- Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture
The Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) is an enterprise-wide information system built around an
electronic health record , used throughout theUnited States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical system, known as theVeterans Health Administration (VHA). [Department of Veterans Affairs: [http://www1.va.gov/health/ Veterans Health Administration] ] By 2001, the VHA was the largest single medical system in the United States, providing care to 4 million veterans, employing 180,000 medical personnel and operating 163 hospitals, over 800 clinics and 135 nursing homes. [ Department of Veterans Affairs: [http://www1.va.gov/directory/guide/division.asp?dnum=1 List of Medical facilities] ] By providing electronic health records capability, VistA is thereby one of the most widely used EHRs in the world.Features
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has had automated data processing systems within its medical facilities since before 1985, [cite journal|last=Brown|first=Stephen H.|title=VistA, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs national scale HIS|journal = International Journal of Medical Informatics 69: 135-156, Bethesda, MD (USA)|url=http://www1.va.gov/cprsdemo/docs/VistA_Int_Jrnl_Article.pdf|format=PDF|year=2003|doi=10.1016/S1386-5056(02)00131-4)|doi_brokendate=2008-06-22] beginning with the Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP) information system, including extensive clinical and administrative capabilities. In 1995, DHCP was enshrined as a recipient of the Computerworld
Smithsonian Award for best use of Information Technology in Medicine.VistA supports both ambulatory and inpatient care, and includes several significant enhancements to the original DHCP system. The most significant is a
graphical user interface known as the Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) for clinicians released in 1997. In addition, VistA now includes computerized order entry,bar code medication administration, electronic prescribing and clinical guidelines.CPRS provides a
client-server interface for health care providers to review and update a patient's electronic medical record. This includes the ability to place orders, including medications, special procedures, X-rays, patient care nursing orders, diets, and laboratory tests. CPRS is flexible enough to be implemented in a wide variety of settings for a broad spectrum of health care workers and provides a consistent, event-driven, Windows-style interface.For its development of VistA, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) / Veterans Health Administration (VHA) was named the recipient of the prestigious Innovations in American Government Award presented by the Ash Institute of the
John F. Kennedy School of Government atHarvard University in July, 2006. The VistA electronic medical records system is estimated to improve efficiency by 6% per year, and the monthly cost of the EMR is offset by eliminating the cost of even a few unnecessary tests or admissions. [cite web|title=Effect of the implementation of an enterprise-wide Electronic Health Record on productivity in the Veterans Health Administration|url=http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=7C274D08947B0625B3B540BEF2E70367.tomcat1?fromPage=online&aid=416400| publisher=Health Economics: Policy and Law (2006): 1, 163-169] [cite web|title=VistA:Winner of the 2006 Innovations in American Government Award|url=http://www.innovations.va.gov/innovations/docs/InnovationsVistAInfoPackage.pdf|publisher=The Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government|format=PDF]The adoption of VistA has allowed the VA to achieve a pharmacy prescription accuracy rate of 99.997%, and the VA outperforms most public sector hospitals on a variety of criteria, enabled by the implementation of VistA. [cite journal|journal=BusinessWeek, Red Oak, IA (USA)|date=
July 16 ,2006 |url=http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/06_29/b3993061.htm?chan=tc&chan=technology_technology+index+page_best+of+the+magazine|title=The Best Medical Care In The U.S. How Veterans Affairs transformed itself -- and what it means for the rest of us]The VistA system is
public domain software, available through the Freedom Of Information Act directly from the VA website, [Department of Veterans Affairs: [http://www.va.gov/vista/ VistA website] ] or through a growing network of distributors. The [http://www.vistasoftware.org/ VistA Software Alliance] is a non-profit trade organization that both promotes the widespread adoption of versions of VistA for provider environments.VistA was developed using the M or
MUMPS language/database. The VA currently runs a majority of VistA systems onInterSystems Caché. VistA can also run onGT.M , anopen source database engine forLinux andUnix computers. Although initially separate releases, publicly available VistA distributions are now often bundled with the database in an integrated package. This has considerably eased installation.VistA Imaging
The Veterans Administration has also developed VistA Imaging, a coordinated system for communicating with PACS (radiology imaging) systems and for integrating others types of image-based information, such as EKGs, pathology slides, and scanned documents, into the VistA electronic medical records system. This type of integration of information into a medical record is critical to efficient utilization. [cite journal|journal=Imaging Economics, Skokie, IL (USA)|month=December | year=2002|url=http://www.imagingeconomics.com/issues/articles/2002-12_01.asp|title=PACS Lessons Learned at the Baltimore VA|format=subscription required]
VistA Imaging has been made freely available in the public domain for private/public hospital use through the Freedom of Information Act. It is available through the [http://www1.va.gov/VHA_OI/page.cfm?pg=37 Department of Veteran's Affairs software request] office.
