Epsom College

Epsom College

Infobox UK school
name = Epsom College

size = 100px
latitude =
longitude =
dms =
motto = "Deo Non Fortuna"
(Latin: "Not through luck but by the help of God") [Literally: "by God, not by luck"]
motto_pl =
established = 1855
approx =
closed =
c_approx =
type = Public School
religion =
president =
head_label = Headmaster
head = Stephen Borthwick
r_head_label =
r_head =
chair_label =
chair =
founder = Dr John Propert
founder_pl =
specialist =
street =
city = Epsom
county = Surrey
country = Englandflagicon|England
postcode =
ofsted =
staff =
enrollment = 720 (2007) [cite web |url=http://www.isc.co.uk/viewPage.aspx?templateID=6&schoolId=44878&max=2 |title=Independent Schools Council |accessdate=2007-08-14]
gender = Mixed
lower_age = 13
upper_age = 18
houses = 12
colours = Blue and White [Orange was introduced in the 21st Century in marketing materials, though it is not part of the school uniform or sports kit.]
publication = The Epsomian
free_label_1 = Former pupils
free_1 = Old Epsomians
free_label_2 = Patron
free_2 = H.M. Queen Elizabeth II
free_label_3 = Alumni
free_3 = [http://epsomcollege.web-intouch.com/ OEs Connected]
website = http://www.epsomcollege.org.uk
website_name = www.epsomcollege.org.uk

Epsom College is a co-educational Public School in Epsom, Surrey, England for 13 pupils aged 18. Founded in 1853 to provide support for poor members of the medical profession such as pensioners and orphans ("Foundationers"), Epsom's long-standing association with medicine was estimated in 1980 as having helped almost a third of its 10,000 alumni enter that profession.Salmon 1980: 64] The college caters for both boarding and day pupils, the headmaster is a member of the Headmasters' Conference.

The "Good Schools Guide" called the school "consistently among top schools in the South East," adding that it is "Very social." [http://goodschoolsguide.co.uk/school/epsom-college.html]


The school was founded in 1853 by Dr. John Propert as "The Royal Medical Benevolent College", the aims of which were to provide accommodation pensioned medical doctors or their widows in the first instance, and to provide a "liberal education" to 100 sons of "duly qualified medical men" for £25 each year. [Taken from notes of the First General Meeting 25 June 1851, quoted in Salmon 1980: 4]

The establishment of the College was the culmination of a campaign begun in 1844 by the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, the forerunner of the British Medical Association. [Salmon 1980: 2] The scheme saw the medical profession was

"in regard to charitable institutions for the aged and infirm, the widow and the orphan, the worst provided of all professions and callings"
and took as its aim the alleviating of poverty and debt. [British Medical Journal, 1851, Scadding 2004: 5] Discussions were chaired by Sir John Forbes, Physician to Prince Albert and the Royal Household, and followed similar plans establishing schools for the Clergy and the Royal Navy in desiring to raise money to found "schools for the sons of medical men", providing an education which would otherwise be "beyond the means of many parents". [1844 prospectus, quoted in Scadding 2004: 6]

By 1851, the Medical Benevolent Society had limited itself to the foundation of a single Benevolent College, and met in Treasurer John Propert's house in New Cavendish Street, Marylebone. [Scadding 2004: 8-12] The new campaign's fund-raising activities included dinners, which were attended by numerous doctors and Members of Parliament, and concerts, for example on 4 July 1855 one such event included composer Hector Berlioz conducting the UK premier of his symphonic suite Harold in Italy. [Scadding 2004: 12] [Salmon 1980: 8]

The foundation stone was laid on the 6 July 1853, and almost two years later on 25 June 1855 the College was formally opened by Prince Albert and his son, the future King Edward VII in front of an unexpectedly large crowd of around 6,000. [Salmon 1980: 11] Queen Victoria consented in March of that year to become patron, a relationship which has continued with British monarchs ever since; King Edward VII after the death of his mother, King George V, King Edward VIII in 1936, [Salmon 1980: 35] King George VI from 1937, [Salmon 1980: 48] and then the current Queen until the present.

Its long-standing association with medicine was estimated in 1980 as having helped almost a third of its 10,000 alumni enter that profession.

