Federal Highway Police

Federal Highway Police

Infobox Law enforcement agency
agencyname = Federal Highway Police
nativename = Polícia Rodoviária Federal
commonname =
abbreviation = PRF
patch = Brasaoprf.jpg
patchcaption =

logocaption =
badge =
badgecaption =

flagcaption =
motto =
mottotranslated =
mission =
formed = July 24, 1928
preceding1 =
employees =
volunteers =
budget =
country = Brazil
federal = Yes

mapcaption =
sizearea =
sizepopulation =
legaljuris =
governingbody =
governingbodyscnd =
constitution1 =
police = Yes
restriction = road
overviewtype =
overviewbody =
headquarters = SAS Quadra 6, Brasília, Brazil

hqlocleft =
hqloctop =
hqlocmappoptitle =
sworntype =
sworn =
unsworntype =
unsworn =
electeetype =
minister1name =
minister1pfo = Ministério da Justiça
chief1name = Luiz Fernando Corrêa
chief1position = Diretor Geral
parentagency = Brazilian Federal Police
child1agency =
unittype = Major unit
unitname = collapsible list |title=2 |Division of Airborne Operations (DOA) |National Highway Police Academy (ANPR)
officetype =
officename =
stationtype =
stations =
lockuptype =
lockups =
vehicle1type =
vehicles1 =
boat1type =
boats1 =
aircraft1type =
aircraft1 =
animal1type =
animals1 =
website = http://www.dprf.gov.br/
footnotes =
The Brazilian Federal Highway Police( Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF)) is the highway patrol of the Brazilian Federal police and is subordinate to the Ministry of Justice, its main function is to patrol federal highways of Brazil. DNER (Departamento Nacional de Estradas de Rodagem) was subordinate to old National department of Roads, today DNIT, until the publication of Law Number 8,028, of 12 April 1990, that it redefined the structure of the Brazilian Executive. Its abilities are defined by the Federal constitution in article and for the 144 Law 9503 (Code of Brazilian Transit), for the Decree Number 1655 of 3 of October of 1995, and for its internal regulation, approved for Ministerial Portaria Number 1,375, of 2 August 2007.


The Federal Road Police was created on 24 July 1928 by president Washington Luis, with the denomination of "Police of the Roads". It is active in all states of Brazil and is managed by the "Department of Polícia Rodoviária Federal" (DPRF), with its headquarters in Brasilia.

The states are divided in administrative units called Regions. A Region can be a Supervision, in the case of bigger states, or a lesser District, states. Some Brazilian states have more than Regional. The Regions are divided into Police stations, that co-ordinate the patrol officers ranks. Currently the PRF possesses more than four hundred patrol officers in the most diverse Brazilian cities, providing a capillarity to the structure of the agency that few national institutions possess.

Despite the uniformed work, the DPRF is not a military institution and a rigid hierarchy between the policemen does not exist. The classes in the career are divided into Agent, Special Agent and Overseer. But this does not mean a hierarchic relation between the positions, therefore it can happen of a Special Agent to be head of an Overseer, for example.

All the hierarchy is based on the functions of commands, that they can be busy for any policeman.


