List of Puerto Rican architects

List of Puerto Rican architects

=List of Notable Puerto Rican Architects=

Abruña, Fernando, FAIA (1952, San Juan, PR)
"Architect, Author, Educator."
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects."
"Author of Fresco Gratis (1989) [Abruña, Fernando, Fresco Gratis, San Juan, PR, 1989.] , A Ojo de Buen Cubero (1992) [Abruña, Fernando, A Ojo de Buen Cubero, San Juan, PR, 1992.] , and La Casa Ausente (2006) [Abruña, Fernando, La Casa Ausente, San Juan, PR, 2006.] .

Amaral, Jesús, FAIA (1927, Humacao, PR)
"Architect, Educator."
"Founder (1966) and first dean (1966-69) of the School of Architecture-University of Puerto Rico.
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1985."
"Professional practice - Amaral y Morales in partnership with Efrer Morales (1928-1992), Jesús E. Amaral Arquitectos.
"Important works include Hotel Delicias, San Juan, PR (1960), Condominio Universitario, Condominio Costa Azul, Colegio Regional de Humacao.

Blanco, Francisco Javier
"Architect, Founder (1970) and first Executive Director (1970-2003) of the Puerto Rico Conservation Trust.
"Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1989.

Cardona, Segundo, FAIA (1950, San Juan, PR) [Sierra Cardona y Ferrer, Arquigrafías, AAA Editores, 2005.]
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1992."
"Professional practice with Sierra Cardona y Ferrer in partnership with Luis Sierra "(1944-2005) and Alberto Ferrer (1947).
"Important works include Fundación Luis Muñoz Marín, San Juan, PR (c.1989), Pabellón de Puerto Rico, Sevilla, España (1992) and the Coliseo de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (2004)

Carmoega, Rafael (1894-1968)
"Important works include Escuela de Medicina Tropical, San Juan, PR (1924), Mercado de Carnes, Ponce, PR (1926), Capitolio de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (1929).

De Castro, Pedro (1895-1936) [Vivoni, Enrique. Pedro de Castro y Besosa: Alarife de Sueños. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion, 1999.]
"Important works include Ateneo Puertorriqueño, San Juan, PR (1923), Castillo Serrallés, Ponce, PR (1930), Casa de España, San Juan, PR (1932), Villa Caparra, San Juan, PR (1929), Cuadrangulo UPR, San Juan, PR (1935).

Del Cueto, Beatriz, FAIA (1952, Habana, Cuba)
"Architect, Conservation and Restoration Specialist.
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.
"Important works include Restauración Hacienda Vives, Ponce, PR, Restauración Faro de las Cabezas, Fajardo, PR, and Restauración Casa Cuyar / Sede Colegio de Arquitectos, San Juan, PR.

Del Rio, Jorge, FAIA (1934, Habana, Cuba-2000, San Juan, PR)
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1989.

Del Valle Zeno, Carlos and Del Valle Zeno, Rafael (1878-1960)
"Important works include Casino de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (1913-1915), Casa Cuyar (Colegio de Arquitectos de PR), San Juan, PR.

Diaz, Horacio, FAIA (1923-2001)
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1989.
"Founding member of the Instituto de Arquitectos de Puerto Rico.

Ferrer, Miguel, FAIA (1914-2004)
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1986.
"Professional practice with Toro y Ferrer in partnership with Osvaldo Toro (1914-1995).
"Important works include Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, PR, Puerto Rico Supreme Court, San Juan, PR, and San Juan International Airport, San Juan, PR.

Finlayson, Adrian
"Architect. State Architect during the first two decades of the XX century and architect of landmark public projects particularly public schools.
"Important works include Escuela Superior, Ponce, PR (1915), Escuela Labra, San Juan, PR (1916), Escuela Superior Central, San Juan, PR (1921).

Flores, Luis, FAIA (1940, Cayey, PR)
"Architect, Educator.
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 2005.
"Professional practice with Marvel Flores Cobián."
"Important works include Terminal Este de Carros Públicos, Dorado, PR, Balneario El Tuque, Ponce, PR, and Terminal de Transportación Pública Río Piedras, San Juan, PR.

Klumb, Henry| Henry Klumb, FAIA (1905-1984) [Vivoni, Enrique. Klumb: An Architecture of Social Concern. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. 2007.]
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects
"Important works include Plan Maestro Universidad de Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR (1944-1966), Biblioteca José M. Lázaro, San Juan, PR (1947), Centro de Estudiantes, San Juan, PR (1955), Iglesia San Martín de Porres, Cataño, PR (1950), Iglesia del Carmen, Cataño, PR (1958).