In 2005 the school was one of fifty of the country's leading private schools which were found guilty of running an illegal price-fixing cartel, exposed by "The Times", which had allowed them to drive up fees for thousands of parents. [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/education/article588559.ece Independent schools face huge fines over cartel to fix fees - Times Online ] ] Each school was required to pay a nominal penalty of £10,000 and all agreed to make ex-gratia payments totalling three million pounds into a trust designed to benefit pupils who attended the schools during the period in respect of which fee information was shared. [ [http://www.oft.gov.uk/news/press/2006/182-06 The Office of Fair Trading: OFT names further trustees as part of the independent schools settlement ] ]

Development & Charity

It was founded in 1855 to provide support for poor members of the medical profession. Funding for such a bold undertaking was to prove inadequate to the task, which resulted in the a reduced number of buildings and therefore reduced space which could not support 100 pensioners and 100 boys. Partially as a result of this in the 1860s the school was opened to children of non-medical parents. In the subsequent decades pensioners were supported off-site, until there were none on campus by the end of the 19th Century. These moves mark the transition towards the College becoming a public school in the modern sense.

There continued to be a charitable side to the College, however, which was intertwined with the strictly educational institution throughout the 20th Century. It was only in 2000 that the Royal Medical Foundation was formed as a separate company, its activities allowing it to support 4 Foundationers at the College, 27 outside it, in addition to paying 20 pensions and supporting one doctor at a medical home. [Scadding 2004: 133]

In the 1920s the junior school-side of the college was run down, the College catering only for 13-18 year-olds as a result. In 1976 Girls were first allowed into the sixth-form, and 20 years later co-education was introduced throughout.

Its campus is situated on the outskirts of Epsom, near to Epsom Downs on the North Downs, the racecourse of which is most famous for holding the Epsom Derby every year. The architecture principally consists of buildings built since 1853 mainly in a style influenced by the Gothic revival of the era and by what Prince Albert described as the "pointed style of the 14th Century" [Prince Albert, quoted by a contemporary newspaper account, Scadding 2004: 19]


House colours are seen in the stripes in the ties worn by the majority of boys (those not wearing colours or prefect's ties) or on a rectangular brooch worn by the girls. They are also used in house rugby and athletics tops.

Also available for purchase at the on-site school shop (Lester Bowden) are house cufflinks with the house colours, edged with a gold rim. These are new for September 2007.




Hockey, previously a minor (optional) sport, became a major sport after the opening of the new pitches behind the maths block. While the pitches were completed for September 1966, the autumn term was devoted to stone picking parties, and the hockey season started in January 1967. Hockey had been played previously on the Chudleigh rugby and cricket pitches.


In 2001, the Epsom College U15 team won their age group in Daily Mail Cup, beating The John Fisher School by 17-12 at Twickenham in the Final. [cite web |url=http://www.schoolsrugby.co.uk/Tournaments/DailyMailCup/Maininfo/previous.htm |title=Daily Mail Cup Results |accessdate=2007-08-14 ] In 2006, the U16 Epsom sevens team won the 2006 Sevens National Championship at Rosslyn Park by beating Millfield 29-19. [cite web |url=http://www.ns7.co.uk/results/results06/Res06_cko.htm |title=National Schools Sevens Results |accessdate=2007-08-14] In 2005 Epsom College U15 Team lost to Bedford 10-5 in the Semi final of the Daily Mail competition [cite web |url=http://www.schoolsrugby.co.uk/Tournaments/DailyMailCup/DrawPage.asp?id=26&Season=20052006 |title=Daily Mail Cup Results |accessdate=2008-08-04 ] .

Rifle shooting

The college has (one of) the best rifle teams in the country, [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?xml=/sport/2006/07/15/sibs15.xml |title=Sport in Brief: Shooting | publisher=telegraph.co.uk |date=2006-07-15 |accessdate=2007-08-14] having won the prestigious Ashburton Shield at the annual Bisley Rifle Championships ten times since 1990. [cite web |url=http://www.oerc.org.uk/news.html |title=Old Epsomian Rifle Club |accessdate=2007-08-14]


The Athletics Term

Until the winter of 1965, Epsom College was probably unique in holding athletics in the coldest months of the year, between January and April. This meant that the long jump pit was often frozen. The track surrounded the First XV pitch, and was either frozen or waterlogged.

