitants, trying to create a living weapon that would surpass even the gears. He believed his work was the work of God. Raymond is devoured by Inus, a dark king of the underworld, who is subsequently killed. This allows Raymond to take control of Inus's power, transforming himself into Judgment. However because Inus wished to remain dead, Judgment was subsequently consumed after being defeated.

Jam Kuradoberi

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear X"A highly talented and spirited martial artist whose true passion is Chinese cooking. She takes up bounty hunting as a means of collecting enough money in order to open her own restaurant, her lifelong dream. This was accomplished in "GGX", when she obtained the money from the tournament which took place in the game from Sol. (The official ending of "Guilty Gear X"). Her speech consists mainly of the affected "baby talk" stereotypically associated with Chinese speakers of Japanese. Her name is a katakana-ized "Jam Cloudberry"


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"The original Commander Gear, Justice had the power to control all other Gears, which she used to wage war against the human race. Ultimately she was brought down and exiled to a dimensional prison by the Sacred Order of Holy Knights. However, she was freed by Testament, but was quickly defeated once again, and finally destroyed by Sol Badguy. (Justice is the final boss of "Guilty Gear", is absent from "Guilty Gear X", except for "Guilty Gear X: Plus", and returns as a secret character in "GGXX".)

Kliff Undersn

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"When he was 6 years old, Kliff Undersn was saved from a gear attack by Frederick (aka Sol Badguy). An aging veteran and hero of the Crusades, he led the Sacred Order of Holy Knights for decades before turning it over to Ky Kiske. When the first tournament was organized, he joined in the fear that Justice could return, though he subsequently died of old age. He wields the massive sword Dragonslayer with just one hand, and was also the adoptive father of the boy who later became Testament. Due to his death at the end of "Guilty Gear", Kliff only appeared in the "Plus" version of "Guilty Gear X", but returned in most subsequent games as a secret character. Kliff is of Swiss nationality. He Fought Justice over 17 times with neither having ever been able to destroy the other, though the last battle ended in his defeat, but not death. Kliff has become a heroic icon for the world, even having had large icons and statues built around the world in his image.

Ky Kiske

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"The young, dedicated, and pious chief of the International Police Force, Ky Kiske was made head of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights at age 16 and under his leadership, they were able to bring an end to the century long Crusades against the Gears. His dedication to law and order puts him at odds with the free-spirited Sol Badguy, his rival. He fights with the Thunderseal sword and with his lightning magic. In "Guilty Gear 2: Overture", he has become king of the country Illyuria, and when he finds out that the Gears have begun mysteriously vanishing, and his kingdom is under attack by a mysterious force, he turns to Sol for help by sending out a "Wanted" sign with his face on it, demanding him brought to Illyuria. Sol and Ky maintain a friendly relationship in Overture, and, like Sol, he also sports a new sword.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Isuka"Very little is known about this character, the boss of "Guilty Gear Isuka". An Arcadia article mentions that he is a good man at heart who somehow manages to control a giant Gear, but otherwise little is known about him, his Gear, or his faithful dog.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"A young, cute, and spunky member of the Jellyfish air pirates that is utterly dedicated to Johnny, the leader of the pirates and the man who raised her after she was orphaned. She entered the first tournament in order to bail Johnny out of prison, and fights in later tournaments for his benefit. She fights with a massive ship's anchor, which she is able to swing with ease. It is heavily implied that May is Japanese. (In fact, if Justice defeats May in the "GGXX" arcade mode, Justice will point out that she is disgusted by the fact there are still Japanese people walking the Earth.) May has an irrational fear of bald people and can sense them from a distance.

