- 3rd SS Division Totenkopf
SS Division "Totenkopf" ("Death's Head" or "Skull") is also known as 3. SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Totenkopf" and 3. SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf". It was one of the 38 divisions fielded by the
Waffen-SS during World War II. Prior to achieving division status, the formation was known as Kampfgruppe "Eicke". The division is infamous due to its insignia and the fact that most of the initial enlisted men were SS-Totenkopfverbände (SSconcentration camp guards).The "Totenkopf" division was numbered with the "Germanic" divisions of the Waffen-SS. These included also the SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler", SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Das Reich", and SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Wiking".
Formation and Fall Gelb
The SS Division "Totenkopf" was formed in October 1939. The "Totenkopf" was initially formed from concentration camp guards and men from the SS-Heimwehr "Danzig". The division was officered by men from the SS-Verfügungstruppe (
SS-VT ), of whom many had seen action in Poland. The division was commanded by SS-ObergruppenführerTheodor Eicke . Through the Battle of France the division was generally equipped with ex-Czech weapons [Niehorster, Leo W. G. "German World War II Organizational Series, Vol. 2/II: Mechanized GHQ units and Waffen-SS Formations (10 May 1940)", 1990] .Having missed the Polish campaign, "Totenkopf" was initially held in reserve during the assault into France and the
Low Countries in May 1940. They were committed on 16 May to the Front inBelgium . The Totenkopf men fought fanatically, suffering heavy losses.Within a week of this initial commitment the division's first
war crime had already been committed. At Le Paradis 4th Kompanie, I Abteilung, commanded by SS-ObersturmführerFritz Knöchlein , machine-gunned 97 out of 99 British officers and men of theRoyal Norfolk Regiment after they had surrendered to them; two survived. After the war, Knöchlein was tried by a British Court and convicted for war crimes in 1948. He was sentenced to death and hanged."Totenkopf" saw action a number of times during the French campaign. To the north-east of
Cambrai the division took 16,000 French prisoners. Whilst subsequently trying to drive through to the coast they encountered a major Anglo-French force which they had a great deal of difficulty stopping and came perilously close to panic. Totenkopf had to resort to firing artillery pieces in an anti-tank role, and were saved only by the intervention of Luftwaffe dive-bombers. It then suffered heavy losses during the taking of theLa Bassée Canal . Further stiff resistance was then encountered at bothBéthune and Le Paradis. The French surrender found the division located near the Spanish border, where it was to stay, resting and refitting, until April 1941. Totenkopf had suffered heavy losses during the campaign, including over 300 officers. Replacement personnel were supplied, this time via regular Waffen-SS recruitment as opposed to coming from the camps. Flak and artillery battalions were added to its strength.Barbarossa – Demjansk Pocket
In April 1941, the division was ordered East to join "Generalfeldmarschall"
Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb 'sArmy Group North . Leeb's Army Group was tasked with advancing on Leningrad and formed the northern wing ofOperation Barbarossa . "Totenkopf" saw action inLithuania andLatvia , and by July had breached the vauntedStalin Line . The division then advanced by Demjansk to Leningrad where it was involved in heavy fighting from July 31 to August 25.During Autumn and Winter of 1941, the Soviets launched a number of operations against the German lines in the Northern sector of the Front. During one of these operations, the Division was encircled for several months near Demjansk in what would come to be known as the Demjansk Pocket. During these "kessel" battles, "Totenkopf" suffered so greatly that, due to its reduced size, it was re-designated
Kampfgruppe Eicke. The division was involved in ferocious fighting to hold the pocket. SS-HauptscharführerErwin Meierdress of the Sturmgeschütze-Batterie "Totenkopf" formed aKampfgruppe of about 120 men and held the strategic town of Bjakowo despite repeated determined enemy attempts to capture the town. During these battles, Meierdress personally destroyed several enemy tanks in hisStuG III . He was awarded theIron Cross for his actions during this period. In April 1942, the division broke out of the pocket and managed to reach friendly lines.At Demjansk, about 80% of its soldiers were killed in action. The remnants of the Division were pulled out of action in late October, 1942 and sent to France to be refitted. While in France, the Division took part in