Air Raid Shelters

During the Second World War, in preparation for the possibility of attack from the air, several air raid shelters were built, the outlines of which are still visible in aerial photographs and satellite imagery as a row of negative cropmarks in the grass on the Chapel Triangle.

The Fives Courts

Near Chapel Pitch, there are the remnants of several open air fives courts, one of which is said to be a doubles court. In the late 1960s these were functional courts, albeit of odd design.

Principal Feeder Prep Schools

* Aberdour School
* Chinthurst School
* Danes Hill (http://www.daneshill.co.uk)
* Downsend School
* Kingswood House School
* Shrewsbury House School
* Feltonfleet School
* Homefield Preparatory School


*(1855 - 1870) Doctor Robinson Thornton, M.A. (Oxon), D.D.Salmon 1980: 96-100]
*(1870 - 1855) The Rev. William de Lancy West, M.A. (Oxon), D.D.
*(1885 - 1889) The Rev. William Cecil Wood, M.A. (Cantab)
*(1889 - 1914) The Rev. Thomas Northcote Hart-Smith, M.A. (Oxon)
*(1914 - 1922) The Rev. Canon Walter John Barton, M.A. (Oxon)
*(1922 - 1939) The Rev. Canon Arnold Cecil Powell, M.A. (Cantab)
*(1939 - 1962) Henry William Fernyhough Franklin, M.A. (Oxon)
*(1962 - 1970) Archibald Duncan Dougal MacCullum, T.D., M.A., FRSA
*(1970 - 1982) Owen John Tressider Rowe, M.A. (Oxon) (previously headmaster of Giggleswick School)
*(1982 - 1992) Dr John B. Cook, BSc, Ph.D., AKC [Scadding 2004: 126]
*(1993 - 2000) Anthony (Tony) Beadles, M.A. (OE, Forest) [Scadding 2004: 129]
*(2000 - ) Stephen Borthwick BSc, CPhys, FRSA [Scadding 2004: 134]

undry Items of Interest

*There is a Schools Class steam engine named after the school ( [http://train.spottingworld.com/SR_Class_V also here] ).
* [http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/88/a4386288.shtml Wartime plane crash on Epsom racecourse] by an ex Hart Smith pupil

outhern Railway School's Class

The School lent its name to the thirtyeighth steam locomotive (Engine 937) in the Southern Railway's Class V of which there were 40. This Class was also known as the Schools Class because all 40 of the class were named after prominent English public schools. 'Epsom', as it was called, was built in 1934.The locomotive bearing the School's name was withdrawn in the early 1960s.

Notable Alumni

Past pupils are called (OEs)

A to D

* David Alexander "(Cr 1951-1956)" (b 17 November 1937, d 13 November 2002), the co-founder and former chairman and managing director of Lion Publishing [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2002/12/11/db1104.xml|title=Obituaries - David Alexander |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date=2002-12-10 |accessdate=2007-08-28 ]

* Roger Bluett "(R 1939-1942)", oriental art and antiques dealer, Chairman of the Museum of East Asian Art in Bath [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2000/11/20/db03.xml |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Roger Bluett |date=2001-08-23 |accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=... in 1966 he was invited by the BBC to appear as a panellist on the television programme Going for a Song, on which experts and celebrities were asked to comment on antiques. He was handed a piece of Chinese porcelain, provided by a museum as genuine and valuable, and within moments had identified it as a fake in front of the viewers.]

* Roland Boys Bradford "(left 1907)" recipient of the Victoria Cross during First World War

* Professor Neville Butler, Paediatrician [cite web |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article1572751.ece|publisher=The Times |title=Obituaries - Professor Neville Butler |date=2007-03-27|accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=Neville Butlers research into human development over time improved the lives of children and families throughout the UK and around the world. Through his tireless efforts he produced priceless information about the health, development, social wellbeing, education and lifestyles of thousands of British families.]

