
Head Office (Handa, Aichi)

Mizkan (ミツカン Mitsukan?) is a Japanese company that produces vinegars (including seasoned rice vinegars, balsamic vinegars, and wine vinegars), mustards, jellies, salad dressings, authentic Asian sauces, and other food products. It is based in Handa, Aichi Prefecture, near Nagoya. It was officially registered as a corporate entity in July 1977.

Mizkan's products are marketed in Asia, North America, and Europe. Its name was Mitsukan until 1998 or 2004, when the company officially changed its name to Mizkan.

In 2004 Nakano Foods became Mizkan Americas, and its parent company became Mizkan Group Corporation. Its corporate motto is "Bringing Flavor to Life".[1]

The company's president is Matazaemon Kazuhide Nakano VIII.


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