It can be used independently or integrated into the VistA electronic health record system (as is done in VA health facilities).
Role in development of a national healthcare network
The VistA electronic healthcare record has been widely credited for reforming the VA healthcare system, improving safety and efficiency substantially. The remarkable results have spurred a national impetus to adopt electronic medical records similar to VistA nationwide.
VistA Web collectively describes a set of protocols that in 2007 was being developed and used by the VHA to transfer data (from VistA) between hospitals and clinics within the pilot project. This is the first effort to view a single patient record so that VistA becomes truly interoperable among the 128 sites running VistA today.BHIE enables real-time sharing of electronic health information between DoD and VA for shared patients of allergy, outpatient pharmacy, demographic, laboratory, and radiology data. This became a priority during the Second Iraq War, when a concern for the transition of healthcare for soldiers as they transferred from active military status to veteran status became a national focus of attention.cite journal|journal=Government Health IT, Falls Church, VA (USA)|date=2007-05-09|url=http://govhealthit.com/article102670-05-09-07-Web|author=Mosquera, Mary|title=Full VA/DOD e-health sharing several years off|format=Dead link|date=May 2008]A Clinical Data Repository/ Health Data Repository (
CHDR ) allows interoperability between the DoD's Clinical Data Repository (CDR) & the VA's Health Data Repository (HDR). Bidirectional real time exchange of computable pharmacy, allergy, demographic and laboratory data occurred in phase 1. Phase 2 involved additional drug–drug interaction and allergy checking. Initial deployment of the system was completed in March 2007 at the El Paso, Augusta, Pensacola, Puget Sound, Chicago, San Diego, and Las Vegas facilities The combination of VistA and the interoperable projects listed above in the VA/DoD systems will continue to expand to meet the objectives that all citizens will have an electronic record by 2014.The VHA has an ongoing pilot project, known as [http://www.health-evet.va.gov/ HealtheVet] (HeV) that envisions the next generation of VistA, with further modernization of database capabilities and interfaces.
MyHealtheVet is another initiative that allows veterans to access, and create a copy of, their health records online. A national release of the project is underway. This will allow veterans to port their health records to institutions outside the VA health system or keep a personal copy of their health records, a Personal Health Record (PHR).
Because of the success of these programs, a national move to standardize healthcare data transmission across the country was started. Text based information exchange is standardized using a protocol called
HL7 (Health Level 7), which is approved by theAmerican National Standards Institute . DICOM is an international image communications protocol standard. VistA is compliant with both.VistA has been interfaced with commercial off-the-shelf products. Standards and protocols used by VA are consistent with current industry standards and include HL7, DICOM, and other protocols.
Usage in non-governmental hospitals
Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the VistA system, the CPRS interface (a CPOE), and unlimited ongoing updates (500-600 patches per year) are provided as public domain software. [cite web|url=http://www1.va.gov/cprsdemo/page.cfm?pg=1|title=Introduction to VistA software and the FTP site|publisher=US Department of Veterans Affairs]
This was done by the US government in an effort to make VistA available as a low cost electronic medical record system (EMR / EHR) for non-governmental hospitals and other healthcare entities.