* Paul Burke "(G 1989-1991)", Irish International Fly Half, currently with Leicester

* Warwick Charlton (b 9 March 1918, d 10 December 2002, conceived of, had built, and sailed the Mayflower II, replica of the Mayflower, in 1957 from Plymouth, Devon, to Plymouth, Massachusetts [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2002/12/23/db2301.xml |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Warwick Charlton |date=2002-12-23 |accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=A man of great imagination, energy, stamina, ingenuity and humour, Warwick Charlton understood that in order to get a plan off the ground it was necessary, on occasion, to sail rather close to the wind. In later life he was proud of his role as town crier in the market town of Ringwood, Hampshire, where he lived. ]

E to K

* McCormack Charles Farrell Easmon "(left 1907)", Doctor, Campaigner for Racial Equality in Sierra Leone, and founder of the Sierra Leone Museum [cite web |url=http://www.sierra-leone.org/heroes10.html |title= Sierra Leone Web |accessdate=2007-08-14]

* Michael Fallon Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks

* James Freedman (magician) "(F 1978-1983)" Actor, Member of The Magic Circle a.k.a. "The Man of Steal"

* Stewart Granger "(left 1923)", Hollywood Actor

* Colonel Tony Hewitt (b 13 September 1914, d 30 June 2004), awarded an MC for a daring escape from a Japanese PoW camp after the fall of Hong Kong on Christmas Day 1941 [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/08/17/db1702.xml |title=Obituaries - Tony Hewitt |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date=2004-08-16 |accessdate=2007-08-28 ]

* Ciara Janson, Actress (best known as Nicole Owen from Hollyoaks)

* Lieutenant-Commander Dicky Kendall, placed a two-ton mine under the German battleship Tirpitz in Operation Source [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/04/08/db0803.xml|title=Obitiaries - Lieutenant-Commander Dicky Kendall|quote= Kendall was locked in a small compartment on board Tirpitz, but refused to speak to his captors, despite threats of summary execution. Then, at 0812, there were two violent explosions, and she heaved upwards several feet, throwing him and his guard to the deck. As the ship listed heavily, Kendall knew that the attack had inflicted serious damage. |accessdate=2007-08-28|publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date=08/04/2006 ]

L to R

* Derek (William) Lambert (b 10 October 1929, d 2001), Thriller writer, also journalist [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2001/05/29/db01.xml |title=Obituaries - Derek Lambert |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |accessdate=2007-08-29 |date=2001-11-22 |quote=Lambert made no claims for his books, which he often wrote in five weeks, simply dismissing them as pot-boilers; but in 1988 the veteran American journalist Martha Gellhorn paid tribute in The Daily Telegraph to his intricate plotting and skilful use of factual material. It appealed, she declared, to a universal hunger for "pure unadulterated storytelling", of the sort supplied by storytellers in a bazaar.]

* Philip Gadesden Lucas, "(C 1918-1918)" (b 1902, d 1981) George Medallist. [cite journal |year=2007 |month=November |title=Honouring Great Courage - how two OEs won the George Medal |journal=The Old Epsomian Magazine |pages=6 |accessdate=2007-12-03 |quote=Test Pilot Lucas displayed great courage and presence of mind during a test flight and, by his skill and coolness, saved an aircraft from destruction ]

* Sir Anthony McCowan, (b 12 January 1928, d 3 July 2003), Lord Justice of Appeal from 1989 to 1997 [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/07/09/db0901.xml |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Sir Anthony McCowan |accessdate=2007-08-28 |date=2003-07-08 |quote=During the 1980s McCowan also presided in a number of highly publicised IRA trials. He was seen as a first-rate jury judge - thoughtful, rarely intervening and always bang on point. He could be testy if counsel made inappropriate submissions, but he saw problems with great simplicity, could work at great speed and was dependable for the heaviest criminal work. ]

* Major Alastair McGregor "(G 1932-1936)", won the DSO and the MC while serving with the SAS behind enemy lines during the Second World War [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2002/10/03/db0301.xml|title=Obitiaries - Major Alastair McGregor |quote= In 1950 McGregor was ordered to raise a squadron comprised mainly of experienced SAS men to fight in Korea. After three months training at the Airborne Forces Depot, he was informed that the squadron would not, after all, be needed there, and he and his comrades instead volunteered to join Major Mike Calvert's Malayan Scouts, where they formed "B" Squadron, the forerunner of the modern 22 SAS. |accessdate=2007-08-28|publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date= 02/10/2002 ]

