- Cardinal function
In mathematics, a cardinal function (or cardinal invariant) is a function that returns cardinal numbers.
Cardinal functions in set theory
- The most frequently used cardinal function is a function which assigns to a set its cardinality.
- Aleph numbers and beth numbers can both be seen as cardinal functions defined on ordinal numbers.
- Cardinal arithmetic operations are examples of functions from cardinal numbers (or pairs of them) to cardinal numbers.
- Cardinal characteristics of an ideal I of subsets of X are:
- The "additivity" of I is the smallest number of sets from I whose union is not in I any more. As any ideal is closed under finite unions, this number is always at least
; if I is a σ-ideal, then add(I)≥
- The "additivity" of I is the smallest number of sets from I whose union is not in I any more. As any ideal is closed under finite unions, this number is always at least
- The "covering number" of I is the smallest number of sets from I whose union is all of X. As X itself is not in I, we must have add(I) ≤ cov(I).
- The "uniformity number" of I (sometimes also written unif(I)) is the size of the smallest set not in I. Assuming I contains all singletons, add(I) ≤ non(I).
- The "cofinality" of I is the cofinality of the partial order (I, ⊆). It is easy to see that we must have non(I) ≤ cof(I) and cov(I) ≤ cof(I).
- For a preordered set
the bounding number
and dominating number
is defined as
where "
" means: "there are infinitely many natural numbers n such that...", and "
" means "for all except finitely many natural numbers n we have...".
- In PCF theory the cardinal function ppκ(λ) is used.[1]
Cardinal functions in topology
Cardinal functions are widely used in topology as a tool for describing various topological properties[2][3]. The cardinal invariants used in topology are usually defined in such a way that excludes finite cardinals numbers. This is sometimes expressed by the phrase "there are no finite cardinal numbers in general topology".[4]
For example, the following cardinal functions are used
- Perhaps the simplest cardinal invariants of a topological space X are its cardinality |X| and the cardinality of the topology o(X).
- Weight of a space X is
is a base for X
- Weight is the minimal cardinality of a basis for X. A topological space X is second countable if and only if w(X)=
- Weight is the minimal cardinality of a basis for X. A topological space X is second countable if and only if w(X)=
- π-weight of a space X is the smallest cardinality of a π-base
- Character of a topological space X at a point x is
is a local base for X at x
and character of a space X is
- A topological space is first countable if and only if
- A topological space is first countable if and only if
- Density of a space X is
- Density is the minimal cardinality of a dense subset of X. A space X is called separable if d(X)=
- Density is the minimal cardinality of a dense subset of X. A space X is called separable if d(X)=
- Cellularity of a space X is
is a family of mutually disjoint non-empty open subsets
- Hereditary cellularity (sometimes spread) is the upper bound of cellularities of its subsets:
with the subspace topology is discrete }.
- Tightness of a space X in a point
and tightness of a space X is
- The number t(x, X) is the smallest cardinal number α such that, whenever
for some subset Y of X, there exists a subset Z of Y having cardinality at most α such that
. A space with t(X)=
is called countably generated or countably tight.
- The number t(x, X) is the smallest cardinal number α such that, whenever
- Augumented tightness of a space X, t + (X) is the smallest regular cardinal α such that for any
there is a subset Z of Y with cardinality less than α, such that
- Augumented tightness of a space X, t + (X) is the smallest regular cardinal α such that for any
Basic inequalities
- c(X) ≤ d(X) ≤ w(X) ≤ o(X) ≤ 2|X|
- χ(X) ≤ w(X)
Cardinal functions in Boolean algebras
Cardinal functions are often used in the study of Boolean algebras.[5][6]. We can mention, for example, the following functions:
- Cellularity
of a Boolean algebra
is the supremum of the cardinalities of antichains in
- Length
of a Boolean algebra
is a chain
- Depth
of a Boolean algebra
is a well-ordered subset
- Incomparability
of a Boolean algebra
such that
- Pseudo-weight
of a Boolean algebra
such that
Cardinal functions in algebra
Examples of cardinal functions in algebra are:
- Index of a subgroup H of G is the number of cosets.
- Dimension of a vector space V over a field K is the cardinality of any Hamel basis of V.
- More generally, for a free module M over a ring R we define rank rank(M) as the cardinality of any basis of this module.
- For a linear subspace W of a vector space V we define codimension of W (with respect to V).
- For any algebraic structure it is possible to consider the minimal cardinality of generators of the structure.
- For algebraic extensions algebraic degree and separable degree are often employed (note that the algebraic degree equals the dimension of the extension as a vector space over the smaller field).
- For non-algebraic field extensions transcendence degree is likewise used.
External links
- A Glossary of Definitions from General Topology [1]
See also
- ^ Holz, Michael; Steffens, Karsten; and Weitz, Edi (1999). Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic. Birkhäuser. ISBN 3764361247.
- ^ Juhász, István: Cardinal functions in topology. "Mathematical Centre Tracts", nr 34. Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1971.
- ^ Juhász, István: Cardinal functions in topology - ten years later. "Mathematical Centre Tracts", 123. Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1980. ISBN 90-6196-196-3
- ^ Engelking, Ryszard (1989). General Topology. Heldermann Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 3885380064.
- ^ Monk, J. Donald: Cardinal functions on Boolean algebras. "Lectures in Mathematics ETH Zürich". Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1990. ISBN 3-7643-2495-3.
- ^ Monk, J. Donald: Cardinal invariants on Boolean algebras. "Progress in Mathematics", 142. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, ISBN 3-7643-5402-X.
Categories:- Cardinal numbers
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