Millia Rage

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Orphaned in the Crusades, she was taken in and raised by the Assassins Guild who trained her to kill, teaching her how to use and control her hair, a creature similar in nature to Zato-1's "Eddie", as a living weapon. In her storymode from "Guilty Gear Judgement", it is revealed by Raymond that she is using the 6th Forbidden Magic called "Angler". However, she did not desire the life of an assassin and escaped when the chance presented itself. She faces down Zato-1 and then Eddie, knowing that she can only be free with his death.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX Slash"The past version of Sol Badguy, Order-Sol dons his traditional uniform, as well as a new, yet simplistic, weapon. After defeating Boss I-No, the character will time-travel back to the days of this past Sol, engaging him in battle. With 'new' moves, such as Storm Viper and Gunblaze, which appear to be prototypes to his present attacks, Order-Sol is prepared to engage with any opponent.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"A massive slave-soldier of Zepp, a floating continent controlled by a military dictatorship, Potemkin was forced into the first tournament by his superiors. However, during the tournament, the government of Zepp was overthrown in a revolt lead by Gabriel, his mentor. Once Gabriel was made president of Zepp, Potemkin pledged his loyalty to the new government as a special agent. Potemkin likes to draw, but is so strong, he can put four tons of pressure on a pencil with only his fingers.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Judgment"First appearing as one of the enemies in "Guilty Gear Judgment", Ra-Ki is a zombie-like monster that becomes a playable character in "Guilty Gear RoA". It mainly fights using the blades attached to its elbows.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX"Robo-Ky is not simply one character, but in fact a line of robotic copies of Ky Kiske created by the shadowy Post War Administration Bureau. For some reason, Robo-Ky is often mistaken for the real Ky Kiske and vice versa during the game's story mode, even though his face is obviously metallic, his voice is higher-pitched and robotic, and he constantly blurts out *GIGIGI* or *BZZZT* noises during story sequences.

*Revised Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX#Reload"In story mode, Robo-Ky functions the same in #Reload as he does in "XX", but that's where the similarity ends - the revised Robo-Ky contains an entirely different sprite set and movelist from his "XX" predecessor. With regard to explaining the existence of Robo-Ky from "XX", it is simply assumed that he was an early model and that the Robo-Ky from "#Reload" is "the real deal". This also implies that the other characters have never met the Robo-Ky from "XX".

*Cameo Appearance: "Guilty Gear Dust Strikers"In this game, Robo-Ky is merely a customizeable extra, with no story.

Robo-Ky Mk. II

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Isuka"A version of Robo-Ky whose moveset and technical parameters (like attack strength, defense, etc.) can be customized. Unlike the other Robo-Ky, Mk. II is built by and has loyalty to a mysterious scientist, not the Post-War Administration Bureau.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear 2: Overture"Sin is another of the seven unique playable characters in playable in . He is son of the king of Illyuria: Ky Kiske, though was left in Sol Badguy's care because of the exploitable fact of his Gear cells. Though Sin isn't very old he is strangely very tall, in fact adult sized for that matter making it hard to notice his child-like behavior. Through Sol's (a knowledgeable man in fighting himself) training Sin has grown into a very strong child. Even being able to harness the power of a reddish lightning magic like his father (whose lightning is blue). Sol's teaching also included weapon fighting which even Sin is was able to pass and even now uses a flagpole as his main weapon. Sin is very dangerous when it comes to life; because of his Gear genes he may one day be feared as he can be used for war purposes. Ky asks Sol to guide Sin in the way of a Gears life, learning what others will think of you. Because of Sol's age, Sin usually calls him by the name Old Man.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX"An ancient vampire who founded the Assassins Guild, he comes out of hiding when the Guild dives into chaos after Zato's disappearance. Cultured and debonair, Slayer enjoys haiku and spends his time with his wife Sharon, another immortal. He also has a personal connection with Gabriel, the president of Zepp, but seems to be acquainted with all of the movers and shakers of the "Guilty Gear" universe. He has the apparent motive of either observing the cast, or warning them of being targeted by the PWAB.

He seems to be connected to Gabriel in some significant way, and seems to know quite a lot about various political affairs, most notably the Post-War Administration Bureau (PWAB). He personally knows "That Man" and that character seems to hold him in high regard since he apologizes to Slayer. He also, apparently, has some connection to Sol Badguy, although this may just be a product of Sol being alive for an extended period of time.

