Ness Middle School

Ness Middle School
Ness Middle School
3300 Ness Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
School board St. James-Assiniboia School Division
Principal Mr. K. Dueck
School type Public middle school
Grades 6, 7, and 8
Language English
Mascot Knight
Team name Ness Knights
Colours Green and Gold         

'Ness Middle School (NMS) is a middle school at 3300 Ness Ave. in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The current principal of Ness is Mr. K. Dueck and the vice principal is Ms. Stacy Kent. Ness Middle School sports teams are titled the "Ness Knights" and the mascot is that of a Knight. Generally, students from this school passing to grade 9 attend John-Taylor Collegiate.


Mission statement

"Ness is dedicated to keeping students involved in school life and our staff attempt to provide something for everyone. Students have many varied interest and that is why our co-curricular program is so vast. We believe Ness is a comprehensive middle school where everyone can find something of interest while developing skills and finding enjoyment."

Teaching Staff

Neess Middle School currently has a large teaching staff. The regularly updated staff list is available here. Some of the teaching staff also have websites for their students to keep in touch with what is happening in their class. The following are links to teacher-run websites:

Music Programs

Ness has a well known Band program which was run by Mrs. Marissa Hirsch up until last year. This was when Mrs. Suzanne Weber signed on to the position after Mrs. Hirsch left to travel the world. All grade six students are required to join Band or Media Literacy programs as of 2006-2007 school year. Then in grade seven they can choose either Band or Art.

The school has many choir programs as extra-curricular programs directed by Ms. Heather Neufeld. It was taught by Mme. Liane Ouimet up until early 2007-2008 school year. The choirs include Vocal Jazz, Concert Choir and Project Choir. As well, Ness has a rock school program, which is organized by Mr.Wayne Zelisney. Anyone wishing to join can do so, however those that play guitar are asked to bring their guitars and amplifiers, bassists just bring your bass, Mr."Z" as he's known as supplied the school with a Bass amp. Drummers just bring a couple sticks and singers bring only yourself.

Extra-Curricular activities

Athletic Teams

  • Volleyball
  • Track and Field
  • Cross Country
  • Marathon
  • Badminton
  • Basketball
  • And many others!

See also

External links

Coordinates: 49°53′16″N 97°17′46″W / 49.887805°N 97.296124°W / 49.887805; -97.296124

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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