- Kab 101
Kab 101 is a Sea Pony-type minimum-facilities light-production
oil platform owned by Mexican state-owned oil companyPEMEX , and installed about convert|16|mi|km off the coast ofTabasco , near the port ofDos Bocas , in 1994. The platform was designed by British engineering firm SLP Engineering Limited. The platform also produced the wells Kab 103 and Kab 121. [ [http://www.pemex.com/index.cfm?action=content§ionID=119 Seguimiento plataforma Usumacinta] es_icon]Usumacinta Accident
October 23 ,2007 , Kab 101 ruptured and began leaking gas when theJackup rig "Usumacinta" collided with its underwater valve tree during a storm [http://english.people.com.cn/90001/90778/90858/90864/6294002.html] that produced convert|25|ft|m|sing=on waves. Twenty-two people lost their lives during the rescue operations after the well ruptured. [ [http://www.pemex.com/index.cfm?action=news§ionID=8&catID=11300&contentID=16231 Relación de personal de la plataforma Usumacinta] es_icon] The deceased include employees of PEMEX, employees of Perforadora Central (the Mexican subcontractor that operated the Usumacinta), a rescue boat crew members. Pemex has contracted 3 separate investigations into the accident.On November 13 during attempts to control the leaks resulting from the accident, the well Kab 121 ignited and was brought under control the same day. On the 20th of November, Kab 121 ignited again, this time the fire destroyyed the remains of the
Derrick and was controlled on the 3rd of December. [ [http://www.pemex.com/files/content/fotousumacinta_01.pdf Official Pemex photos] es_icon]On August 4, 2008, another fire was extinguished on the Usumacinta. This fire is suspected to have been caused by scrappers attempting to steal from the abandoned rig. This blaze was extinguished by the ships “Isla Guadalupe”, “Isla Cozumel”, “Pionero”, “Conquistador”, and "Deep Endeavour". The
Mexican Navy also sent the interceptor "Auriga" to the area at the request of PEMEX. [ [http://www.yucatan.com.mx/noticia.asp?cx=16$4107070000$3880417&f=20080804 "Chatarreros" en alta mar] es_icon]Notes
External links
* [http://home.versatel.nl/the_sims/rig/usumacinta.htm Usumacinta accident article]
* [http://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory?id=3773440 MEXICO: Oil Rig Accident Kills 18] EarlyABC News article.
* [http://www.rigzone.com/news/article.asp?a_id=52350 Pemex Probes Usumacinta Accident]Rigzone article.
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