Malik Sulaiman

Malik Sulaiman
Malik Sulaiman
Personal information
Birth name Malik Sulaiman
Born June 0, 1970 (1970-06-00) (age 41).[1][citation needed]
Muar, Johor
Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in)
Weight 62 kg (140 lb)
Country  Malaysia
Laser, Dragon, Enterprise, J24, and OK Dinghy, Super Moth class of Yacht Regatta Sailing Sport
Current Ranking Coaching

Commander Malik Sulaiman (born 1970) June 0, 1970 (1970-06-00) (age 41).[2][citation needed] is a Malaysian yachtsman and Navy officer of Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN). Born in June 1970, at Muar, Johor, Malaysia, he joined the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) at the age of 18. He was promoted to the rank of Commander (Cdr) on 2 June 2008.[3]

His interest in sailing started at age 17. His debut in racing was made in the Armed Forces National Championship, and he won the competition. He was then 19 years old. The first boat that he has sailed is of Laser class. His primary training session started when he undergone his intern as a warfare electrician at HMAS Nirimba , Sydney, Australia.

In addition, other than competing in Laser class, he has also competed in other classes including Dragon, Enterprise, [J24], and OK Dinghy. Present class that he put his interest is in [2] Platu 25 and IRC racing in Farr 52. He has also been competing in various international sailing competitions and was the Silver Medalist of Super Moth Class of Regatta event at the Bangkok 1998 XIII Asian Games (ASIAD).[4] Prior to the Games, he has represented the nation in the series of South East Asia Games (SEA Games) including Manila 1991, Singapore 1993 and Chiang Mai 1995. He is also a sailor with high profile and competing actively in Raja Muda Selangor International Regatta Royal, Langkawi International Regatta and Terengganu Monsoon Cup[5] which are held annually coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Currently, he is attached to RMN Yacht Club and has been coaching since 1986 for various classes.

Besides coaching at his yacht club, he is currently hold the National Sailing Technical Director Malaysian Yachting Association. He is naval Electronics Engineer specialised in naval weapon system and training system. His academic qualification is in microelectronics. He is a graduate of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) (i.e. Malaysian National University) with the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)(Microelectronics).

External links


  1. ^ Birthdate uncertain: Options-to-date June 1970.[citation needed]
  2. ^ Birthdate uncertain: Options-to-date June 1970.[citation needed]
  3. ^ Malik Sulaiman (June 15, 2008), "Majlis Pemakaian Pangkat Pegawai TLDM", Pride goes on… [1] (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Yacht Racer),, retrieved June 15, 2008 
  4. ^ Hamden Ramli (15 October 2005), "Dedikasi/Malik Kejutkan", Utusan Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian Yacht Racer),, retrieved 5 December 2007 
  5. ^ Turut manjayakan Program Piala Monsoon (3 December 2006), "Bandar Layar jolokan baru Kuala Terengganu", Utusan Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur: Malik Sulaiman Live Journal), 

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