Sol Badguy

*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"A lone bounty hunter and former member of the Sacred Order of Holy Knights, Sol has dedicated himself to the extinction of the Gears. At over 150 years old, Sol was involved with the creation of the Gear Project, and he is in fact the prototype Gear. He fights with his sword, Fuuenken (Fireseal), and with his fire magic. His real name is Frederick. In "Guilty Gear XX Slash" and "Guilty Gear XX Λ Core", there is another version of Sol , from back in time when the Holy Wars were still raging, called Order-Sol, who fights with a much larger sword. In "Guilty Gear 2: Overture", Sol is still free, but now travels with the young Sin, and sports a new sword.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"Testament was an orphan during the Crusades, and was adopted by Kliff Undersn. When he was old enough, he desired to become a soldier in the war against Gears,and was known in the Holy Orders as the Black Knight . The Post-War Administration Bureau found him frustrated as he became mentally depressed, and offered to transform him into a Gear. He accepted, though unlike most Gears he still retained his sense of self. However, Justice turned him against humanity, and he found himself on the opposite side of the war from which he started. Testament also states that he enjoys pudding, while his profile page in the Guilty Gear Bible states that he likes potatoes (this is further evidenced in Dizzy's sidestory in Drama CD Side Black- she and Testament share a potato salad, which Dizzy bought for that specific reason).

At the end of the Tournament, Testament appeared to the winner (officially, Sol Badguy, but this varies depending on who the player was playing as), revealing that it was actually he who hosted the tournament, with the intentions of sacrificing the winner to revive Justice, saying, "All that's required is the blood of one more sacrifice!" However, he was himself defeated, and used his own blood as the sacrifice. Justice was then defeated as well.

Upon discovering that there was another Gear alive, Dizzy, Testament immediately took it upon himself to protect her in her hidden grove, fighting off everyone who came near (much like in the original "Guilty Gear", Testament was fought before the "main" boss was). He did this until Dizzy decided to leave, joining Johnny and May of the Jellyfish pirates. (His Story Mode in "Guilty Gear X+" has two endings, both of which are doubtful. In one, he and Dizzy decide to stay in the Grove for a thousand years until humans have forgotten about Gears; in the other, he and Dizzy decide to leave the Grove together.)

Testament arrives on the May Ship unannounced with the intentions of visiting Dizzy, only to find that she had been knocked off the ship by I-No. He curses humanity, and storms off to find her. He has three endings: in one (the least likely), he discovers that Dizzy has been killed, fights (and probably kills) Johnny, and vows to avenge Dizzy by way of the annihilation of the human race. In another, he encounters Sol, who reveals that "That Man" has returned and the Post-War Administration Bureau is on the move, he also revealed his respect for Sol as he may feel that Sol is the only one who may understand his nature aside from Dizzy. In the third, he fights I-No and then a Necro-possessed Dizzy, who recovers and tells Testament that her fall really wasn't the crew's fault, and in the end, Testament decides to become more accepting of humans - to a point.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear 2: Overture"Valentine is one of six playable characters in the new genre of Guilty Gear: . Valentine is the exact copy of Aria; who is indeed one form of the genocide Gear Justice. Her personality is very small and she only talks to get her motives out and nothing more. Valentine's look sports the fashion of leather and gothic accessories and also wears a unusual head-gear that resembles very long bat wings. Valentine's motives lead her to be defeated by the prototype Gear: Sol Badguy who was once in love with Aria in the past, but even through this That Man has quoted that there are more Aria copies being quickly reproduced. Her weapon of choice is a bizarre; talking balloon named Lucifero with various amplified magic abilities. Valentine also has the power to brainwash enemies and turn them into her allies (as she did to Izuna's Servants). Despite her simple attitude, Valentine appears to be very wise when it comes to strategy; as seen when, though no one noticed, Valentine sent her Servants to attack the Kingdom of Illuyria; alerting Ky Kiske and Dr. Paradigm in the fact that Ky's wife is the Key ( those born of the Gear Justice) that can open the dimension Backyard where the Cube is held. This distracted Ky and Paradigm from reaching Sin (also a Key). Valentine's true form is a fake version of a Gear as yet her looks resemble an unfinished Aria. Valentine is seen by most fans as a warm up for the not-yet-announced; next installment to Guilty Gear 2.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear X"Another orphan raised by the Assassins Guild, Venom became the devoted right hand of Zato-1 when he came to power. Once Millia began to hunt Zato and the parasite Eddie began taking more control, Venom began his quest to save his beloved master. He fights with his own style using a pool cue and billiard ball summons. Venom also seems to be an enemy of Faust, supported by one of the endings in "Guilty Gear XX".