Case Anton , the takeover ofVichy France in November 1942. For this operation, the division was supplied with aPanzer regiment and redesignated 3.SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Totenkopf". Thanks to the persuasive efforts of Himmler and SS-ObergruppenführerPaul Hausser , all SSpanzergrenadier divisions received a full regiment of panzers, so were full strength panzer divisions in all but name. The division remained in France until February, 1943, when their old commander, Theodor Eicke, resumed control.Kharkov - Kursk
In Early February 1943 "Totenkopf" was transferred back to the Eastern Front as part of
Erich von Manstein 'sArmy Group South . The division, as a part of SS-ObergruppenführerPaul Hausser 's SS-Panzerkorps, took part in theThird Battle of Kharkov , blunting the Soviet GeneralKonev 's offensive. During this campaign, Theodor Eicke, while flying above enemy lines in a Fieseler Storch spotter aircraft, was shot down and killed. The division mounted an assault to break through enemy lines and recover their commander's body, and thereafter Eicke's body was buried with full military honours.Hermann Priess succeeded Eicke as commander.SS-Panzerkorps, including "Totenkopf", was then shifted north to take part in Operation Citadel, the great offensive to reduce the
Kursk salient. It was during this period that The 3.SS-Panzerregiment received a company ofTiger I heavy tanks. (9./SS-Panzerregiment 3).The attack was launched on 5 July 1943, after a massive Soviet artillery barrage fell on the German assembly areas. The SS-Panzerkorps was to attack the southern flank of the salient as the spearhead for Generaloberst Hermann Hoth's 4.Panzer-Armee.
The "Totenkopf" covered the advance on the SS-Panzerkops left flank, with the "Leibstandarte" forming the spearhead. SS-Panzer-Regiment 3 advanced in a
panzerkeil across the hot and dustysteppe . Despite encountering stiff Soviet resistance and severalpakfront s, the "Totenkopf's" panzers continued the advance, albeit at a slower pace than had been planned. Hausser ordered his SS-Panzerkorps to split in two, with the "Totenkopf" crossing thePsel river northwards and then continuing on towards the town ofProkhorovka .In the early morning of 9 July, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 6 "Theodor Eicke" attacked northwards, crossing the Psel and attempted to seize the strategic Hill 226.6, located to the east of the fortified village of Kliuchi. The attack was rebuffed by the defending Soviets. The failure to capture the hill meant that the drive along the north bank of the Psel was temporarily halted, forcing Hausser to also delay the Southern advance. In the afternoon, regiment "Eicke" managed to redeem itself by capturing the hill, but the northern advance slowed and the majority of the division was still south of the Psel, where elements of SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 5 "Thule" continued to advance towards Prokhorovka and cover the flank of the "Leibstandarte".
By July 11, SS-Hauptsturmführer
Erwin Meierdress had led his I./SS-Panzer-Regiment 3 across the Psel on hastily constructed pontoon bridges, reinforcing the tenuous position. The forces in the bridgehead were subjected to several furious Soviet attacks, but with the support of Meierdress' panzers they held their ground and slowly expanded the bridgehead, securing the village of Kliuchi. Strong Soviet opposition had severely slowed division's advance along the north bank. In the afternoon of 12 July, near the village of Andre'evka on the south bank of the Psel, the Soviets launched a major counterattack against Regiment "Thule" and the division's StuG Abteilung.SS-Brigadeführer
Hermann Priess , the "Totenkopf's " commander, ordered Meierdress' abteilung to advance and support the beleaguered forces. The PzKpfw IIIs and PzKpfw IVs of Meierdress' unit were supported by the "Totenkopf's"Tiger I company, 9(schwere)./SS-Panzer-Regiment 3. In ferocious combat with the lead units of theSoviet 5th Guards Tank Army , Meierdress managed to halt the Soviet assault, destroying many SovietT-34 s, but at the cost of the majority of the division's remaining operational panzers.While the SS-Panzerkorps had halted the Soviet counteroffensive and inflicted heavy casualties, it had exhausted itself and was no longer capable of offensive action. Manstein attempted to commit his reserve, the XXIV.Panzerkorps, but Hitler refused to authorise this. On 14 July, Hitler called off the operation.