Alert System

Polices It Federal Road has one of the most innovative systems against robbery or theft of vehicles. The user, who stucks in the bureaucratic system, when giving a robbery complaint, has its order implemented in the system robbery of vehicles, in the majority of the times, 24h after the register in the policy police station. Some times this information more than delays 24h in the Integrated System of Transit. The fiscalization of a stolen vehicle has 24 or 48h where the assailant had also led the documents of the vehicle was harmed, therefore the assailant presented the documentation that was in the stolen vehicle, and not having register in the system of data, the assailant was safe not to have "accusation" against itself. The vehicle was set free and only after 24h it is that the policemen had science of that they had fiscalized a stolen vehicle. To eliminate this deficiency, the Department of Federal Road Police created "the Alert System", where the proper user makes the register of robbery or robbery for intermediary of InterNet. The user having its stolen vehicle, for intermediary of a computer terminal, puts the plate of its vehicle in the Alert system and instantly all the ranks of the Federal Road Policy will be alerted. The system still is little known, therefore the press has little spreading on the part of [] ] , but if it has shown to an efficient instrument of combat the robbery of vehicles, on the part of that they make use of the InterNet. The freedom of action and interatividade with the Federal Road Policy if becomes instantaneous and free of bureaucracy, allowing that the time of the information at the moments most critical is optimized. As it complains of robbery is tied with a BO (Bulletin of Occurrence) the objective of this system of information is to so only have the register of the information of the robbery in first 48h more critical and of more easy recovery of stolen vehicle, the system is active for that plate for 72h, being obligator from 72h that the robbery consultation is effected by the system of robbery and robery of the transit system, since the register in a policy police station civilian already was concluded and already it will be implanted in the system of giving. This Alert system was created by proper the PRF's that I try graduation in the area of computer science, had formed a nucleus of development of programs to daily facilitate and to improve the interactivity between [policeman] ] and user
* [http://www.dprf.gov.br/PortalInternet/index.faces Register of robbery in Alert]


the Department of Federal Highway Police is responsible for up to date statistical survey. The press, or common user, can have daily access to the register of apprehension of drugs and recovery of stolen vehicles. There still in this system, he can have a collection of daily information of the work of this Department, being enough to have access the system of information in one day, collecting the contidadas information and later comparing with the information registered in the following day, any user will be able to know which was the performance of the Road Policy in last 24h.
* [http://www.dprf.gov.br/PortalInternet/index.faces Consultation to the daily performance of the Federal Road Policy]

Bulletin of traffic accident

the Road BAT of the Department of Federal Police was another interactive innovation implanted through a system that calls " BrBrasil ", where the department disponibiliza the consultation of
[accident] ] in any State of Brazil. So that if he can have dimension of the one that this means, if a conductor if cause an accident during a trip of a state for another one of the country, the BAT will be available in the destination state, being able to receive the result from the transit skill, when to arrive in its destination in 24h, exactly having been confectioned in another State. The exceptions are justified the command that it visualizes in the same day that a BAT was not confectioned. Any Federal Road Policeman has access to an accident registered in this system, exactly that she is of another Regional one. This system allows that accidents of national relevance are consulted by the General Command in Brasilia in the act that the policeman is confectioning the accident bulletin. The information for the command are not only instantaneous, but also for any federal road policeman who to desire to consult the information even though, facilitating the fiscalization of the acts of ones on the others, given the opening of the information of that they will be working; e primordially to facilitate the life of the solicitant who if involves in accidents and public commotions and desires desburocratizadas information, being enough to request in " ranks " of the Road Policy. The information in the net of data of the DPRF not only transit exempt between Regional and the its agents, but they are instantaneous.


* Pistol Taurus PT 100 AF in .40 caliber S & W
* Carabina CT .40
* 12 Gauge shotguns
* FN-Fal 7.62 mm
* Colt M16 A-2 5.56 mm

The Federal Traffic Police was, in Brazil, a pioneer in the use of the caliber .40 S & W. among the police. This major step in the permission of a calibre with excellent power to stop made by the large number of participants PRF `s in Shooting, where the size it was used between the snipers more experienced.

The Federal Traffic Police to provide the Brazilian Army argument enough for the release of this caliber to the Federal Road Police. Previously using the ACP .380 caliber revolvers and 38 for the Brazilian Army offered no resistance to the improvement of conditions of service of this class police, as the 38 caliber and .380 ACP had a little power to stop, as compared to .40 caliber S & W.

How effective the police in federal highways is small, even by the great extension of the loop road, the PRF `s when involved in armed clashes, were generally in smaller numbers and needed a size that really make difference in the confrontation.

What could be considered a privilege, at the time, to the Federal Road Police, only with police permission to use the .40 caliber S & W, became a victory for the other Brazilian police, extending the right, gradually and slowly, for the other military and civilian police from around the country.