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear Isuka"Meaning roughly "Lackey Gang" in Japanese, Zako-dan is a mysterious organization added into the console releases of "Isuka". These characters seem to be around just for comic relief. Most of them can only use two out of four basic attacks, and one of them lacks the ability to jump, making these characters unpopular with all but the best of players.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear XX"Zappa is just a normal man, looking for a wife and writing in his diary about his new "disease" he has, which, from his point of view, consists of fainting and then waking up somewhere else, possibly with alarming wounds and fractures and no memory of how he got there. Like Axl in the previous game, he seeks the "Dark Doctor" Faust to cure his paranormal ailment. When entering a battle, he is unconscious, with S-Ko and the other ghosts having control of his actions. These ghosts consist of three giant centipedes, several will-o-wisp-like apparitions that manipulate a broken sword, three gray ghosts, a dark chihuahua-like dog, and a manifestation of lightning called Raou. With the exception of S-Ko (who seems to inflict the most pain to Zappa), Raou and the other apparitions seem to try their best to comfort him when he's depressed or in pain; indicating a degree of loyalty to their host. S-Ko's relationship with him still remains a mystery.

In his search for Faust, Zappa encounters several people, most of which he ends up fighting involuntarily, and later finding them unconscious. In one ending, he meets up with Ky Kiske, who arrests him for assaulting an officer (the officer being Ky himself). In his other two endings, he actually finds Faust and fights him (once again involuntarily). In one ending he defeats Faust, and then, after regaining consciousness, sees Faust injured and unconscious. At this point, it is suggested that S-Ko assumes more control over Zappa. In another ending, Zappa loses the fight with Faust, and Faust gives his diagnosis: this disease cannot be cured! He then suggests that Zappa isolates himself until a cure is found.


*First Appearance: "Guilty Gear"A member of the powerful Assassins Guild, Zato-1 allowed himself to become the host of a symbiotic creature named Eddie in exchange for his sight. Because of this, Zato-1 was able to take control of his shadow, and use it as a weapon to gain great power. With this power, he made himself leader of the Assassins Guild. However, as his body weakened, Eddie was able to take more and more control until Zato-1's death at the hands of Millia Rage. Zato despises all women, due to past connections with Millia Rage. His name is likely a reference to Zatoichi, the blind swordsman/assassin ("1" being "ichi" in Japanese).

Non-Playable Characters


A mysterious, unseen character who That Man refers to during Guilty Gear 2: Overture. Little is known about her, however she is at least an aquaintence to both Sol and That Man, and the character Valentine is stated as being a copy of her.


Mentor of Potemkin, Gabriel lead the revolt against the leaders of the floating continent of Zepp and was elected its president shortly afterwards. His voice actor is Ayutani Osamu.

Jellyfish Air Pirates

Johnny's all-female pirate crew, who travel with him on the May Ship. The members include eleven girls, one older woman, and a cat. There are several playable characters from the Jellyfish Pirates in the games; namely May, Dizzy and Johnny himself. Most of the members of the Jellyfish crew are orphaned girls adopted by Johnny, but there are exceptions; he took in Dizzy for her protection (and seclusion) from the larger world, and in one ending of "Guilty Gear XX" allows Bridget to live on the ship (although he is not officially a Jellyfish Pirate) when he has nowhere else to go.

The original members of the Jellyfish Piratesmany of whom appear on the deck of the May Ship and in the animation of May's instant kill attackare named for months of the year:

*Janis (January), a black cat with a shaggy white forelock. H
*Febby (February), the record-keeper, is a tall busty blonde.
*March (March) is the pink-haired baby girl with the stuffed penguin. She often trips on her oversized clothing.
*April (April) pilots the ship. She is May's best friend and is the only Jellyfish Pirate (aside from Johnny, May, and Dizzy) to have a speaking role in "Guilty Gear XX"'s Story Mode. Her seiyuu is Ogawa Yumiko, who also provides the voice of Justice until "Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus", where along with Justice her seiyuu becomes Sakuraha Wakana.
*May (May) is one of the crew's most capable fighters. The May Ship is named after her.
*June (June), the navigator, has lavender pigtails and holds a sextant. She seems younger than her crewmates.
*July (July) has an eyepatch and wields a sword. She is said to be the fourth strongest fighter on board, after Dizzy, Johnny, and May.
*Augus (August) is another fighter. She has a dark complexion and is known to be fast.
*Sephy (September) has long brown hair and a gentle expression. She can be seen swabbing the deck.
*Octy (October) appears to be the crew's lookout, although her eyes are hidden behind her bangs.
*Novel (November), who rides a large red mecha, is probably the ship's mechanic.
*Leap (Leap Year), an enormous woman with white hair, is the ship's cook. She wears a white chef's hat and apron.

