San Angeles

San Angeles

San Angeles is a futuristic concept geographic region of Southern California, United States, typically configured by commentators and films to include from Santa Barbara to San Diego and embracing Los Angeles. [Schickel, Richard. (October 18, 1993) Time " [,9171,979410,00.html?promoid=googlep Futuristic Face-Off.] " Section: Reviews Cinema; Page 98.] Although Los Angeles and the West Coast have been treated as a futuristic concept geographic region by different names in other works — "Los Andiegoles" in the novel "A Friend of the Earth", "Rattown" in the novel Dr. Adder, and "Mega City 2" in the movie Judge Dredd [Harvey, Steve. (October 4, 2000) Los Angeles Times "The Other Kennedy and Other Michael Jackson." Section: Metro; Page 3] — San Angeles remains the more popular identifying description.


San Angeles was first conceived as a setting for the 1982 movie "Blade Runner" in an early script. [Turan, Kenneth. (September 13, 1992) Los Angeles Times "Blade Runner 2. The screenwriter wrote eight drafts -- and then was replaced." Section: TM-Los Angeles Times Magazine; Page 19.] Ten years later, the 1993 script for the 1994 movie "Double Dragon", post-earthquake California merged Los Angeles and San Diego into one megalopolis called San Angeles, half of which was under water. [Honeycutt, Kirk. (March 3, 1993) Hollywood Reporter "Double Dragon" enters film game." Page 3.] At about the same time, the San Angeles concept city also was used in the 1993 movie "Demolition Man", [Elliott, Stuart. (October 8, 1993) New York Times " [ [ The Media Business: Advertising; In Demolition Man, a car could be your grandson's Oldsmobile.] " Section D.15.] where the earthquake destroyed Los Angeles of 2011 was replaced by the city San Angeles that stretched from San Diego to Santa Barbara.Wong, Cy. (April 16, 1993) Los Angeles Times "Movie: Action-thriller starring Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone is being filmed in the city this week." Section: ME-Metro; Page 1.] [Thomas, Bob. (October 7, 1993) Associated Press. "AP Arts: Film Review-Demolition Man." Section: Entertainment.] The Demolition Man/San Angeles, a modified Irvine, California set in the year 2032, [Arnold, Gary. (October 7, 1993) Washington Times "Washington weekend movies; Movie mini-reviews." Section: M24] maintained a police force called "SaPD" (for San Angeles Police Department), which used black and white, gull-winged cars having SaPD emblazoned on them. The 1993 Demolition Man movie also set the fictional Arnold Schwarzenegger Presidential Museum in San Angeles, [Harvey, Steve. (May 17, 2002) Los Angeles Times "Only in L.A." Section: California Metro; page 4.] even though Arnold Schwarzenegger's would not be for another ten years.

In 2000, the live-action Web series "The Hanged Man" positioned fictional detective Hugo Manes as being from the San Angeles Police Department. [Seattle Post-Intelligencer (October 31, 2000) "Killer show." Section: Life and Arts; Page F1.] In 2001, American printmaker Edward Ruscha released a series of seven postcard-size color etchings that he entitled "Los Francisco San Angeles" to reflect how the etchings made light of the cultural distance between Northern California and Southern California. [Baker, Kenneth. (June 30, 2001) San Francisco Chronicle " [ Slepian's video is most creepily "Lifelike".] " Section: Daily Datebook; page D1.] Ruscha's concept Los Francisco San Angeles was analyzed in 2004 for Arts & Activities Magazine [] by Tara Cady Sartorius, Curator of Education at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts. [Sartorius, Tara Cady. (November 1, 2004) Arts & Activities Magazine " [ Impression expression.(art Across the Curriculum)(Critical Essay).] " Volume 136; Section: 3; Page 322.]

San Angeles is also the fictional home town of "". [cite web |url = |title = "Power Rangers Operation Overdive Vol. 1-3" A World Tour For Relic Hunters | author = Chad Lee | date = 2008-08-01 | accessdate = 2008-08-30 ]


In addition to uses of San Angeles by the entertainment industry, political causes and businesses alike have adopted the concept. For example, in April 1989, Camp Pendleton was viewed as the last remaining open-space barrier against a future "San Angeles" composed of Southern California boom and sprawl from Santa Barbara to the Mexican border. [Acunat, Armando. (April 16, 1989) Los Angeles Times "The "San Angeles" Barrier: Plan Calls for Converting Camp Pendleton Into Park if Marines Leave." Section: Metro; Page 1.] In 2002, environmentalist and commentator Tershia d'Elgin described a then-recent federal district court ruling on the Endangered Species Act of 1973 related to paving over land as promising "to transform our county into El Toro too. Everything that has made San Diego worth living in will be gone. It will become San Angeles." [D'Elgin, Tershia. (March 24, 2002) The San Diego Union-Tribune "Paving over San Diego County." Section: Opinion; Page g3.] That same year, the 2002 political movement to have San Fernando Valley seceded from Los Angeles to become an independent incorporated city of its own suggested "San Angeles" as the potential new name for the proposed incorporated city. [Garrison, Jessica. (April 2, 2002) Los Angeles Times "Group to Select 5 Valley City Names for Ballot." Section: California Metro; Page 8.] However, "San Angeles" ranked ninth in popularity behind the name "San Fernando Valley" in a field of eleven potential names. [Sheppard, Harrison. (April 3, 2002) Los Angeles Daily News " ['S+NAME+GAME+SECESSIONISTS+PICK+5+CHOICES+FOR+BALLOT-a084413665 Valley's name game. Secessionists pick 5 choices for ballot.] " Section: News; Page N1.] Along with the proposed "Los Fernando", "San Angeles" was viewed as an absurd juxtaposition which made no sense at all in Spanish. [Los Angeles Times (April 6, 2002) "Call the Valley Anything but L.A." Section: California Metro; Page 20.]

In 2006, Marissa Mayer, Google's then 31-year-old product-launch czar, seized on the San Angeles concept to describe how Google might modify its home page:

We're still not ready to make really fundamental changes and blast all of our products on our home page. [But] there are a few key concepts I've been thinking about in terms of how we can change navigation on our site. One is what I would call the San Angeles or Los Diego strategy. You take large product and merge them together into the biggest possible nucleus. So if you took San Diego and Los Angeles together and merged them into one mega-city, that's even bigger and more memorable than the two cities independently... It is hard for people to remember more than 5 or 10 products from a particular company. If we can take each of the products we have and make them even larger and more meaningful to people, I think theres a lot of benefit that could be had by both the users, because they dont have to remember quite as much. [Business Week (June 30, 2006) " [ Inside Google's New-Product Process: The philosophy is, try a bunch of ideas, refine them, and see what survives, says Marissa Mayer, the search giant's product-launch czar.] " Section: Technology.]

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