Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus

Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
CSCJ logo.jpg
Motto Amoris Victima (Victims of Love)/ "Servant Leaders for Transformation, Where Love is Service"
Established September 14, 1917
Type Private, Vincentian, Catholic
Affiliations Daughters of Charity, Congregation of the Mission, St. Louise de Marillac Educational System of the Daughters of Charity-Western Visayas
President Dr. Ma. Helena Desiree Terre
Principal Prof. Joji Ermel Laurea
Dean Prof. Gemma Therese Escoto
Location Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippines
Colors Red and White         
Hymn College Hymn/ Himno Plegaria
School facade

The Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (fondly called "Sagrado", Abbreviation: CSCJ; Mandarin Chinese: 圣心学院; Pinyin: Shèng Xīn Xué Yuàn) is a private, Catholic, co-educational institution of learning owned and administered by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul and a part of the Vincentian Family. It is located at General Hughes St. Iloilo City, Philippines. It was founded on September 14, 1917. Its basic education programs are accredited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) on a Level II status.



Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus (CSCJ) was founded when the Daughters of Charity from Colegio de San Jose extended their educational services to boys and girls in Kindergarten in a rented room in Iznart Street. To this kindergarten school was added the grade school and later the high school. Courses in commerce and economics were also offered besides the general academic course in General Hughes Street. On September 14, 1917, "Sagrado" now CSCJ, was recognized as a school when the Securities and Exchange Commission approved its by-laws and constitution.

Under the Japanese regime, Sagrado offered grade school and high school programs. The Graduate School in Education started in 1945. The Conservatory of Music, the first south of Manila, opened soon after. Between 1945 and 1975 all the courses being offered received recognition from the Department of Education. To these were added courses such as Social Work, Nutrition, and Hotel and Restaurant Management.

The high school department received accreditation in 1975 making it the first DC school to be accredited by PAASCU. The grade school followed suit when in 1979, it obtained PAASCU accreditation making it the first grade school to be accredited in Western Visayas. In 1983, PAASCU nominated Sagrado to be one of the pilot colleges for testing the validity of common standards for accrediting higher education by the Federation of Accrediting Agencies in the Philippines (FAAP), a self-survey using the FAAP Manual of accreditation of these three programs in August 1986.

In 1986, the grade school and high school were merged into the Basic Education Department. Sagrado also turned co-educational by admitting male students in the Basic Education Department and in the College Department. In 1994 the integrated DC school system was implemented in which Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus and Colegio de San Jose shared one president. In 2003 the St. Louise de Marillac School of Miag-ao was included in the integrated administration.

The school, under the leadership of the Integrated Administration President, Sr. Ma. Lourdes S. Verzosa, D.C. has facilities such as Computer Assisted Instruction, the Multiple Intelligences Approach, Mandarin Education, the Ballet School, Sagrado Alternative Evening School (SAES) and the Villa Sagrado HRM Practicum Center. Sagrado has also presenting onstage Dalagang Bukid, The King and I, Flower Drum Song, Beauty and the Beast, Juanita Cruz which fused film and theatre for the first time on Philippine stage, Aladdin, and The Lion King of Priderock from 20002008.


Higher Education Department

Degree programs

Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Mgt. (BSHRM)

Major in:

  • Culinary Arts and Kitchen Management (CKM)
  • Food and Beverage Services Mgt. (FBM)
  • Front Office and Housekeeping Mgt. (FHM)

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management (BSHM)

Bachelor of Science in Social Work (BSSW)

Bachelor of Science Business Administration (BSBA)

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BEE)

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education (BSE)

Major in: English, Mathematics, Filipino

Non-degree programs

  • Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management (AHRM)

2-Years Dual Training in:

  • Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Sagrado Alternative Evening School

  • Associate in Hotel and Restaurant Management

Basic Education Department

  • Upper Level-BED: Grades Seven to Ten (High school) (PAASCU accredited)
  • Lower Level-BED: Grades One to Six (Elementary) (PAASCU accredited)

Pre-Elementary: Kinder and Preparatory (Preschool)

Integrated system

In 1994, Sr. Julma C. Neo, DC, then Sister Visitatrix, called for the Sister President and Administrators of CSJ and CSCJ to prepare an experiment to merge both schools under one president. Sr. Josefina R. Quiachon, DC was the first Integrated Administration President. In 1997, the Research and Development Center under the presidency of Sr. Freida P. Benitez, DC, produced a paper specifying the objectives of the integrated administration scheme.