As of "Guilty Gear XX", there is one new addition to the crew:
*Dizzy (December) is a young Gear who was the subject of a $500,000 bounty-hunt in Guilty Gear X. Johnny helped fake her death and made her a Jellyfish Pirate for her own protection.


Valentine's balloon partner, who often accompanies her during her quest for both "The Key" and "The Cube". He is used by her as her weapon whenever she fights. He can also help her get around when he flies around while she holds onto him. His name is a play on "Lucifer".


Axl's girlfriend from the 20th century.


A.B.A's partner and lover. Paracelsus plays a major role in A.B.A's life.

Post-War Administration Bureau

The nihongo|Post-War Administration Bureau|終戦管理局|Shūsen Kanrikyoku (or P.W.A.B.) is a fictional secret society in the "Guilty Gear" fighting game series, making its first appearance in "Guilty Gear XX". It is the organization that created Robo-Ky, and changed Testament into a Gear.

The organization was founded during the war between humans and Gears; as its name implies, it was intended to manage the affairs of the human race once the war was over. However, the war's end saw no need for them, and it was supposed to have been disbanded. Instead, they merely retreated to the shadows.

The group demonstrably has access to relatively advanced technology, as it created Robo-Ky. However, its members can also use magic; an unidentified member of the group used a crystal ball to observe Jam Kuradoberi in one of her endings.

The purpose of the organization has apparently shifted entirely to maintaining its own power and influence, as well as its own secrecy, and its members are willing to go to any lengths to do so, evidently lacking any ethics in how they go about this. Its interest in each character seems focused on whether they should be manipulated, killed, captured, or studied, and each characters' Story Mode begins with the P.W.A.B.'s profile for that character, accompanied with a "risk rating" that apparently denotes how dangerous they are to the organization. Robo-Ky was created both to impersonate Ky Kiske and as an equalizer should they decide that direct confrontation is necessary.


First appearing in "Guilty Gear Judgment", Raymond is a powerful sorcerer and scientist who is responsible for taking over Eastern European kingdom of Villtania. Since then, he caused devastation and conducted unholy experiments.


One of three servants to That Man. Little is known of him, but he does share some sort of connection with Axl Low which That Man describes as being "parallel existences" of each other. In the "Guilty Gear" novel "Lightning the Argent", Raven shows unusual battle prowess by essentially ignoring Sol's fire attacks, via regeneration, and beating Faust in an interdimensional battle. Raven is also present in several endings in "Guilty Gear XX", in which one he is noted as the parallel existence of Axl Low. His voice actor is Yasumoto Hiroki.

Raven appears as a boss in , in which Sol refers to him as "the undying, diseased Raven", because of his ability to regenerate from any wound. Raven's clothing is notably different in Overture, in which he wears a wing-like mantle, and a steel mask with a single gold coin over his left eye (in the Roman tradition of placing coins over the eyes of the dead, indicating that he is "half-dead"). In battle, he surrounds himself in green flames and fights using needles which are capable of stunning opponents and creating "Slow Fields", along with a variety of abilities including teleportation and dispersing into a cloud of feathers and attacking ravens.


Bridget's mechanical and sentient teddy bear, Roger helps Bridget in his fights by punching and cutting up the opponent should they get in his way.


Wife and constant companion of Slayer. While not a vampire, she is immortal and apparently cannot be killed, even to the point where Slayer can completely drain her of blood with no ill effect, I-No says in one of Eddie's endings that nothing sticks to her, virus nor parasite, and when Eddie tries to take over her body, he melts. She speaks very little, if at all.


A vengeful spirit that has possessed Zappa, and is quite possibly the most powerful one occupying his body.


A character from the novel Lightning the Argent. Solaria is a full-blooded Gear created by the Blackard Company. She was used by the company to awaken and control the world's dormant Gears as their weapons. She was later rescued by Ky Kiske where she now lives freely under the protection of the International Police Force.