Battles on the Mius Front - Retreat to the Dniepr
Along with "Das Reich", the division was reassigned to "General der Infanterie"
Karl-Adolf Hollidt 's reformed 6.Armee in the SouthernUkraine . The 6.Armee was tasked with eliminating the Soviet bridgehead over theMius River ."Totenkopf" was involved in heavy fighting over the next several weeks. During the July-August battles for Hill 213 and the town of
Stepanowka , the division suffered heavy losses, and over the course of the campaign on theMius-Front it suffered more casualties than it had duringOperation Citadel . By the time the Soviet bridgehead was eliminated, the division had lost 1500 men and the Panzer regiment was reduced to 20 tanks.The "Totenkopf" was then moved North, back to Kharkov. Along with "Das Reich", "Totenkopf", took part in the battles to halt
Operation Rumyantsev and to prevent the Soviet capture of the city. Although the two divisions managed to halt the offensive, inflicting heavy casualties and destroying over 800 tanks, the Soviets outflanked the defenders, forcing them to abandon the city on 23 August.By early September, the "Totenkopf" reached the Dniepr. Elements of the Soviet 5th Guards Tank Army had forced a crossing at
Kremenchug and were soon threatening to break through the Dniepr line. "Totenkopf" was thrown into action against the bridgehead.In October 1943, the division was reformed as 3.SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf". The Panzer abteilung was officially upgraded to a regiment, and the two
Panzergrenadier regiments were given the honorary titles "Theodor Eicke" and "Thule".After holding the Kremenchug bridgehead for several months, the Soviets finally effected a breakout, pushing "Totenkopf" and the other axis divisions involved back towards the
Romania n border. By November, "Totenkopf" was engaged fighting intense defensive actions against Soviet attacks over the vital town of Krivoi Rog to the west of the Dniepr.Poland – Warsaw
In January 1944, "Totenkopf" was still engaged in heavy defensive fighting east of the Dniepr near Krivoi Rog, where a breakthrough still evaded the Soviets, thanks in a great part to the actions of "Totenkopf" and the Heer's Panzergrenadier-Division "Großdeutschland". In February 1944, 56,000 German troops were trapped in the
Korsun Pocket . "Totenkopf" was sent towardsCherkassy to assist in the relief attempts. The division attacked towards the city ofKorsun , attempting to secure a crossing across the Gniloy-Tilkich river. The 1.Panzer-Division, fighting alongside the "Totenkopf", achieved a linkup with the encircled forces.In the second week of March, after a fierce fight near
Kirovograd , the "Totenkopf" fell back behind the Bug River. "Totenkopf" immediately began taking up new defensive positions. After two weeks of heavy fighting, again alongside the Panzergrenadier-Division "Großdeutschland" west ofIvanovka , the Axis lines again fell back, withdrawing to theDniestr on the Romanian border nearIaşi .In the first week of April, "Totenkopf" gained a moment's respite as it rested in the area near
Târgu Frumos in Romania. The division received replacements and new equipment, the division's panzer regiment receiving a component of Panthers to replace some of the outdated PzKpfw IVs. In the second week of April, heavy Soviet attacks towards Târgul Frumos meant that "Totenkopf" was back in action, playing a role in the decisive defensive victory. By 7 May, the front had quietened and the "Totenkopf" went back to the business of reorganising.In a battle near Iaşi, elements of the division, together with elements of the "Panzergrenadier-Division Großdeutschland", managed, amazingly, to halt an armoured assault by the Red Army. The assault, which in many aspects had outlines similar to those of the later British
Operation Goodwood , was carried out by approximately 500 tanks, but in excellent defensive positions and through a very skillful use of the high-velocity guns of the German panzers, the German forces of only 160 panzers were able to rebuff the attacking forces and inflict a loss of as many as 400 tanks for the price of only 11 panzers, of which a few could later be repaired. [Tamelander M, Zetterling, N, "Avgörandets Ögonblick", p. 279.]In early July, the division was ordered to the area near
Grodno inPoland , where it would form a part of SS-Obergruppenführer Gille's IV.SS-Panzerkorps, covering the approaches to Warsaw nearModlin .After The Soviet