Sr. Ma. Lourdes S. Verzosa, DC, pushed for joint and shared activities, resources (human and material), communication, structures, policies, plans and programs, status and directions. Consultations were held on Integrated Administration, benchmarking initiatives, alternative ways of teaching, evaluation findings and BEC strengthening. The integrated administration of CSJ and CSCJ was expanded by the Provincial Council to include the St. Louise de Marillac School of Miagao (SLMSM) for 2002. In 2003, the sectors of the school held sectoral meetings, to discuss the extent of the integration. As a result, structural changes were proposed giving rise to a new governance structure creating Vice-Presidents for Academics, Religious Education, Community Extension Services, Student Services and Administrative Services for the three member schools.

A summit meeting on the future of the three member schools held in early 2004, gave the SLMESDC in WV directions and courses of action. Two governing/consultative bodies were created in 2005, the In-House-Servant Leadership Team and the Summit Servant Leadership Team. In the same year, a position for the Integrated Administration Executive Secretary was created.

The Assistant Vice-Presidents for Academics were created for a closer supervision on the curricular and co-curricular programs and activities in the institutional level. In 2007, in-order to have a more focused religious education, the Vice-President for Religious Education (RE) was replaced by institutional coordinators for Religious Education (RE). The Vincentian Formation Institute (VFI), a project initiated by the Provincial House of the Daughters of Charity has trained delegates who are now in their second summer.

Academic and co-curricular offerings

  • MI Intensive, special reading classes, computer-assisted instruction, Spoken Mandarin Program
  • Religious clubs: Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Children of Mary, Luisas/Luisitas, Knights of the Altar.
  • Multiple Intelligences Clubs: Math Sages Club, CSCJ Young Ecological Society, Homemakers Club, Dance Club, Young Artists Club, Cultural Society Club, Speech Club, Boy Scouts Club, Girl Scouts Club, Computer Club, BED Chorale/ Drum and Bugle Corps.
  • The Steering Committee (BED) is composed of all club and class presidents from Grades IV to X. It is responsible for the student governance of the Basic Education Department (BED).
  • The Little Voice (BED) is the school publication.
  • The Student Executive Council (HED) is the council of the student body for the Higher Education Department (HED).
  • The Voice (HED) is the school publication for the Higher Education Department.
  • The Community Extension Services (CES) program serves as a bridge for Sagradistas to the less privileged. It offers outreach programs and extension services.


  • First DC High School to be accredited by PAASCU (1974)
  • First Grade School to be accredited by PAASCU in Western Visayas (1981)
  • First Conservatory of Music south of Manila

CSCJ administration

Integrated administration for Colegio de San Jose, Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus and St. Louise de Marillac School of Miag-ao.

  • Sr. Ma. Lourdes S. Verzosa, D.C. President
  • Dr. Ma. Helena Desiree M. Terre Vice-president for Academics, Religious Education and Community Extension Service
  • Sr. Rosita Placido, D.C. Vice-president for Administration and Finance, Vice-president for Student Services
  • Sr. Ma. Ruby Engay, D.C. Villa Sagrado Practicum CenterGeneral Manager
  • Ms. Rowena Sullivan Executive SecretaryIntegrated Administration
  • Sr. Elvira Correa, D.C. Sister ServantColegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus
  • Sr. Clara Enero, D.C. Sister ServantColegio de San Jose
  • Sr. Bernardita Epacta, D.C. Sister ServantSt. Louise de Marillac School of Miag-ao



2. CSCJ Student's Handbook

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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