
Grave with burial vault awaiting coffin

A grave is a location where a dead body (typically that of a human, although sometimes that of an animal) is buried. Graves are usually located in special areas set aside for the purpose of burial, such as graveyards or cemeteries.

Certain details of a grave, such as the state of the body found within it and any objects found with the body, may provide information for archaeologists about how the body may have lived before its death, including (but not limited to) the time period in which it lived and the culture that it had been a part of.

In some religions, such as the religion of Satanism, it is believed that the body must be burned for the soul to survive; in others, the complete decomposition of the body is considered to be important for the rest of the soul (See Bereavement in Judaism).


Parts of a grave

The parts of a grave are usually:

Grave cut. The excavation that formed the grave. This can vary from a shallow scraping, to removal of topsoil to a depth of 6 feet (1.8 metres), or more where a vault or burial chamber is to be constructed. However, most modern graves in the United States are only 4 feet deep as the casket is placed into a concrete box which prevents a sinkhole, is strong enough to be driven over, and won't float in a flood.

Excavated soil. The material dug up when the grave is excavated. It is often piled up close to the grave for backfilling and then returned to the grave to cover it. As soil decompresses when excavated and space is occupied by the burial not all the volume of soil fits back in the hole, so often evidence is found of remaining soil. In cemeteries this may end up as a thick layer of soil overlying the original ground surface.

Burial or interment. The body may be placed in a coffin or other container, in a wide range of positions, by itself or in a multiple burial, with or without personal possessions of the deceased.

Burial vault. A vault is a structure built within the grave to receive the body. It may be used to prevent crushing of the remains, allow for multiple burials such as a family vault, retrieval of remains for transfer to an ossuary, or because it forms a monument.

Grave backfill. The soil returned to the grave cut following burial. This material may contain artifacts derived from the original excavation and prior site use, deliberately placed goods or artifacts or later material. The fill may be left level with the ground or mounded.

Monument or marker. Headstones are best known, but they can be supplemented by decorative edging, foot stones, posts to support items, a solid covering or other options.

Graveyard and cemeteries

Graveyard in Varengeville-sur-Mer, France

Graveyards were usually established at the same time as the building of the relevant place of worship (which can date back to the 8th to 14th centuries) and were often used by those families who could not afford to be buried inside or beneath the place of worship itself. In most cultures those who were vastly rich, had important professions, were part of the nobility or were of any other high social status were usually buried in individual crypts inside or beneath the relevant place of worship with an indication of the name of the deceased, date of death and other biographical data. In Europe this was often accompanied with a depiction of their family coat of arms.

Later graveyards have been replaced by cemeteries.

See also

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  • grave — [ grav ] adj. • déb. XIVe « important »; lat. gravis I ♦ Abstrait 1 ♦ (1542) Vieilli Qui se comporte, agit avec réserve et dignité; qui donne de l importance aux choses. ⇒ austère, digne, posé, sérieux. Un grave magistra …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • grave — 1. (gra v . Du temps de Chifflet, Gramm. p. 183, on prononçait grâve) adj. 1°   Terme de physique. Qui a un certain poids. Les corps graves. 2°   Fig. Qui a du poids, du sérieux, de la réserve. •   Et certainement, messieurs, je puis dire avec… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Grave — Grave, a. [Compar. {Graver} (gr[=a]v [ e]r); superl. {Gravest.}] [F., fr. L. gravis heavy; cf. It. & Sp. grave heavy, grave. See {Grief.}] 1. Of great weight; heavy; ponderous. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] His shield grave and great. Chapman. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • GRAVE — GRAVE, GRAVITÉ.     Grave, au sens moral, tient toujours du physique; il exprime quelque chose de poids; c est pourquoi on dit, Un homme, un auteur, des maximes de poids, pour homme, auteur, maximes graves. Le grave est au sérieux ce que le… …   Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire

  • Grave — puede referirse a: Pesado Véanse también: Peso y Gravedad Serio, respetable, importante, difícil, molesto Sonido grave Voz grave Palabra grave, la que se acentúa en la penúltima sílaba (véase también acento grave). Enfermedad grave, aquella… …   Wikipedia Español

  • grave — adjetivo 1. (antepuesto / pospuesto) Que tiene mucha importancia, puede encerrar peligro o tener consecuencias perjudiciales: Es un asunto grave, habrá que verlo despacio. Ha cometido un grave error. enfermedad grave. 2. (estar) Que está muy… …   Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española

  • grave — GRAVE. adj. de tout genre. Pesant. N est en usage au propre que dans le dogmatique, & en cette phrase. Les corps graves. Il signifie fig. Serieux, qui agit, qui parle avec un air sage, avec dignité & circonspection. Un grave Magistrat. il est… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • grave — grave1 [grāv] adj. graver, gravest [Fr < L gravis, heavy, weighty < IE base * gwer , heavy, mill > QUERN, Gr barys, heavy, Sans gurúh, grave] 1. a) requiring serious thought; important; weighty [grave doubts] b) not light or tri …   English World dictionary

  • GRAVE (J.) — GRAVE JEAN (1854 1939) Né dans le Puy de Dôme, Jean Grave suit à Paris l’enseignement des Frères des écoles chrétiennes jusqu’à l’âge de onze ans. Mis en apprentissage, il se forme lui même grâce à de nombreuses lectures. Jean Grave succède à son …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • grave — (Del lat. gravis). 1. adj. Dicho de una cosa: Que pesa. U. t. c. s. m. La caída de los graves. 2. Grande, de mucha entidad o importancia. Negocio, enfermedad grave. 3. Enfermo de cuidado. 4. Circunspecto, serio, que causa respeto y veneración. 5 …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Grave — Grave, v. t. [imp. {Graved} (gr[=a]vd); p. p. {Graven} (gr[=a]v n) or {Graved}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Graving}.] [AS. grafan to dig, grave, engrave; akin to OFries. greva, D. graven, G. graben, OHG. & Goth. graban, Dan. grabe, Sw. gr[aum]fva, Icel.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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