Operation Bagration and the destruction ofArmy Group Centre the German lines had been pushed back over 300 miles, to the outskirts ofWarsaw . The "Totenkopf" arrived at the Warsaw front in late July 1944. After the launch ofOperation Bagration and the collapse ofArmy Group Centre , the central-Eastern front was a mess, and the IV. SS-Panzerkorps was one of the only formations standing in the way of the Soviet attacks. On 1 August 1944, theArmia Krajowa , rose up in Warsaw itself, sparking theWarsaw Uprising . A column of "Totenkopf" Tigers was caught up in the fighting, and several were lost. The "Totenkopf" itself was not involved in the suppression of the revolt, instead guarding the front lines, and fighting off several Soviet probing attacks into the city's eastern suburbs.In several furious battles near the town of Modlin in mid August, the "Totenkopf", fighting alongside the 5.SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking" and the 1.Fallschirm-Panzer-Division "Hermann Göring" virtually annihilated the
Soviet 3rd Tank Corps , which contained a division of communist Poles. The terrain around Modlin is excellent armour terrain, and "Totenkopf's" panzers exploited this to their advantage, engaging Soviet tanks from a range where the superiority of the German optics and the 75 mm high-velocity guns gave the Panthers an edge against the T-34s.Budapest Relief Attempts - Hungary
The efforts of the "Totenkopf", "Wiking" and "Hermann Göring" allowed Germans to hold the
Vistula line and establishArmy Group Vistula . In December 1944, the IX.SS-Gebirgskorps was encircled inBudapest . Hitler ordered the IV.SS-Panzerkorps to head south to break through to the 95,000 Germans and Hungarians trapped in the city. The corps arrived late December, and was immediately thrown into action.The relief attempts were to be codenamed
Operation Konrad , the first attack was Konrad I. The plan was for a joint attack by the "Wiking" and "Totenkopf" from the town ofTata attacking along the lineBicske -Budapest.Despite initial gains, Konrad I ran into heavy Soviet opposition near Bicske, and during the battle the I.Abt/SS-Panzer-Regiment 3's commander, SS-Sturmbannführer
Erwin Meierdress was killed.After the failure of the first operation, "Totenkopf" and "Wiking" launched an assault aimed at the city centre. Named
Operation Konrad II , the attack reached as far as the Budapest Airport, before resistance stiffened. Gille's corps was ordered to fall back as part of a ruse to encircle Soviet units north of the city.Operation Konrad III got underway on 18 January, 1945. Aimed at encircling ten Soviet divisions, the relief forces could not achieve their goal, despite tearing a 15 mile hole in the Soviets' line. Although they had been on the verge of rescuing the IX.Waffen-Gebirgskorps der SS, the encircled troops could not be reached and capitulated in early February.The division was pulled back to the west, executing a fighting withdrawal from Budapest to the area nearLake Balaton , where the6th SS Panzer Army under SS-OberstgruppenführerJosef Dietrich was massing for the upcomingOperation Frühlingserwachen .Gille's corps was too depleted to take part in the Operation, and instead provided flank support to assaulting divisions during the beginning of the Operation.
"Totenkopf", together with "Wiking", performed a holding operation on the left flank of the offensive, in the area between
Velenczesee -Stuhlweissenberg . As Frühlingserwachen progressed, the division was heavily engaged preventing Soviet efforts to outflank the advancing German forces.As the offensive stalled, the Soviets launched a major offensive, the
Vienna Operation , on 15 March. Attacking the border between the "Totenkopf" and the 2.(Hungarian)Panzer Division, contact was soon lost between the two formations. Acting quickly, 6.Armee commander GeneraloberstHermann Balck recommended moving the I.SS-Panzerkorps north to plug the gap and prevent the encirclement of the IV.SS-Panzerkorps. Despite this quick thinking, a Führer Order authorising this move was slow in coming, and when the divisions finally began moving, it was too late.On 22 March, the Soviet encirclement of the "Totenkopf" and "Wiking" was almost complete. Desperate, Balck threw the veteran 9.SS-Panzer-Division "Hohenstaufen" into the area to hold open the small corridor. In the battle to hold open the Berhida Corridor, the Hohenstaufen bled itself white, but Gille's corps managed to escape.