Marvel, Thomas, FAIA (1935, Newburgh, NY, USA)
"Architect, Author.
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1990.
"Professional practice with Reed, Torres, Beauchamp Marvel, Marvel Flores Cobián, Marvel & Marchand Architects.
"Important works include Convento Las Carmelitas, Trujillo Alto, PR, Alcaldía de Bayamón, Casa Marvel I, San Juan, PR (1965), and Casa Marvel II, San Juan, PR (1976).
"Publications include La arquitectura de templos parroquiales de Puerto Rico (with Maria Luisa Moreno (1984) [Marvel, Thomas & Moreno, Maria Luisa, La arquitectura de templos parroquiales de Puerto Rico, Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, 1984, ] and Marvel, Thomas S., Antonin Nechodoma: Architect, 1877-1928: The Prairie School in the Caribbean (1994) [Antonin Nechodoma: Architect, 1877-1928: The Prairie School in the Caribbean, University Press of Florida, 1994] .

Méndez, Pedro (1902-1990) [Vivoni, Enrique. Pedro Mendez Mercado en su Tiempo. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion.]
"Important works include Edificio Miami, San Juan, PR (1936), Escuela Aguayo Aldea, Caguas, PR (1939), Plaza del Mercado, Ponce, PR.

Mignucci, Andrés | Andres Mignucci, FAIA (1957, Ponce, PR).
"Architect, Author, Educator.
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects"
"Important works include Santuario Santo Cristo de los Milagros, Carolina, PR (1997), Parque de los Niños, San Juan, PR (2000), Parque Luis Muñoz Rivera, San Juan, PR (2003), La Ventana al Mar, San Juan, PR (2004).
"Publications include Arquitectura Dominicana 1890-1930 (1990) (with Jorge Rigau and Emilio Martínez) [Rigau, Jorge, Martinez, Emilio and Mignucci, Andrés, Arquitectura Dominicana 1890-1930. American Institute of Architects Capítulo de Puerto Rico, 1990.] and Arquitectura Contemporanea en Puerto Rico 1976-1992 (1992) [Mignucci, Andrés, Arquitectura Contemporanea en Puerto Rico 1976-1992. American Institute of Architects Capítulo de Puerto Rico, 1992.] .

Nechodoma, Antonin | Antonin Nechodoma (1887, Prague - 1928, San Juan) [Marvel, Thomas S., Antonin Nechodoma: Architect, 1877-1928: The Prairie School in the Caribbean. University Press of Florida, 1994.] [Vivoni, Enrique, Antonin Nechodoma: umbral para una nueva arquitectura caribeña. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion, 1989.]
"Important works include Casa Korber, San Juan, PR (1917) , Casa Roig, Humacao, PR (1921), Casa Georgetti, San Juan, PR (1923), Banco de Nova Scotia, San Juan, PR (1924).

Pérez-Chanis, Efrain (1920-2005)
"Architect, Author, Educator."
"Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1992
"Founder and Director of the architectural magazine URBE. [URBE. Magazine of Puerto Rican Architecture and Arts, 1962-1973 ]
"Publications include Crónicas en un Tiempo de Arte (2003) [Pérez-Chanis, Efrain, Crónicas en un Tiempo de Arte, Editorial Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña, 2003] .

Porrata Doria, Francisco
"Important works include Banco Credito y Ahorro Ponceño, Ponce, PR (1924), Banco de Ponce, Ponce, PR (1924), Castillo Mario Mercado, Guayanilla, PR (1930), Teatro Fox Delicias, Ponce, PR (1931).

Rigau, Jorge, FAIA, Jorge Rigau FAIA (1953, Arecibo, Puerto Rico)
"Architect, Author, Pedagogue."
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 2006
"Founder (1995) and First Dean of The New School of Architecture-Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico" (1995-2006)
"Publications include Puerto Rico 1900, Turn of the Century Architecture in the Hispanic Caribbean 1890-1930 (1992) [Rigau, Jorge. Puerto Rico 1900, Turn of the Century Architecture in the Hispanic Caribbean 1890-1930. Rizzoli, 1992.] , and Havana (with Nancy Stout) (1994) [Rigau, Jorge and Stout, Nancy. Havana. Rizzoli, 1994.] .

Sanz, Carlos, FAIA
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects."
"Founding member of the Puerto Rico Chapter of the American Institute of Architects.

Sevillano, Fidel
"Important works include Plaza del Mercado, Manatí, PR (1925), Antonia Saez School, Humacao, PR (1927).

Silva Boucher, Blas
"Important works include Casa Salazar, Ponce, PR (1911), Casa Font-Ubides, Ponce, PR (1913).

Toro, Osvaldo, FAIA (1914-1995)
"Fellow of the American Institute of Architects, Recipient of the Henry Klumb Award 1986.
"Professional practice with Toro y Ferrer in partnership with Miguel Ferrer (1914-2005).
"Important works include Caribe Hilton Hotel, San Juan, PR, Puerto Rico Supreme Court, San Juan, PR, and San Juan International Airport, San Juan, PR.

