
Origin Segonzac
Mouth Auvézère
45°18′51″N 1°8′25″E / 45.31417°N 1.14028°E / 45.31417; 1.14028 (Auvézère-Dalon)Coordinates: 45°18′51″N 1°8′25″E / 45.31417°N 1.14028°E / 45.31417; 1.14028 (Auvézère-Dalon)
Basin countries France
Length 17.5 km

The Dalon is a river in the Limousin (Corrèze department) and the Aquitaine (Dordogne department) regions of France. It is a left tributary of the Auvézère river.

The river begins in the commune of Segonzac in Corrèze. The river empties into the Auvézère at the left bank southwest of Génis in Dordogne.


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