The 38 caliber, which has a poor power to stop with the roundnose bullet, was retired by the Federal Traffic Police arrived on the scene and the .40 S & W with a "power to stop" of 92. Meaning that for every 100 people shot with this caliber, 92 are put out of combat with a single round.

Emergency Aid

The Federal Road Police possess, in some States, a SAMU with responsibility to aid victims of accidents. Policemen trained in urgency aid and emergency work with doctors and nurses. Noutros States has accord with the Corps of Bombeiros and makes such attendance in joint service.

Anticrime Operations

Because the road is the main route of passage of goods, people and wealth in Brazil. The RFD specializes in numerous activities of repression against crime, often according to the peculiarity of the region. Thus, in border regions is given emphasis in the fight against smuggling, trafficking in cocaine and descaminho (with the help of sniffer dogs), in the north in the prosecution of environmental crimes such as extraction and trafficking of natural resources, in the Northeast to the planting and trafficking of marijuana, but also trafficking in minors, etc..

In general are carried out searches and arrests the foragidos / wanted for Justice in transit by federal highways, recovery of stolen vehicles / stolen addition to specific operations to combat burglaries to vehicles with valuable cargo and passenger buses.

Within the corporation, is borne by the DCC (Division to Combat Crime) coordination of such operations.

Airborne operations

The Department of Federal Road Police has some time possessed the Division of Airborne Operations (Divisão de Operações Aéreas (DOA))), responsible for the aerial supervision of the highways and for the attendance of victims of accidents. This division possesses bases in Brasilia, São Paulo, Pernambuco, Paraná and Santa Catarina. Each base works with one helicopter, with Pernambuco also possessing an airplane, used for the identification of marijuana plantings. Currently the helicopters works primarily in the attendance of victims of accidents, being that some bases until had made accord with SAMU, transforming its helicopters into aerial UTI. Each helicopter is manned by a pilot, an operator and one socorrista, being all federal road policemen. In bases convenient with SAMU , instead of the socorrista works a doctor and a nurse. The course of preparation of pilots and operators of the DPRF is considered one of the best onesbetween the Brazilian policies. Beyond the knowledge technician, the policemen exhaustingly train techniques of rescue in the most diverse situations, also in high sea. Some operators receive training from combat and the qualification to operate metal rings XM-15, used for the division.

Traffic supervision

The RFD has the exclusive allocation to implement the Code of Brazilian Transit (Law 9.503/97) in federal highways. The review of the way traffic is carried through the simple and conventional forms of notification of violations of the Department, and in ways more complex, using equipment targeted, as radar speed etilômetros (former bafômetros) and other mechanisms for measuring and balances. After the deadlines set out in defence of law, notifications generate the punishment, in most cases in the form of fines.

The main objective of the review of transit is the prevention of accidents and preservation of heritage.

Recently, through the Provisional Measure (HB) No. 415, issued on the eve of the carnival of 2008, the PRF was tasked to monitor the shops that provide access to federal rural roads in order to curb the venda of alcoholic beverages in order to alleviate traffic accidents arising from such reckless consumption.

Emergency phone numbers

General: 191

The Federal and State Highway Superintendences which provide information on federal highways and help in the requests for assistance, either about the crime, and traffic accidents, in 24 hours, are:

ee also

* Brazilian Federal Highway Police [http://www.dprf.gov.br/PortalInternet/index.faces]
* Brazilian Federal Police
* Military Police of Brazilian States
* Policing in Brazil
* Civil Police of Brazilian States
* National Force
* List of highways of Brazil

External links

* [http://www.dprf.gov.br/ Brazilian Highway Police Official Page] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.dpf.gov.br/ Brazilian Federal Police Official website] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.policiamilitar.rj.gov.br Military Police of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil] (Portuguese)
* [http://www.policiacivil.rj.gov.br/ Civil Police of Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil] (Portuguese)

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