Vivoni Farage, Enrique (1949, San Juan, PR)
"Architect, Author, Educator."
Director, Archivos de Arquitectura y Construcción Universidad de Puerto Rico (AACUPR)
"Publications include Antonin Nechodoma: umbral para una nueva arquitectura caribeña (1989) [Vivoni, Enrique. Antonin Nechodoma: umbral para una nueva arquitectura caribeña. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion, 1989.] , Pedro Mendez Mercado en su Tiempo (1999) [Vivoni, Enrique. Pedro Mendez Mercado en su Tiempo. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion.] , Pedro de Castro y Besosa: Alarife de Sueños. (1999) [Vivoni, Enrique. Pedro de Castro y Besosa: Alarife de Sueños. Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion, 1999.] , Klumb: An Architecture of Social Concern (2007) [Vivoni, Enrique. Klumb: An Architecture of Social Concern. Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico. 2007.]

Weichers, Alfredo (1881, Ponce -1964, Barcelona)
"Important works include Casa Villaronga, Ponce, PR (1911), Casa Serrallés, Ponce, PR (1911), Casa Oppenheimer, Ponce, PR (1913).

List of Puerto Rican Architects Fellows of the American Institute of Architects

*Abruña, Fernando, FAIA (1952, San Juan, PR)
*Amaral, Jesús, FAIA (1927, Humacao, PR)
*Cardona, Segundo, FAIA (1950, San Juan, PR)
*Del Cueto, Beatriz, FAIA (1952, Habana, Cuba)
*Diaz, Horacio, FAIA (1923-2001)
*Ferrer, Miguel, FAIA (1914-2004)
*Flores, Luis, FAIA (1940, Cayey, PR)
*Klumb, Henry, FAIA (1905-1984)
*Marvel, Thomas, FAIA (1935, Newburgh, NY, USA)
*Mignucci, Andrés, FAIA (1957, Ponce, PR)
*Rigau, Jorge, FAIA (1953, Arecibo, PR)
*Sanz, Carlos, FAIA
*Toro, Osvaldo, FAIA (1914-1995)
*Vargas, Benjamín, FAIA

List of Recipients of the Henry Klumb Award

*1985 Jesús E. Amaral FAIA, Gabriel Ferrer Amador y Francisco Javier Blanco
*1986 Osvaldo Toro FAIA y Miguel Ferrer FAIA
*1987 Raúl Reichard
*1989 Horacio Díaz FAIA y Jorge del Río FAIA
*1990 Thomas Marvel FAIA
*1991 William Biscombe
*1992 Efraín Pérez Chanis y Segundo Cardona FAIA
*1993 Jaime Torres Gaztambide
*1994 Otto O. Reyes Casanova
*2001 Edwin Quiles
*2003 Grupo Nuevarquitectura, Omar Rancier, y Emilio Brea
*2005 Luis Flores FAIA
*2006 Jorge Rigau FAIA

Books on Architecture in Puerto Rico

*cite book
last = Fernández
first = José A.
authorlink =
title = Architecture in Puerto Rico
publisher = Architectural Book Publishing Company
year = 1965

*cite book
last = Marvel
first = Thomas S. & Moreno, Maria Luisa
authorlink =
title = La Arquitectura de los Templos Parroquiales en Puerto Rico
publisher = Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
year = 1984

*cite book
last = Marvel
first = Thomas S.
authorlink =
title = Antonin Nechodoma: Architect, 1877-1928: The Prairie School in the Caribbean
publisher = University Press of Florida
year = 1994

*cite book
last = Mignucci
first = Andrés
authorlink = Andrés Mignucci
title = Arquitectura Contemporanea en Puerto Rico 1976-1992
publisher = American Institute of Architects Capítulo de Puerto Rico
year = 1992

*cite book
last = Nechodoma
first = Antonin
authorlink =Antonin Nechodoma
title = Architecture and Architects in Porto Rico in the "The Book of Porto Rico"
publisher = San Juan: The Blue Book Publishing Co.
year = 1923

*cite book
last = Quiles
first = Edwin
authorlink =
title = San Juan tras la fachada: una mirada a sus espacios ocultos
publisher =
year = 2004

*cite book
last = Rigau
first = Jorge
authorlink = Jorge Rigau FAIA
title = Puerto Rico 1900, Turn of the Century Architecture in the Hispanic Caribbean 1890-1930
publisher = Rizzoli
year = 1992

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Antonin Nechodoma: umbral para una nueva arquitectura caribeña
publisher = Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion
year = 1989

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Pedro Mendez Mercado en su Tiempo
publisher = Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion
year =

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Pedro de Castro y Besosa: Alarife de Sueños
publisher = Archivos de Arquitectura y Construccion
year = 1999

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Klumb: An Architecture of Social Concern
publisher = Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
year = 2007

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Ilusión de Francia: arquitectura y afrancesamiento en Puerto Rico
publisher = Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
year = 1997

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = Hispanofilia: vida y arquitectura en Puerto Rico 1900-1950
publisher = Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
year = 1998

*cite book
last = Vivoni
first = Enrique
authorlink =
title = San Juan Siempre Nuevo: arquitectura y modernidad en el siglo XX
publisher = Editorial de la Universidad de Puerto Rico
year = 2000


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