On 24 March, another Soviet attack threw the exhausted IV.SS-Panzerkorps back towards
Vienna , all contact was lost with the neighboring I.SS-Panzerkorps and any semblance of an organised line of defence was gone. The remnants of the "Totenkopf" executed a fighting withdrawal intoCzechoslovakia . By Early May, they were within reach of the American forces, to whom the division officially surrendered on 9 May. The Americans promptly handed "Totenkopf" back to the Soviets, and many "Totenkopf" soldiers died in SovietGulag s.Totenkopf War Crimes
The division's original cadre was drawn from the
SS-Totenkopfverbände (concentration camp guards), as opposed to the other Germanic SS Divisions which were formed from theSS-Verfügungstruppe .The members of this unit were trained and led by Nazi commanders such as
Theodor Eicke ,Max Simon and Helmut Becker. Eicke instilled ruthlessness as a necessity in his men, and during the original training at Dachau, the troops commonly spent time guarding inmates at the nearby concentration camp. The three SS-TV "Standarte"s which were to form the "Totenkopf" division saw action inPoland , where some say its soldiers were involved in war crimesFact|date=September 2007.The only documented example of war crimes against the division came under
Friedrich Jeckeln where, several days into theFall Gelb campaign, "Totenkopf" men committed a war crime. 14./III.Bat/Totenkopf Infanterie Regiment-2 executed 97 British troops of theNorfolk Regiment at the town of Le Paradis. The commander, SS-ObersturmführerFritz Knöchlein ("Hauptsturmführer" at the time of the massacre), had accused the Norfolk Regiment of usingdum-dum ammunition and therefore being in violation of theHague Convention of 1899 . However, this allegation seems unlikely because all small arms ammunition used by British and German armed forces during the conflict was fully metal jacketed. Fully metal jacketed bullets are, though highly effective and deadly, legal according to international laws. After the war, Knöchlein himself was found guilty of war crimes and was hanged.The
Jürgen Stroop Report of theWarsaw Ghetto Uprising lists the "Training and Replacement Battalion" of the 3rd SS as involved in the suppression of the uprising of April-May 1943. See [ [http://forum.axishistory.com/viewtopic.php?t=86404&highlight= Axis History Forum • View topic - SS Training Units ? ] ]However, by the end of 1942 the division had experienced virtually a complete turnover in personnel. The high casualty rates meant by late 1943 virtually none of the original cadre were left. However, while the division's record in the brutal Eastern Front fighting to follow is quite clean, its reputation lingered. In 1945 the members of the division were turned over by the Americans to the Soviets after their surrender at Linz. This implied a virtual death sentence: its members were sent to their deaths in camps of the
Gulag with extreme hard living conditions, or instantly shot without trial. Only few of them survived the captivity.Order of Battle – As of 1943
3.SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf"
*Regimental Headquarters
*5.SS Panzergrenadierregiment "Totenkopf" (often incorrectly named "Thule")
*6.SS Panzergrenadierregiment "Theoder Eicke"
*3.SS Panzer Regiment
*3.SS Tank Destroyer (Panzerjäger ) Detachment
*3.SS Assault Gun (Sturmgeschütz ) Detachment
*3.SS Motorized Artillery Regiment
*3.SS Flak Detachment
*3.SS Motorized Signals (Nachrichten) Detachment
*3.SS Motorized Reconnaissance Detachment
*3.SS Motorized Pioneer Detachment
*3.SS Dina
*3.SS Field Hospital
*3.SS Combat Reporter (Kriegsberichter) Platoon
*3.SS Military Police Troop
*3.SS Reserve Battalionee also
Totenkopf (the "Death's Head" symbol)
*Panzer division
*Division (military) ,Military unit ,List of German divisions in WWII
*SS (Abbr. for "Schutzstaffel")References
*cite book | author=Tamelander M, Zetterling N | title=Avgörandes ögonblick | location=Stockholm, Sweden | publisher=Norstets Förlag | year=2003 | id=ISBN 9170012032
* Pipes, Jason. " [http://www.feldgrau.com/3ss.html 3.SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf] ". Retrieved April 5, 2005.
* Wendel, Marcus (2005). " [http://www.axishistory.com/index.php?id=1980 3. SS-Panzer-Division Totenkopf] ". Retrieved April 5, 2005.
* Vopersal, Wolfgang, editor. "Soldaten, Kämpfer, Kameraden: March und Kämpf der SS-Totenkopf Division". Bielefeld, Germany: Truppenkameradschaft der 3. SS-Panzer-Division, 1983- 8 parts in 5 vols.
* " [http://www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de/Gliederungen/SS-Divisionen/SSDivTK.htm SS-Division Totenkopf] ". German language article at www.lexikon-der-wehrmacht.de. (Follow links for the entire unit history.) Retrieved April 5, 2005.Notes
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