* James MacKeith, (b 29 October 1938, d 5 August 2007), Forensic Psychiatrist [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/08/24/db2404.xml |title=Obituaries - James MacKeith |quote=one of the great forensic psychiatrists of his generation |accessdate=2007-08-28 |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |date=2007-08-24]

* Sir Halford John Mackinder, Geographer

* Gyles Mackrell, "(P 1898-1905)" (b 1888, d 1959), George Medallist. [cite journal |year=2007 |month=November |title=Honouring Great Courage - how two OEs won the George Medal |journal=The Old Epsomian Magazine |pages=6 |accessdate=2007-12-03 |quote=Mr Mackrell, while in charge of the elephant transport, heard that a number of refugees were attempting to reach Assam over the Chaukan Pass. In appalling weather he led his elephants by forced marches over a route hitherto considered impracticable. At great personal risk and after several vain attempts he took them across the flooded river, the bed of which consisted of shifting boulders
He thus rescued 68 sepoys and 33 other persons who were facing starvation. Without medical assistance he fed and doctored them until they were fit to proceed. He fell ill with severe fever but remained behind and was responsible for saving the lives of over 200 persons. Mr Mackrell showed the highest initiative and personal courage, and risked hardships which might easily have proved fatal

* Jonathan Maitland "(Cr 1974-1979)", ITV Television journalist [cite book |title=How to Survive Your Mother |isbn=978-0743430302 |last=Maitland |first=Jonathan |publisher=Pocket Books |edition=New Ed edition |origmonth=February |origyear=2007 |quote=Reviewer's comment: covers inter alia his time at the College.]

* Mark Mardell, Television Journalist, Radio Journalist

* Gerald Milsom, Entrepreneur and restaurateur [cite web |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article519547.ece |title=Obituaries - Gerald Milsom |quote= In 1952 Gerald Milsom bought Le Talbooth in Dedham on the Essex-Suffolk border and turned it into one of the first British restaurants to gain an international reputation. In the 1960s he went on to create an exemplary country house hotel with his Maison Talbooth |accessdate=2007-08-28 |publisher=The Times|date= 2005-05-07 ]

* Toby Nash, (real names "Lancelot Lester Nash", but always known as Toby), (b 4 February 1920, d 6 July 2005), awarded an MC in 1942 while serving with an anti-aircraft battery in Burma. [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/09/26/db2601.xml
title=Obituaries - Toby Nash |publisher="The Daily Telegraph |date=2005-09-26 |accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=One evening, a gun detachment was ambushed and Nash's troop commander killed. In the break-out from Pegu, with no time to spare, Nash set off on a motorcycle to look for the missing gun. He found it in a clearing just off the road. Its tyres were punctured and there was no way of moving it.With no time to take precautions, he rammed a round down the spout and fired it; luckily, he was not wounded in the subsequent explosion. Having found the three-ton truck that had been used to tow the gun, he set fire to his motorcycle, loaded 30 wounded men into the lorry and set off to rejoin his troop.As Nash drove, the men on board shot at everything they saw, distracting the Japanese sufficiently to enable them to get through a barrage of small arms fire. The man sitting next to Nash was hit in the head and collapsed against him, nearly sending the lorry off the road before a comrade hauled him off the steering wheel.

* Bob Nixon "(left 1940)", Cricket Broadcaster, Rhodesia [cite web |url=http://content-usa.cricinfo.com/zimbabwe/content/story/134026.html |title=Obituary - Bob Nixon |publisher=Wisden Cricinfo |date=2003-09-30 |accessdate=2007-08-14 |quote=I have always been of the opinion that a good commentator must be mindful of being a guest in the listener's home as opposed to an intruder. This was always the case with Bob. A gentle voice that belonged to a gentle man and, as it so happens, a gentleman. He was a dedicated family man who, to my knowledge, never had a bad word to say about anyone. His love for the game of cricket was clear to all who listened to him. The game and many people around the world have lost a true friend.]

* Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu "(H 1947 - 1952)", Leader of Biafra during the war with Nigeria [cite journal |last=Hanbury |first=Prof H G |authorlink= |coauthors= |year=1967 |month=January |title=OE News - News from All Quarters |journal=The Epsomian |volume=XCVII |issue=1 |pages=35 |id= |url= |accessdate=2007-08-26 |quote=Colonel C O Ojukwu,(47-52, H), Military Governor of Eastern Region, Nigeria was vigorously commended in "The Daily Telegraph", by Prof J G Hanbury, QC, for his refusal to go to Lagos for a constitutional conference, at the risk of probable assassination. Prof Hanbury considers that as 'an intensely patriotic Nigerian,' Col Ojukwu 'will spare no effort to hold the federation together,' but if there is no way open except secession 'he will take steps to placate the minority in Rivers and Calabar provinces and may hope to carry the East to new prosperity' ]

* Pareg Patel "(1989-1994)", Full bore rifle Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist 2006 [cite web |url=http://www.epsomcollege.org/page.php?p=205 |title=OE Rifle Club |accessdate=2007-08-12] [cite web |url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/commonwealth_games/4661420.stm |title=BBC list of England squad for the Commonwealth Games 2006 |accessdate=2007-08-14]

* Nick Paton-Walsh, "(R 1990-1995)" Foreign Correspondent for Channel 4 News, [cite web |url=http://www.channel4.com/news/authors/nick+paton+walsh/106175 |title=Channel 4 News |accessdate=2007-08-12] formerly with The Guardian [cite web |url=http://commentisfree.guardian.co.uk/nick_paton_walsh/profile.html |title=The Guardian |accessdate=2007-08-14 retrieved 12th August 2007]

*Terence Pepper "(G 1962-1967)", Curator of Photographs at the National Portrait Gallery

* John Piper "(left 1919)", Cubist artist

* Geoffrey Pope, Director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment [cite web |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article400202.ece|title=Obitiaries - Geoffrey Pope|quote= Geoffrey Pope made fundamental contributions to the design of modern aircraft and served as Director of the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough. His final decade was devoted to Exeter University.|accessdate=2007-08-28|publisher=The Times|date=2004-12-08 ]

* Sir Philip Powell, (b 15 March 1921, d 5 May 2003) half of one of the most important British architectural partnerships - Powell & Moya - with Hidalgo Moya, of the post-war period [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/05/20/db2002.xml |publisher=The Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Sir Philip Powell |accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=Building started on the Queen Elizabeth Conference Hall, opposite Westminster Abbey and next to the neo-classical Methodist Central Hall, in 1975, and was completed - "probably by an oversight", Powell later noted - under Margaret Thatcher. She made no effort to hide her dislike for the modernist scheme when she sat next to Powell at a dinner at the Royal Academy - a meeting he later described as "hair-raising".]

* Richard Ratner, (b 21 September 1949, d 7 October 2007) "(HS & G 1961-1968)", retail industry analyst and a vice-chairman at Seymour Pierce, the boutique broking house; cousin of Gerald Ratner. [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/news/2007/10/10/db1002.xml|publisher=Daily Telegraph|title=Obituaries - Richard Ratner|date=2007-10-10|quote=A man for the big picture rather than a close student of balance-sheet detailwith a background of hands-on experience in the textile business and a tireless appetite for networkinghe was ideally placed to pass comment on a sector driven by larger-than-life entrepreneurial personalities.|accessdate=2007-10-10]

* Major-General Jim Robertson, (b 23 March 1901, d 11 February 2004), "(C 1924-1928)", commanded the 1/7th Gurkha Rifles in Burma and the 1/6th Gurkha Rifles in Malaya; a formidable field commander, he was awarded two DSOs and was four times mentioned in dispatches. [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/02/17/db1701.xml |publisher=Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Major-General Jim Robertson |date=2004-02-16 |quote=The commander of 17th Indian Division, Major-General "Punch" Cowan, had the highest regard for Robertson's abilities. If there was a tough job to be done, he used to say: "Send for Jim."|accessdate=2007-08-28 ]

to Z

* John Scarlett, head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6)