With funding from The Pacific Telehealth & Technology Hui, the
Hui 7 produced a version of VistA that ran onGT.M in aLinux operating system , and that was suitable for use in private settings. VistA has since been adopted by companies such as [http://www.bluecliffinc.com Blue Cliff] , [http://www.docstorsys.com DSS, Inc.] , [http://www.medsphere.com/ Medsphere] , and [http://sequencemanagers.com Sequence Managers Software] to a variety of environments, from individual practices to clinics to hospitals, to regional healthcare co-ordination between far-flung islands. In addition, VistA has been adopted within similar provider environments worldwide. Universities, such as UC Davis and Texas Tech implemented these systems. A non-profit organization, [http://www.WorldVistA.org WorldVistA] , has also been established to extend and collaboratively improve the VistA electronic health record and health information system for use outside of its original setting.VistA as other EMR/EHR systems can be interfaced with other healthcare databases not initially used by the VA system, including billing software, lab databases, and images databases (radiology, for example).
Supporters of VistA
There have been many champions of VistA as the electronic healthcare record system for a universal healthcare plan. VistA can act as a standalone system, allowing self-contained management and retention of healthcare data within an institution. Combined with
BHIE (or other data exchange protocol) it can be part of a peer-to-peer model ofuniversal healthcare . It is also scalable to be used as a centralized system (allowing regional or even national centralization of healthcare records). It is, therefore, the electronic records system most adaptable to a variety of healthcare models.In addition to the unwavering support of congressional representatives such as Congressman
Sonny Montgomery of Mississippi, numerous IT specialists, physicians, and other healthcare professionals have donated significant amounts of time in adapting the VistA system for use in non-governmental healthcare settings.The ranking member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee's Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee, Rep.
Ginny Brown-Waite of Florida, recommended that the Department of Defense (DOD) adopt VA's VistA system following accusations of inefficiencies in the DOD healthcare system. The DOD hospitals use Armed Forces Health Longitudinal Technology Application ( [http://www.ha.osd.mil/AHLTA/ AHLTA] ) which has not been as successful as VistA and has not been widely adapted to non-military environments, as VistA has.In November 2005, the U.S. Senate passed the Wired for Health Care Quality Act, introduced by Sen. Enzi of Wyoming with 38 co-sponsors, that would require the government to use the VA's technology standards as a basis for national standards allowing all health care providers to communicate with each other as part of a nationwide health information exchange. The legislation would also authorize $280 million in grants, which would help persuade reluctant providers to invest in the new technology. [cite web|title=Senator Endorses VistA for EHR Standard|publisher=Linux MedNews|url=http://www.linuxmednews.com/1137769193|date=
January 20 ,2006 |] There has been no action on the bill since December 2005. Two similar House bills were introduced in late 2005 and early 2006; no action has been taken on either of them, either. [cite web|title=Library of Congress: Thomas: Bills, resolutions: S.1418|publisher=Library of Congress|url=http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:s.01418:|accessmonthday=June 10 |accessyear=2007|]ee also
Electronic health record
*Health informatics
*Veterans Health Administration
*United States Department of Veterans Affairs References
External links
* (Department of Veterans Affairs)
* (Department of Veterans Affairs)
* (VistA Software Vendor Trade Organization)
*cite web|title=The Pacific Telehealth & Technology Hui|url=http://www.pacifichui.org/
* - Home of the WorldVistA EHR
* - a VistA user community
* - Ash Institute News Release
* -- provides a VistA-based EMR package, based in Raleigh, North Carolina
* Bidirectional Health Information Exchange protocols of the Department of Veterans Affairs
* VistA Genesis for Beginners
* VistA Glossary. Medical Administrative Lexicon
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.