Erica Bartholomew

The President of the United States in the current Guilty Gear timeline and from the novel The Butterfly and her Gale. An orphan, she is a child prodigy who became President at the age of 17. Chipp decided to become her bodyguard after the Assassin Syndicate tried to kill her. The reason for the attempt on her life is because the US had been under the influence and corruption of the Syndicate for many years. One of Erica's goals was to rid the US of their influence by forming an alliance with President Gabriel of Zepp since his nation was the most highly technological and powerful nation in the world. Despite attempts by the syndicate to frame each nation of an assassination attempt on their leaders, blackmailing the Senate and kidnapping her guardian and caretaker of her Orphanage, the alliance was finally made thanks to the help of Chipp.


Chipp's Sensei and the man who changed his life. Tsuyoshi was a ninja master who saved Chipp when he was about to be killed by the mafia. It was his tutelage that changed Chipp from a drug addict to the man he is now. He was killed by the Assassin Syndicate before the events of "Guilty Gear". The novel The Butterfly and her Gale reveals he was killed because he was an undercover agent of the International Police Force who infiltrated the Syndicate until they found out about his true identity.


A member of the Assassin Syndicate from the novel The Butterfly and her Gale. He is the man responsible for the death of Tsuyoshi. In the novel he & the Syndicate tries to prevent President Erica from forming the US/Zepp alliance in anyway and even he himself was responsible for kidnapping her guardian. Ironically, his plans were thwarted by Tsuyoshi student, Chipp. For his failure to kill Erica, Chipp and stopping the alliance, he was killed by Venom personally.

That Man

That Man, known as nihongo|Ano Otoko|あの男 in Japanese, is a major figure in the fictional history of the "Guilty Gear" games. He is not playable, nor does he ever directly fight anyone, but appears in several story sequences; his face is apparently in shadow and never seen completely (although in one ending in "Guilty Gear XX" his hand is revealed to be a glowing Blue color). He appears to be directly involved in the Gear Project, and although he is responsible for the Holy Wars that have plagued the world since, he appears apologetic and full of remorse.

In the series, his existence is first revealed in "Guilty Gear" in Sol Badguy's ending -- it is mentioned by both Sol and Justice that an unnamed third man was involved in the creation of the race of magical bioweapon known as Gears. Ky Kiske's ending also references him, and is likely the source of his title, as Justice's dying words are "Even though I may die, the gears shall not, as long as That Man still lives..." His first direct appearance is, again, in one of Sol's endings in "Guilty Gear X-Plus", in which he makes a cryptic comment about Dizzy being "a daughter" (evidently of Justice). He is in "Guilty Gear XX" once reffered to as "The Gearmaker" which clearly suggests that he is the original creator of all Gears. Several characters in "GGX" also express an interest in meeting him, for various reasons.

He is pursued by several people who feel he is responsible for the current state of affairs: his most notable pursuer is Baiken, who blames him for the destruction of Japan in the Holy Wars; Sol Badguy is intent on killing him for an unknown reason as well; Axl Low believes That Man knows the reason for his timeslips; Anji Mito wants to find him apparently out of sheer curiosity.

That Man appears in nearly every characters' endings of "Guilty Gear XX" at some point or other; his purpose appears mainly as a deus ex machina, since his purpose is largely to capture I-No or clean up the various messes she's made -- she believed that most of the characters were a threat to his power, and attempted to harm or neutralize them, but he states several times that they are actually in accordance with his goals. These goals remain unclear as of yet. In a few endings, he alludes to possible future events, such as one of Sol Badguy's ending, in which he claims that "Frederick" will be needed later. "Frederick" is the real name of Sol Badguy.

It should be noted that That Man may have some fighting ability. Baiken and Sol Badguy unsuccessfully attempt to strike him down in two different story mode scenarios. He is able to halt I-No's rampage and seal her away inside a large bubble in one of her story modes. In , he appears as a boss character. However, he often relies on the powers of his servants instead. Despite this lack of direct combat, Sol still feels the need to completely transform into his gear state (which is the first time in the series his Gear form is completely revealed; it resembles a red dragon with firey wings and horns, and an exoskeleton similar to that of a crustacean) to fight him. At the end of "Guilty Gear 2: Overture", he is seen after the credits in discussion with Raven over how Sol's ability to use Dragon Install could save the world from an imminent threat (possibly the threat he referred to in Sol's ending in "Guilty Gear XX").

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