* Edward Smyth, orthopaedic surgeon and an intrepid mountaineer, skier and sailor [cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/23/db2302.xml|publisher=The Daily Telegraph|title=Obituaries - Edward Smyth|date=2005-11-23|accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=...Smyth practised orthopaedics in Calgary, after which he joined a Canadian relief organisation, working in the Yukon in the north of Canada. He would make frequent trips up the Alaska highway or by small aircraft, and in later life he enjoyed recounting his adventures; medical conditions were primitive, and it was not unusual to see children spitting out their tonsils from a make-shift operating table in the village street. On one occasion he found that the only way he could get his sea-plane off a small lake was by tethering its rear to a tree and cutting the rope when the engines were flat out.]

* Flaxman Charles John Spurrell, Archaeologist and Photographer

* Lt-Col Alex Simson, (b 2 February 1918, d 20 July 2004), awarded an MC in 1943 while leading mine-clearing parties in the last phase of the battle for Tunis [ cite web |url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2004/09/20/db2002.xml
publisher=The Daily Telegraph |title=Obituaries - Lt-Col Alex Simpson |date=2004-09-19 |accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote=On one occasion, in a small town in Tunisia, Simson's troop freed one of the local dignitaries who had been hiding with his family in the cellar of their house. A bottle of vintage Cognac, long buried in the garden, was produced and when the celebrations were well under way the man offered his young daughter to Simson in gratitude. Simson declined - the girl was no beauty, he said afterwards - and his diplomatic skills were tested to the full.

*Joe Strummer, co-founder, lyricist, rhythm guitarist and lead singer of the English punk rock band The Clash, and later The Mescaleros

* Graham Sutherland "(left 1918)" Artist

* Andrew Vallance Owen Doctor / MD of BUPA

* Jeremy Vine "(H 1976-1982)", BBC Television journalist and Radio Presenter, brother of Tim

* Tim Vine "(H 1980-1985)", comedian, brother of Jeremy

* Nicholas Witchell, BBC Television journalist

* Julian Worricker "(R 1976-1980)", BBC Radio journalist

Notable Staff

* Robert Roseveare, Bletchley Park cryptographer [cite web |url=http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/obituaries/article409093.ece |publisher=The Times|title=Obituaries - Robert Roseveare |date=2005-01-07|accessdate=2007-08-28 |quote= The mathematician Robert Arthur Roseveare was recruited, as soon as he finished school, to work as a cryptographer at the Government Code and Cipher School (GC&CS) at Bletchley Park, Buckinghamshire, north of London. He was one of the early codebreakers who, during the Second World War, after a short period of training, joined a team that deciphered messages encoded by German Enigma machines]
* Nigel Starmer-Smith, Taught Geography while scrum-half for England rugby union team, prior to his TV Rugby commentary role at the BBC [cite web |url=http://www.independent.ie/sport/other-sports/losing-perspective-inside-the-commentators-bubble-1074532.html|publisher=The Irish Independent|title=Losing perspective inside the commentator's bubble|date=2007-09-09|accessdate=2007-09-10 |quote= The venerable Starmers has 25 years of BBC commentary behind him. He played rugby for Oxford University, Harlequins and England. He taught geography at Epsom College. His is a mature vintage, a deep bouquet, an elegant nose. A man of judgement, discernment, eloquence.]


Further reading and sources

*cite book |title=Epsom College the First 125 Years | last=Salmon |first=Michael A | year=1980 |publisher=Old Epsomian Club |ref=Sal 145 pages.
*cite book |title=Benevolence and Excellence: 150 Years of the Royal Medical Foundation of Epsom College |last=Scadding |first=Alan |year=2004 |month=November |day=17 | publisher=Epsom College |isbn=0954954904 |ref=Scad 134 pages.

ee also

*List of Victoria Crosses by School

External links

* [http://epsomcollege.web-intouch.com/ Alumni]
* [http://www.epsomcollege.org.uk/ Epsom college web site]
* [http://www.oelodge.org/ Old Epsomian Lodge]
* [http://www.royalmedicalfoundation.org/ Royal Medical Foundation web site]
* [http://goodschoolsguide.co.uk/school/epsom-college.html Profile at the Good Schools Guide]

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